
【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

author:CREC China Railway Zhang Xin

China Railway Fifth Bureau

Road & Bridge Company

Weekly Newsletter

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

Qing Renjie, deputy director of the Nansha District Construction Center, arrived

The company's Phoenix Avenue project carried out a safety inspection before opening to traffic

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

On June 30, Qing Renjie, deputy director of the construction center of Nansha District, went to the company's Phoenix Avenue project to conduct a safety inspection before the opening of 630, and listened to a detailed report on the construction content of the project, such as the project overview, construction process, and technological process.

Qing Renjie emphasized the safety production work of the project, and required the project to strictly control the construction safety and quality standards, while fully realizing the importance of this large-scale investigation, further improving traffic safety facilities, doing a good job in all kinds of safety signs, doing a good job in ancillary work along the road, and making every effort to promote the sales of the remaining ancillary projects, and comprehensively doing a good job in the "closing management" of the project.

Guangmian Company Inspection Team

Carry out safety and environmental protection inspections in the company's Guangmian project

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

Recently, the inspection team of Guangmian Company carried out a safety and environmental protection inspection on the company's Guangmian project. The inspection team inspected the safety control, project progress, and environmental protection of each construction site in an all-round way through on-site inspections and listening to reports.

The inspection team emphasized that the project should continue to strengthen the safety education of employees, and work key tasks such as construction site construction, video surveillance access, flood prevention and disaster reduction, special equipment management and ecological environmental protection, so as to ensure the implementation of various safety production work deployments of superiors.

The internal audit team of the bureau went to the company's 2022 NJY-8 plot in Nansha, Guangzhou

Project inspection and guidance

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

From June 28th to 29th, the internal audit team of China Railway Fifth Bureau went to the company's 2022 NJY-8 plot project in Nansha, Guangzhou to carry out inspection and guidance.

The internal audit team conducted a joint inspection of the production management work of the project site such as safe construction, safety, quality and environmental supervision, construction technology and other production management by inspecting the site, extracting reports, auditing materials, and exchanging inquiries, and put forward rectification opinions on the problems found in the inspection. The project department attaches great importance to the problem, communicates and learns closely with the internal audit team, and resolutely and seriously rectifies it.

The party branch of the company's Taipingling project is united with the party committee of Huizhou company

Hold a calligraphy and painting activity of "Breeze with me, honest with me".

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

In order to accurately grasp the background and significance of the revision of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and further deepen and strengthen the understanding of the importance of the party's discipline construction, on June 27, the party branch of the company's Taipingling project and the party committee of Huizhou company jointly held the calligraphy and painting activity of "Breeze with me, honest with me", and carried out party discipline learning and education through calligraphy and painting. More than 60 calligraphy and painting enthusiasts actively participated in the event, and nearly 100 excellent works were produced.

The company's Guangzhou Nansha 2022NJY-8 plot project

Cooperate with the owner unit to carry out summer cooling activities

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

In order to further implement the heatstroke prevention and cooling work in the high temperature season and ensure the physical and mental health of the front-line operators of the project, on June 28, the party branch of the company's 2022 NJY-8 plot project in Nansha, Guangzhou, and the party branch of Keyuan Real Estate carried out a summer cooling activity. During the event, representatives of the project and the co-construction units expressed their gratitude to the front-line workers for their hard work, sent heatstroke prevention and cooling materials such as heatstroke relief drinks, mung beans, and wind oil essence to the workers, and told everyone to do a good job in personal protection and heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, and always put physical and mental health and life safety first.

The company's Enyang project carried out emergency drills for flood control and flood control

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

On June 24, in order to enhance the flood prevention awareness and emergency response ability of all employees and ensure the safety of construction during the flood season, the company's Enyang project organized a flood control emergency drill at the construction site. The drill simulated the emergency situation of the river rising due to heavy rain and the dangerous situation at the construction site, and the emergency teams acted quickly, activated the emergency plan, properly arranged materials and equipment, organized personnel to evacuate, carried out emergency rescue, and issued safety tips...... The drill had a clear division of labor and tacit cooperation, which showed the good organization and coordination ability and emergency response ability of the project department, and reflected the great importance that the project attaches to safety production and life safety.

The company's Fangchenggang project carried out emergency drills to prevent heat stroke

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

In order to improve the ability of employees to respond to hot weather emergencies and ensure the safety of on-site personnel. On June 30, the company's Fangchenggang project carried out an emergency drill to prevent heat stroke. The drill simulated heat stroke during the construction of personnel, headache, nausea and other symptoms, the rescue team acted quickly, moved the "patient" to a cool place to cool down, and supplemented with normal saline until he regained consciousness. At the same time, the logistics support team called the emergency number in a timely manner. After the drill, the project leader reviewed and summarized the drill and put forward suggestions for improvement.

The company's Anhui area project organized a collective birthday party in the second quarter

【China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Weekly News】This week's highlights Please check

In order to continue to promote the activity of "I do practical things for the masses", enhance the sense of identity and belonging of employees. On June 25, the company's Anhui area project carefully prepared a collective birthday party for the employees who had their birthdays in the second quarter, so that the employees really felt the warmth of the "workers' home" and improved the happiness index of every employee.

Source: China Railway Fifth Bureau Road and Bridge Company