
Is the "dew" in "原形 Bi Lu" pronounced lù or lòu?

author:A guest history said

Let's talk about a particularly interesting topic today, that is, how to pronounce the word "dew" in the word "original form"?

Is the "dew" in "原形 Bi Lu" pronounced lù or lòu?

Is it pronounced lù or lòu? Don't look at this question as simple, in fact, 80% of people read it wrong!

Unbelief? Check it out!

First, let's reveal the correct answer: in this idiom, "dew" should be pronounced lù, not lòu.

Why? In fact, this is related to the two pronunciations of the word "dew" and the meaning behind it.

When pronounced lù, "dew" has the meaning of dew and dewdrops, and it also has the meaning of exposing, exposing, and revealing.

And the idiom "the original form is revealed" is precisely to describe the situation in which the true face of something or someone is completely exposed. The "dew" here is exactly the meaning of "exposed", so it should be read lù.

Is the "dew" in "原形 Bi Lu" pronounced lù or lòu?

Imagine, if we use the word "original form exposed" in detective novels to describe the true identity of the criminal being revealed by the detective, then when "dew" is read lù, does it have a feeling that the truth is revealed and there is nowhere to hide?

When pronounced lòu, "dew" is mostly used in colloquial language to refer to leakage. For example, what we often call "revealing stuffing" means that things are revealed and secrets are leaked. In this context, "Lu" is pronounced as lòu.

For a more intuitive understanding, we can compare two idioms that contain the word "dew": "sharp edge" and "leaking heavenly secrets".

"Sharp edge", where "dew" is pronounced lù, describes the sharpness and talent that are fully revealed, just like the edge of a sword, which cannot be hidden.

Is the "dew" in "原形 Bi Lu" pronounced lù or lòu?

For example, a talented young man who frequently shows amazing abilities and insights in his work, we can say that he is "sharp".

And what about the "leakage of heavenly secrets"? The word "dew" here is pronounced lòu. Originally, it referred to the leakage of mysterious and unknowable providence, and now it is often used as a metaphor for the leakage of secrets.

Imagine if an important trade secret is accidentally leaked, it can be said to be a "leak".

Through the comparison of these two idioms, we can see that the pronunciation and meaning of the word "Lu" are different in different contexts. Therefore, in the word "原形 Bilu", "Lu" is pronounced as lù, which is more accurate.

Is the "dew" in "原形 Bi Lu" pronounced lù or lòu?

The idiom "revealing the original form" tells us that no matter how much people disguise themselves, they will one day be exposed. Because the truth will always be revealed, and the mask of hypocrisy will always be taken off one day. Therefore, you still have to be honest and don't always try to hide your true face.

In daily life, due to the influence of region, habits and other factors, the pronunciation of many words is easy to be misunderstood.

For example, the "embarrassment" of "embarrassing" is mispronounced as gà by many people, when in fact it should be pronounced as gān gà. Another example is the "brewing" of "brewing", the correct pronunciation is niàng, but many people will mispronounce it as liàng.