
People with strong discernment will not have deep friendships with people with these 3 states, this is not cold but pattern

author:Oxygen Apocalypse
People with strong discernment will not have deep friendships with people with these 3 states, this is not cold but pattern

There is a saying in "East Evil and West Poison": "Anyone can become vicious, as long as you have tried what jealousy is." ”

People's hearts are deceitful and difficult to guess, and no matter how good the relationship is, two people may become ruthless and ruthless because of jealousy.

But we can't just give up making friends, and when we meet sincere people, we still have to treat them with heart.

What is a person's character and whether there is a bottom line, in fact, it can be seen through the details.

A discerning person will not have a deep friendship with a person who has these three states, this is not the depth of the city but wisdom.

01: People who are accustomed to avoiding their eyes are mostly insincere in their hearts

People who like you and appreciate you have light in their eyes.

Even if you see your shortcomings, being willing to tolerate them will remind you of what you need to change and pay attention to, and become better with each other.

And some people, although they didn't say a malicious word on their lips, their eyes were exposed.

People who are accustomed to avoiding your gaze are actually disgusting you. This kind of person is mostly hypocritical, and it is difficult to be sincere and trust you.

Those who are truly thoughtful will not continue to associate with insincere people.

The other party is willing to be friends with you on the surface, but they just think that you still have value to use, and they don't really appreciate you.

People who are always avoidant tend to lie more, and you can't guess which of what they say is true.

Therefore, don't be able to make deep friends, don't mention personal privacy and money-related things, don't say a word, otherwise it's easy to suffer.

People with strong discernment will not have deep friendships with people with these 3 states, this is not cold but pattern

02: People with a short personality have a hard time respecting you

A person with a truly good character is able to restrain his temper, especially when he is with a friend he cares about, and will not verbally attack and hurt the other person for no reason.

But people with a violent personality are mostly very self-centered and domineering in their hearts, as long as they are in a bad mood, they will do anything and everything, and they will not respect you at all.

Even in crowded situations, in order to satisfy his emotions, he will constantly rant at you and denigrate your self-esteem and personality.

A person with discernment will not be good friends with this kind of person. No matter how strong the other person's personal abilities are, leave too, otherwise you will be consumed by selfish people and life will be overshadowed by negative emotions.

People with poor personalities are difficult to fit in, lack empathy, and do everything in the direction they like.

No matter how much you sacrifice and compromise with your friends, if you are negligent once, you will suffer fierce moral condemnation.

Your kindness should be reserved for those who really have good qualities. The worse the temper, the less able you are to live a good life.

What they are most interested in is to find the weaknesses of those close to them, quarrel with them, and see their friends being provoked by them because of this, and they will have a strong feeling of pleasure in their hearts.

Only stupid people will continue to associate with them. The high level has long been far away.

People with strong discernment will not have deep friendships with people with these 3 states, this is not cold but pattern

03: People who have a strong sense of privacy and behave estrangedly don't treat you as a friend

As the old saying goes, "Different ways do not conspire with each other." ”

You may have some overlap because of work or school. You genuinely treat each other as friends, work hard and show sincerity.

However, after persisting for a period of time, you find that your friend's sense of privacy is still very strong, and they will deliberately alienate you in behavior.

The other party's state is actually telling you that he doesn't want to make you a friend, so why do you have a hot face and a cold ass? Behavioral distancing is evidence of hating you.

Some people will not understand this and will have masochistic tendencies. The more emotions you can't get, the more you want them, even if it's friendship.

Only rational people know that it is time to stop losses in time, and they will never have deep friendships with people who deliberately alienate themselves.

It's extremely dangerous for you to tell the other person everything on your mind, because he doesn't treat you as a friend at all.

When there are entanglements of interests between each other, you will be in a very passive state.

The smarter the person, the less likely they are to get themselves into trouble and keep their distance after seeing clearly.