
Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi


After two changes, the Qin State significantly increased its national strength and rose rapidly and strongly.

It can be intuitively felt that Qin's economic size and military strength have risen all the way, accompanied by the improvement of national influence and international status.

"The princes are inferior to Qin, and the ugliness is great", is Qin Xiaogong's voice before the law.

At that time, once the princes of Shandong talked about the Qin State, they all had a disdainful attitude, and even equated them with Xirong and regarded them as barbarians, which made Qin Jun feel extremely ashamed.

All countries will be in alliance, and they will not play with the Qin State, and they will not consider the thoughts and demands of the Qin people at all.

Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi

Beginning in 351 BC, the attitude of the vassal states began to change. During the Zhangshui Alliance, King Qi Wei proposed - let's stop the big fight, and be wary of the Qin State in the west, this guy makes me feel murderous and very threatening.

Wei and Zhao agreed, and Wei, after reaping a lot of benefits, agreed to return Handan to Zhao and was responsible for holding on to Luoshui to suppress Qin's development.

Of course, the Qin State did not want to see this situation, so Shang Ying made Wei, and while showing weakness, he begged Wei Fu to be king.

Wei Gang's brain was hot, and the strategic layout moved eastward, moved the capital to Daliang, and became the king.

Qi Chu was furious, besieged the Wei State, and fell into a melee again. Qin Xiaogong and Shang Ying were at home, smiling from ear to ear.

After fighting each other for several years, the State of Qi and the State of Chu proposed reconciliation, and the Marquis of Wei surrendered himself to the title of king, remembering his mission - to reject Qin.

Suddenly, Wei Fu's brain was hot again, and he wanted to annex Korea, triggering the Battle of Nanliang and the Battle of Maling, and the princes of the Central Plains pinched again.

Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi

In 343 BC, the Battle of Qi Wei and Maling ended, and Wei lost 100,000 elites and was basically abandoned. At the same time, the Qin State completely passed the growth period and became a monster.

Zhou Tianzi sent an envoy to send sorrel meat to Qin Xiaogong, named "Uncle Fang", and respected him as the chief of the princes.

The state of Qin was no longer a weak state to be despised by others, and even the Son of Heaven had to rely on the Marquis of Qin to ensure the stability of Gyeonggi.

When King Wei Hui understood, it was too late, and Wei had lost its original strength and had no capital to control the situation.

Naturally, the Qin people would not let go of the opportunity of the decline of the Wei state, and from 340 BC onwards, the Qin division continued to attack Hexi, intending to seize the Cuihan Pass and occupy the important land for eastward development.

Daliang made Gongsun Ying's attack on Hexi, and the Wei State, with Gongzi Wei as the main commander, led a small number of troops on the western front to defend it.

Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi

Gongzi Wei is Wei Ying's half-brother and serves as the county guard of Hexi.

This person's brain, which is similar to his brother's, is in a state of atrophy.

Before the war, Shang Ying wrote a letter to Gongzi, which said: When I was in Wei, I was buddies with Gongzi, and we had a happy time and drank twice. Now that you and I have become generals of two hostile countries, thinking of the old relationship, I can't bear to attack Gongzi's army, so I hope to meet Gongzi face to face, make an alliance, drink a few more glasses happily, and then withdraw their troops, so that Qin and Wei can be safe.

Gongzi really believed it, he really went, he just went, and he didn't bring the army with him, but he was captured.

Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi

How important the Hexi region is to the Qin and Wei countries, presumably Gongzi Wei will not know that he, as the commander of Hexi County and the commander of the army, is so rash and dangerous, which is really incredible.

Shang Ying was only dedicated to making meritorious contributions, killing so many people in the Qin State, and even daring to cut off Gongzi's pious nose, who did he talk to about friendship, how could he not bear to meet each other?

Besides, Shang Ying did not bring his own soldiers, but Qin Xiaogong's soldiers, and the king's order was in his body, how could he say that he could retreat if he retreated? If this battle is not fought, how will he explain when he goes back, how will he explain to the generals and soldiers below, everyone is looking forward to receiving meritorious service!

Childe Wei is really a cute baby, ignoring a bunch of obvious factors, and giving a piece of candy is a mess.

Gongzi Wei has always had the style of an ancient gentleman, and when he received a letter from Shang Ying, he gave up half of Hexi

Shang Ying captured Gongzi and said with a smile: I appreciate a brother like you who has the legacy of an ancient gentleman.

The Wei army suddenly lost its commander, fell into chaos and demoralization, and fled after the defeat.

The vitality of the Maling fiasco had not yet recovered, and the country was empty, and King Wei Hui was shocked when he heard it, saying that he was extremely frightened, and ceded the city in order to seek peace.