
The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization

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Mr. Chen is a retired bank clerk who fell in love with tea at the age of 62. The family lives in a quiet town where tea has become almost a part of life.

Every time Mr. Chen goes out, he always likes to go to the teahouse in the town to sit down, taste new tea, and chat about old things. The days passed peacefully until one day, when the unexpected suddenly struck.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

That morning, Mr. Chen, as usual, sat at home and leisurely drank his beloved Pu'er tea.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of dizziness, followed by numbness and weakness in half of his body, and he couldn't even speak clearly, and his family immediately called the 120 emergency number and sent him to the nearest hospital.

In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctors quickly carried out a series of tests: blood pressure, blood sugar, electrocardiogram and head CT, etc., and the results showed that Mr. Chen had a cerebral infarction.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

The attending doctor calmly explained to Mr. Chen's family, "Mr. Chen's condition was caused by a blockage of blood vessels in the brain, commonly known as cerebral infarction. This condition is quite serious and requires immediate hospitalization. ”

During the hospitalization, the doctor further learned about Mr. Chen's living habits, especially his diet and tea drinking, and after detailed inquiry, the doctor found that Mr. Chen drank a large amount of strong tea every day, especially Pu'er and black tea.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

These teas are high in caffeine and tea polyphenols, which may be detrimental to the vascular health of the elderly when consumed in large quantities for a long time.

"The elderly should drink tea in moderation, especially the types of tea that need to be carefully chosen."

The doctor patiently said to Mr. Chen's family, "Like Pu'er tea, black tea and some fermented teas, they contain more caffeine and tea polyphenols, which will increase the burden on the cardiovascular system and may even induce cerebral infarction." ”

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

Mr. Chen's son was a little puzzled: "Isn't drinking tea good for your body?" How can there be such a big risk? ”

The doctor explained: "Drinking tea in moderation is indeed good for health, but excessive consumption or improper selection of tea leaves can be risky for the elderly.

The caffeine in strong tea can cause blood pressure to rise, accelerate the heartbeat, which is very dangerous for people at risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and excessive tea polyphenols may also trigger a series of metabolic problems. ”

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

After treatment and recuperation, Mr. Chen's condition has improved, but he still needs long-term medication and regular check-ups.

When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor specifically instructed him to adjust his tea drinking habits, choose some tea leaves that are more beneficial to his health, such as green tea, white tea, etc., and control the amount of tea he drinks every day within the appropriate range.

Since then, Mr. Chen has strictly followed the doctor's instructions, only drank one or two cups of weak tea a day, and paid attention to diet and exercise, and his life gradually returned to peace.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

Through this incident, we can deeply realize that the elderly need to pay special attention to the following points when drinking tea:

First, choose the right tea leaves. Older people should try to choose tea leaves that contain less caffeine, such as green tea, white tea, and flower tea.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; White tea is cold, has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, and is suitable for drinking in summer; Flower tea regulates the body and mind, and helps with sleep and relaxation.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

Second, limit the amount you drink. The amount of tea drunk per day should be moderate and should not be excessive. Generally speaking, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of weak tea a day, not too strong.

Strong tea has a high content of caffeine and tea polyphenols, which can easily adversely affect the body.

Also, pay attention to the time of drinking tea. It is best for the elderly to drink tea within half an hour to an hour after eating, and it is not advisable to drink tea on an empty stomach or before going to bed.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

Drinking tea on an empty stomach is easy to irritate the gastric mucosa and affect digestive function; Drinking tea before going to bed may cause insomnia and affect the quality of sleep.

Finally, focus on your health. Elderly people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes should be extra cautious when drinking tea, and it is best to choose the appropriate amount of tea and drink under the advice of a doctor.

At the same time, have regular physical examinations to understand your physical condition and adjust your tea drinking habits in time as needed.

The 62-year-old uncle loves to drink tea, and died of a cerebral infarction a year later.

Mr. Chen's experience is a wake-up call that even habits in daily life can have serious health impacts if we don't pay attention to ways and means.

While enjoying life, the elderly should pay more attention to the maintenance of health, drink tea scientifically, and maintain good living habits, so as to better enjoy the good times in their later years.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】