
The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization

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In the scorching summer, the high temperature continues unabated. The health threats faced by people over the age of 65 are not only high blood pressure, but also low blood pressure.

Uncle Zhang, 68 years old, was an experienced chef before retiring, and the story begins on a hot afternoon when he felt dizzy and decided to go to a nearby hospital for a check-up.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang hobbled into the emergency room, and the doctor who received him was a young internist, and the doctor asked kindly, "Uncle Zhang, where are you not feeling well today?" ”

Uncle Zhang replied, "Doctor, I feel very dizzy today, a little panicked, and I want to vomit a little. ”

After hearing this, the doctor immediately began to measure Uncle Zhang's blood pressure, and the results showed that Uncle Zhang's blood pressure was only 90/60 mmHg.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

The doctor frowned and said to Uncle Zhang, "Your blood pressure is a little low, have you not drunk enough water these days, or have you not eaten well?" ”

Uncle Zhang nodded and said, "It's true that my appetite is not very good these days, the weather is too hot, and I don't drink too much water." ”

The doctor suggested that Uncle Zhang do a comprehensive examination, including electrocardiogram, blood tests, etc., Uncle Zhang agreed, and was then taken by the nurse for various examinations.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

Soon after, the results of the examination came back, and no other obvious abnormalities were found except for low blood pressure.

The doctor explained: "Uncle Zhang, your body is generally fine, but low blood pressure is very dangerous in hot weather.

High temperature will cause dehydration in the body, and dehydration will further reduce blood pressure, affect the blood supply to the brain, and easily cause symptoms such as dizziness and palpitation. ”

Uncle Zhang asked with some concern, "Then what should I do?" ”

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

The doctor patiently explained: "First of all, you need to ensure adequate water intake, drink as much water as possible, especially drinks containing electrolytes, and secondly, pay attention to a balanced diet and eat more salt-rich foods.

Finally, try to avoid going out during hot hours to keep it cool indoors. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded and took note of the doctor's advice. He stayed in the hospital for a while, waited until his physical condition improved, and then slowly returned home.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

In the next few days, Uncle Zhang acted in strict accordance with the doctor's advice, drank water regularly every day, adjusted his diet, avoided going out during the high temperature period, and his physical condition gradually returned to normal.

The effects of low blood pressure, especially in hot weather, on the elderly cannot be ignored. In a high-temperature environment, the blood vessels in the skin will dilate in order to dissipate heat, causing blood pressure to drop.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

If you don't have enough water intake at this time, it will cause dehydration, further lower blood pressure, and easily cause a series of health problems, such as dizziness, tiredness, and even fainting.

Therefore, the elderly over 65 years old should pay special attention to the following points in hot weather:

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

1. Maintain adequate water intake: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and if you sweat a lot, you also need to increase your water intake appropriately. Drinks that contain electrolytes, such as sports drinks, are also good options.

2. Balanced diet: Hot weather is easy to make people lose their appetite, but the elderly should maintain a balanced diet and eat more foods rich in salt and potassium, such as bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, etc., to help maintain electrolyte balance.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

3. Avoid going out during hot hours: Try to go out in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and avoid outdoor activities during high temperature hours at noon or afternoon.

4. Wear appropriate clothing: Choose lightweight, breathable, and sweat-wicking clothing to help your body better dissipate heat.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

5. Indoor cooling measures: use air conditioners, fans and other equipment to keep the room cool, and if necessary, you can apply a cold towel to your forehead or neck to cool down.

6. Monitor blood pressure regularly: Especially the elderly with a history of low blood pressure, they should monitor their blood pressure more frequently in hot weather, and seek medical attention in time once abnormalities are found.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

7. Pay attention to positional changes: Avoid getting up suddenly or switching from a sitting position to a standing position to prevent dizziness caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

8. Maintain proper exercise: While outdoor activities should be avoided during hot periods, a moderate amount of indoor exercise in the morning and evening can help promote blood circulation and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang's experience has taught us a vivid health lesson. The elderly are at high risk of hypotension, especially in hot weather, and should pay more attention to prevention and protection.

For families with elderly people at home, it is more important to pay attention to their health status, remind them in time and help them take appropriate protective measures.

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

In general, in hot weather, the elderly should develop good living habits, pay attention to diet and water intake, and avoid long-term exposure to high temperatures in order to ensure good health and stay away from the threat of low blood pressure under the company of family members and the guidance of doctors.

Uncle Zhang's story is not only an individual experience, but also a reminder to all the elderly and their families:

The high temperature continues, and the elderly over 65 years old should pay attention to this blood pressure problem, which is more dangerous than high blood pressure!

In the hot summer weather, it is the common responsibility of every family to reasonably prevent low blood pressure and maintain a healthy lifestyle. By working together, we can help seniors have a safe, healthy summer.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】