
Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another
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Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

The tranquility of the deep mountains of Sichuan was shattered by a commotion. A group of villagers suddenly fell to their knees and reverently shouted "Master Guanyin". Their eyes were focused on a woman dressed in white, whose presence seemed to bring a transcendent power.

This seemingly divine figure is actually the protagonist of a scene being filmed by the crew of "Journey to the West" - Zuo Daxue, the actor of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

However, this is just one of the many incredible events that Zuo Dajun encountered during his time as Guanyin Bodhisattva. From an ordinary Hunan opera actor to being mistaken for a real bodhisattva, Zuo Dajue's experience is full of incredible coincidences.

These bizarre encounters not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also added a bit of mystery to the filming of "Journey to the West". What kind of experience made an ordinary actor become a bodhisattva incarnation in the eyes of the villagers? Let's unveil this saga together.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

In the preparation stage of "Journey to the West", director Yang Jie faced a major challenge: how to find an actor who perfectly interprets Guanyin Bodhisattva. This character not only runs through the entire series, but is also an important image loved by the audience.

When Zuo Dajun walked into the audition scene, no one expected that this actor from the Hunan Opera stage would become the final choice.

Zuo Daxue recalled the scene at that time, and his heart was full of apprehension: "Although I have some experience on the stage of Hunan opera, I am very unfamiliar with TV performance. Faced with such an important role, I can only summon up the courage to try with my understanding of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

However, it was such a seemingly risky attempt, but it touched the heart of director Yang Jie. Many years later, when Zuo Daxue curiously asked the reason for the casting, Director Yang's answer surprised and moved her: "I saw the kindness of compassion on your face, and at that moment I decided that you were the Guanyin Bodhisattva in real life."

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

This decision not only changed Zuo Dajue's career trajectory, but also injected a unique charm into "Journey to the West". Director Yang's insight has made an originally unknown Hunan opera actor become a well-known Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Behind this is the director's deep understanding of the role, and also a keen insight into the actor's potential.

Zuo Dajun sighed: "Director Yang's trust has given me great courage and motivation. I know that I am not only a role, but also the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva in people's hearts for thousands of years.

This responsibility made me devote all my heart and soul to the performances that followed.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

In the crew of "Journey to the West", chief makeup artist Wang Xizhong has witnessed the birth of countless characters. However, the Guanyin Bodhisattva played by Zuo Dajun left the deepest impression on him, not only from the importance of the role, but also from Zuo Dajue's almost magical transformation process.

Wang Xizhong recalled: "In my career, I have never seen such a quick and complete role change. When Mr. Zuo played the role of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he hardly needed any complicated makeup procedures.

All she had to do was put on that signature white robe, stand there quietly, and the whole process was complete. The most surprising thing is that it only takes five minutes.

This shift in efficiency is especially valuable in busy crews. Wang Xizhong further explained: "You must know that it often takes more than ten days to make masks for other characters, especially those monster characters.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

With just one costume, Mr. Zuo can instantly transform into Guanyin Bodhisattva, and this effect is even more realistic than those elaborate special effects makeup.

However, this rapid change in appearance is not the whole story of Zuo's charm. Every time she puts on Guanyin's costume, her entire temperament changes subtly and profoundly.

Her eyes became more compassionate and profound, and her gestures revealed an otherworldly temperament. This transformation from the inside out made everyone in the crew feel the existence of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Zuo Daxue himself was amazed by this change: "Every time I put on Guanyin's costume, I can feel a special power surging in my body. That compassion and wisdom seemed to really attach itself to me, allowing me to understand and interpret the role more deeply.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

This almost magical transformation not only saves a lot of time and resources, but more importantly, it shows the natural fit between Zuo Daxue and Guanyin's characters.

In the eyes of the crew members, Zuo Daxue seems to have really become the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, bringing a quiet and peaceful atmosphere to the entire filming process.

This five-minute miracle has become one of the most magical daily scenes during the filming of "Journey to the West", and it has also become the most unique symbol of Zuo Dajue's acting career.

It not only reflects her professionalism as an actor, but also shows the indescribable tacit understanding and integration between the character and the actor.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

During the location filming of "Journey to the West", the crew often faced many challenges brought by the weather. However, whenever Guanyin Bodhisattva, played by Zuo Dajue, appears, a series of incredible coincidences always occur, as if there is a mysterious force sheltering the crew.

When Zuo Dajun recalled these magical experiences, his eyes flashed with amazement: "When we shoot outdoors, we often encounter various weather problems. But the strange thing is that every time it was my turn to shoot the scene of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the weather would always become unusually cooperative.

"Sometimes, when we first arrived at the location, it was still cloudy, but when I changed into Guanyin's costume and was ready to start filming, the clouds would suddenly disperse and the sun would shine," she described.

What's even more surprising is that even though it was raining, as soon as I appeared, the rain would stop abruptly. This happened repeatedly, which made the whole crew feel incredible.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

This peculiar phenomenon soon became a hot topic among the crew. The staff half-jokingly called Zuo Daxue the "goddess of weather", and whenever they encountered bad weather, they would jokingly say that they needed to ask her to appear as a "manifestation".

