
I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

author:Ling Ling Qi Entertainment
I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Liu Xiaoqing, an old actor and topical figure, once again appeared on the hot search list of the entertainment industry. At the age of 73 this year, with an old and strong momentum, she confidently said that she is not only physically tough, but also can easily play the role of a young person. Not only that, but she unabashedly "recommended" Daji to the crew to perform in "Fengshen List", and bluntly said that she was definitely the best candidate.

This remark quickly spread on the Internet, causing heated discussions and ridicule among many netizens. Some people have said that Grandma Liu's tone is really a ceiling-level self-confidence, and this attitude of not being afraid of time and daring to challenge is indeed admirable. A netizen joked: "Grandma Liu's self-confidence is even higher than that of us young people!" No wonder she survived until now. ”

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Many netizens also took the opportunity to mention the role in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that Liu Xiaoqing almost played, especially the role of Haoyue. Some people imagined: "If Grandma Liu really played Haoyue back then, what would be the effect?" Maybe the atmosphere of the whole show will be different. These discussions not only make people feel the passage of time, but also full of admiration for Grandma Liu's acting skills and influence.

However, not all netizens agreed on Liu Xiaoqing's proposal. Some people believe that although Grandma Liu is well-maintained, if she wants to play a role like Daji, she still needs to take into account the public's aesthetics and age. A netizen said: "Grandma Liu is indeed well maintained, but playing Daji may need more charm and charm." In their opinion, Grandma Liu is more suitable to play those roles with temperament and depth, rather than young and beautiful characters.

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

In addition to Liu Xiaoqing's personal evaluation, netizens also talked about her comparison and interaction with other young actors. Yang Yang, Jiang Wenli and Ming Dao, who had worked with her, have all become the focus of discussion. Some netizens compared Liu Xiaoqing with Yang Yang and Jiang Wenli, commenting: "Although Grandma Liu is over seventy years old, her performance on the screen is still surprising. ”

For these discussions, Liu Xiaoqing did not stay away. In an interview, she bluntly expressed her love for the role and her dedication to acting. She said: "Being an actor is about constantly challenging yourself and constantly pushing your boundaries. I am willing to bring different roles and performances to the audience, and this is the meaning of my existence as an actor. ”

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

Some netizens expressed their appreciation and support for Grandma Liu's bold statement. They believe that Liu Xiaoqing's performance in the film and television industry over the years is indeed admirable, and her self-confidence and spirit of daring to challenge tradition are worthy of admiration and affirmation. Some netizens commented: "Grandma Liu is so bold, she can still be so energetic in her seventies, this kind of spirit is rare!" They believe that Grandma Liu's acting experience and artistic accomplishment are enough to support her determination to challenge young roles.

However, not all netizens were optimistic about Liu's proposal. Some people said that although Grandma Liu is well maintained, to play a role like Daji, you need not only external charm, but also temperament and expression that match the character's characteristics. A netizen commented: "Daji is not only about her appearance and age, but more importantly, her unique aura and inner charm." ”

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

During the discussion, netizens also invariably mentioned the role of Haoyue in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that Liu Xiaoqing almost performed. Someone sighed: "If Grandma Liu really played Haoyue back then, how many different colors would it add to the whole drama!" These views reflect netizens' deep concern for Grandma Liu's acting career and their expectations for her performance potential.

In addition to Liu Xiaoqing personally, netizens also began to discuss the young actors who have worked with her. Especially when it comes to the match between Liu Xiaoqing, Yang Yang and Jiang Wenli, netizens are excited to speculate and look forward to it. Someone humorously commented: "Liu Xiaoqin and Yang Yang play the couple, Zhang Han plays the third party, Jiang Wenli plays Zhang Han's incumbent, this drama is absolutely popular!" This kind of ridicule not only shows the creativity and humor of netizens, but also expresses their expectations and curiosity about these actors.

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

In this discussion, Liu Xiaoqing herself also expressed her love for the role and her persistence in her acting career. She said frankly in an interview: "Being an actor is about constantly challenging myself, and I am willing to bring different roles and performances to the audience." Her remarks demonstrate her passion for acting and her relentless pursuit of the performing arts.

In the discussion, some people pointed out that the image created by Grandma Liu over the years is more inclined to the old drama bones with elegant temperament, rather than the young and charming character of Daji. A netizen commented: "Grandma Liu's acting style and connotation make people feel that she is more suitable for playing roles with depth and a sense of history, rather than the kind of roles that require a lot of makeup and youth." ”

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

In addition, some netizens also mentioned the image positioning of the role of Daji in the hearts of the audience. They believe that the audience has a certain understanding and imagination of the historical figure Daji, and hopes to see a performance that is more in line with historical descriptions and mythological images. Someone said: "Daji is a character full of complex emotions and drama, and the actor needs superb acting skills to truly restore her image." ”

Regarding whether Liu Xiaoqing can be qualified for the role of Daji, the discussion among netizens revolves around her acting skills and image shaping ability. Some people believe that Grandma Liu has accumulated rich experience and profound connotations in her long-term acting career, and can interpret the role of Daji in her own unique way. They hope that Liu Xiaoqing can reinterpret this historical figure through the power of her performance, bringing new perspectives and feelings to the audience.

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

However, there are also some netizens who are skeptical about Liu Xiaoqing playing Daji. They believe that it is not just a matter of age and aesthetics, but also about the complexity of the character image and the audience's acceptance. A netizen said: "As a historical figure, Daji's image needs more historical background and spiritual connotation to support, and whether Grandma Liu can do it needs further audience feedback and director selection." ”

In addition to Liu Xiaoqing himself, netizens also mentioned other actors. For example, Yang Yang and Jiang Wenli, who shared the stage with her, and Ming Dao, who had worked with her, became the focus of discussion. Especially the contrast with the young actors, one can't help but sigh at the magic of time.

I can't laugh anymore, Liu Xiaoqing said that it was no problem for young people to act, but I died laughing in Jiang Wenli's comment area

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