
Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

author:Shi Jiwen Tan
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Text: Weizhao R8

Editor: Weizhao R8

The introduction of the 144-hour visa-free policy has made many foreign "alternative Internet celebrities" appear in China!

Recently, an Indian "high-caste" eldest sister has become a hot topic because of her various "strange behaviors".

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Although it is a good thing to travel to China in a fashionable way, she takes other people's electric cars at will and does not pay for the bus, which makes the Chinese people extremely disgusted.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

When the woman visited China, she only had 1,000 yuan on her, but she threatened to play in China for half a year!

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

So, what exactly is this "willful" Indian female Internet celebrity going to do?

And what kind of "farce" did she stage?

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Open tourism policy

Recently, the 144-hour visa-free policy launched by the mainland has shown a role in promoting the tourism industry.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Source: 2024-06-30Red Net-144-hour transit visa-free, China's top "business card"

With the continuous influx of outsiders, some cities on the mainland have welcomed tourists from all over the world, most of whom are video bloggers or Internet celebrities.

After coming to China, these foreigners were all shocked by our strong infrastructure and modern cities.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Whether it is transportation or cultural scenery, these foreign tourists have been praised again and again, after all, China's development speed is too fast, and ordinary people abroad do not know the real China at all.

But there are pros and cons to everything, and while we receive praise, some people will smear us.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Due to the explosion in the number of foreign tourists, it is inevitable that there will be uneven quality. Although most foreign tourists maintain an objective and rational attitude towards China's current situation, there are still people who do not hesitate to open their eyes and tell nonsense in order to hack China.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

The bizarre behavior of the Indian high-caste eldest sister

The Indian high-caste eldest sister who exploded on the Internet, when she took the high-speed rail, she obviously bought the middle seat, but forcibly asked the passenger by the window to give her a seat, just because she wanted to see the scenery outside the window.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

People saw that she was a foreign tourist, and they thought that it was a rare trip, and it was understandable to want to see the scenery of China, so they took the initiative to give up their seats.

But afterwards, not only did she not express her gratitude, but instead slapped a rake, saying that people had seized her seat, and the window seat was her own!

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

This move caused dissatisfaction among the surrounding passengers, who felt that she was too unqualified, and the high-speed rail tickets were clearly numbered, and the tickets clearly said 17B, but they dared to say that others were not ashamed to say that others grabbed their seats, isn't it because they have no common sense and no quality?

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Although the passenger who changed the position of the Indian high-caste eldest sister did not say much, netizens were not used to him and complained in the comment area.

After all, the level of infrastructure in India, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is their "ticket train".

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

As long as you are bold, where you want to sit, whether you can reach the destination depends on whether the "eight characters" are hard or not.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Reference information source: Global Network, June 25, 2022 - "A man in India hit a signal light with one hand and fell to the ground"

When the Indian high-caste eldest sister arrived at the station, she got into an aunt's battery car on the road without saying a word, and then urged the aunt to drive, and directly gave the aunt a complete surprise!

In desperation, the aunt could only call the police to deal with it, and when the police arrived, the Indian high-caste eldest sister realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly found a reason to cover it up, and was extremely reluctant to get out of the car.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

After harming her aunt, she ran to the bus to make trouble, not only did not buy a ticket, but also said righteously: "In our India, you don't have to pay for the bus!" ”

One sentence made the bus driver speechless, he was not used to it, and asked the Indian eldest sister to pay, otherwise he would get off the bus.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

1,000 yuan to play in China for half a year

Since India's high-caste eldest sister came to China, she has constantly sneered at the mainland, not to mention foreign appearances, and even pushed all the problems on us, all kinds of actions, even foreign netizens can't stand it.

Especially the issue of paying for the car, because in the vast majority of countries, travel is not free, since the price of buses in China is not high, why "prostitution"?

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Let's not talk about whether the high-caste eldest sister in India plans to give money, first of all, she has no money in her pocket. Before setting off again, the Indian eldest sister swore that she only needed 1,000 yuan to play in China for half a year.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Her recent videos can be said to have a very high number of views, and she has also profited a lot from the huge traffic, but the attitude of the Indian high-caste sister towards China is extremely rude and arrogant.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Is it popular in India that brainless black is popular?

The Indian eldest sister's travel funds were only a pitiful 1,000 yuan, and after only a few days in China, they were exhausted. But she didn't think that she brought less, but began to complain that the price in China was too high, and many things were not worth the price at all.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

To be honest, 1,000 yuan, let alone traveling, will not take long for a frugal life.

No wonder everyone complains about this eldest sister, she doesn't want to spend money when she travels, does it rely on brushing her face? Are you still in India?

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Foreign netizens also had a bad opinion of her, accusing her of not knowing social etiquette and not abiding by the rules. What's more, I can't see anything meaningful after watching your video.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

The Indian elder sister was also angry about this, believing that as a high caste, she already enjoyed great rights in India, and ordinary poor people did not deserve their own respect at all.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

The caste system in India

Thinking that she was from a superior background, the Indian eldest sister wanted to gain more attention through social media, but she was disappointed.

The caste system is just a product of India, and they divide the Indian people into three, six, nine and so on, forming the shape of a pyramid. The upper castes enjoy the right to dominate, and over time, they have formed a preconceived notion that they can do whatever I want, and others must follow me, otherwise it will be a challenge to the caste system.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Perhaps the caste system has been rooted in the hearts of the Indian people for too long, and not only have they not resisted, but they even feel that they are poor because their fate should be like this, and they need people of high castes to lead them.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Don't think it's an exaggeration, the Indian caste system is a time-honored hierarchical system, and its existence has strengthened the control ability of the ruling people, but it has seriously hindered the process of political nationalization, and is the biggest stumbling block on the road to India's economic development.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

On the other hand, in China, the "princely general Xiangning has a kind of" made the Great Qin Dynasty fall under the peasant uprising, and the Chinese nation no longer believes in the so-called racial distinction, everyone is the same.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

The reason why the royal family and the big officials are high is mainly because the power in their hands is not their own bloodline.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

For more than a thousand years since then, the Chinese have gradually moved away from the concept of blood, and race has slowly evolved into a symbol.

India's prospects

It is not difficult to see from the words and deeds of the Indian high-caste eldest sister that she is used to enjoying a high-ranking life in the country, so she will do such an unbelievable behavior, but she ignores the difference in national conditions, and the high-caste she is proud of has become a joke.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

Anyone can understand that if a country wants to be rich and strong, it cannot do without everyone's struggle. But India is stuck in a caste system that cannot be eradicated completely.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution

If a person is born unable to get rid of his lower caste, will he still be willing to fight?

On the other hand, some people are born with everything, so will they still try to play their worth?

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution


The insinuating propaganda of India's high-caste eldest sister not only does not play a positive role, but also causes unnecessary contradictions.

It is hoped that India, with the largest population in the world, will soon find the right and suitable development mode for itself, so that more people can be lifted out of poverty and injustice.

Arrogant and rude! 1000 yuan want to play in China for half a year? High-caste Indian bloggers openly choose white prostitution
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