For these unexplained coincidences, Zuo Dajun has always maintained humility and awe. "I can't understand why this is happening," she said.

Perhaps this is the compassion of Guanyin Bodhisattva. I'm just trying my best to play this role well, hoping to convey the kindness and wisdom of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

This magical experience not only added a bit of mystery to the filming process, but also made Zuo Dajun more involved in the role of Guanyin Bodhisattva. She began to believe that perhaps there was something beyond comprehension influencing her performance.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

This belief makes her more natural and calm in her interpretation of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

With the frequent occurrence of these bizarre events, the crew members also began to have a special respect for the role of Guanyin played by Zuo Dajue. They feel that this may be because the sacredness of the character itself has been reflected to some extent through Zuo Dajue's performance.

These inexplicable weather miracles have not only become one of the most fascinating anecdotes during the filming of "Journey to the West", but also add a layer of mystery to this classic work, allowing the audience to feel a trace of transcendent spirituality while enjoying the plot.

On an ordinary filming day in the mountains of Sichuan, the crew of "Journey to the West" encountered an unexpected situation, which not only shocked the entire crew, but also deeply touched Zuo Dajun's heart.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

On the same day, Zuo Daxue was dressed in the costume of Guanyin Bodhisattva and was ready to shoot on location. However, when she appears in front of the nearby villagers, an incredible scene suddenly unfolds.

Zuo Dajun recalled: "I just walked to the filming location, and before I could start the performance, I saw the surrounding villagers suddenly fall to their knees. Their mouths were full of words, and their eyes were full of awe and piety.

I was completely stunned and overwhelmed.

The villagers chanted "Guanyin Master" one after another, as if they had really seen the Bodhisattva's apparition. This scene shocked everyone present. Zuo Dajun continued: "I immediately realized what was going on and hurriedly explained to them that I was just an actor and was filming a TV series.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

However, no matter how I explained it, they insisted that I was the true Guanyin Bodhisattva.

What is even more surprising is that even after learning the truth, the villagers are still unable to get up, and their beliefs seem to be stronger than reality. This firm belief deeply touched Zuo Dajue: "I can feel the longing and awe in their eyes.

At that moment, I suddenly realized that I was not just playing a role, but carrying the beliefs and expectations of Guanyin Bodhisattva for thousands of years.

This unexpected experience had a profound impact on Zuo Dajue. She began to study the image and spiritual connotation of Guanyin Bodhisattva more seriously, hoping to truly convey the compassion and wisdom of Guanyin in her performances.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

"This incident has taught me how much responsibility I have," she said. I not only want to restore Guanyin Bodhisattva on the outside, but also embody her compassion and wisdom in my heart.

At the same time, this incident also triggered the crew's in-depth thinking about folk beliefs. Director Yang Jie later said: "Through this accident, we have a deeper understanding of the significance of the image of God and Buddha in "Journey to the West" to ordinary people.

This makes us more cautious and attentive in our subsequent creations, striving to present an image that is both in line with tradition and inspiring to the audience.

This peculiar experience not only became one of the most memorable clips during the filming of "Journey to the West", but also became the most unique memory of Zuo Dajue's acting career.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

It demonstrates the power of folk beliefs, while also reflecting the importance of Guanyin Bodhisattva in Chinese culture. For Zuo, it was a soul-touching experience that gave her a deeper understanding and awe of her character.

With the broadcast of "Journey to the West", the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva played by Zuo Daxue is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. This role not only became a masterpiece of her career, but also added a unique charm to the entire "Journey to the West".

The incredible coincidences that happened during the filming process, those touching interactions, together weave the legendary story behind this classic work.

Looking back on this unforgettable experience, Zuo Dajun's heart is surging: "Every time I think of those wonderful coincidences, I feel extremely lucky. Playing Guanyin Bodhisattva not only brought me a sense of accomplishment as an actor, but also gave me a qualitative leap in my spirit.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

She admits that over the years, countless viewers have associated her with Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is both an honor and a responsibility. "I have always believed that those who can meet Guanyin are blessed people.

And how fortunate I am to be a medium to convey this blessing.

The success of "Journey to the West" is inseparable from the dedication of every actor, but Zuo Daxue's Guanyin Bodhisattva is undoubtedly the most magical stroke. Those coincidences that cannot be explained by common sense, those moving interactions, together constitute the little-known legend behind this work.

Zuo Dajun humbly said: "Maybe all this is a gift from Guanyin Bodhisattva, so that our works can pass on more kindness and wisdom to the audience." This humble attitude, just like the compassion of Guanyin Bodhisattva, has become the most precious foundation of this legendary work.

Zuo Dajue: When I played Guanyin Bodhisattva, I encountered many coincidences, and strange things happened one after another

Today, "Journey to the West" has become a monument in the history of Chinese TV dramas, and Guanyin Bodhisattva played by Zuo Daxue has become one of the most shining pearls on this monument.

Her experience not only enriches the content of this work, but also leaves the audience with a beautiful legend about faith, art and miracle.

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