
How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

author:A guest history said

The word "饫" in "饫gan餍fat" means full and satisfied. This word very vividly depicts the satisfaction of people after enjoying the food, just like the comfort and satisfaction in our hearts when we touch our bulging stomachs after a sumptuous feast.

How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

Now, let's talk about the interesting stories and life scenes behind the phrase "gluttony".

In ancient times, in a wealthy family, whenever there was a festival or festive occasion, the host would put on a sumptuous feast and invite relatives and friends to share the food. The table is full of delicacies from the mountains and seas, with good color, fragrance and mouth-watering. The guests sat around and tasted the delicious food in laughter, and everyone ate with relish until they were satisfied.

How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

The character "饫" in "饫甘餍肥" is pronounced as yù.

Such life scenes are not uncommon in ancient literary works. And those rich and noble children, who grew up in an environment of fine clothes and fine food, are often accustomed to such a life, and sometimes even deviate from the teachings of their fathers and brothers, abandon their studies, and achieve nothing. However, there are also some people who are still able to adhere to self-cultivation in such an environment and live up to the expectations of their families and mentors.

is like Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", although he was born in a prominent family and lived a life of "gluttony" since he was a child, he has an innocent and kind heart and is full of love for the people around him. He was not only materially wealthy, but also spiritually pursued sincere emotions and the true meaning of life.

How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

In addition to "Dream of Red Mansions", there are also many depictions of "gluttony and fat" in other ancient literary works.

For example, the heroes of Liangshan in "Water Margin", in the pride of drinking wine in a big bowl and eating meat in a large piece, also revealed their love for life and cherishing friendship.

In modern society, although "gluttony" is no longer the norm in most people's lives, every holiday or special occasion, when family and friends gather, we will also prepare a sumptuous banquet to share the joy of food.

This traditional custom is not only a love of food, but also a cherishing of family and friendship.

The phrase "disgusted with smelling" vividly expresses that we are already very familiar with a certain thing or phenomenon, and even a little tired of it. It's like the phrase we often hear, "I'm tired of hearing it", or "I've seen this kind of thing a lot".

However, even in the case of "disgusting", we can still find new fun and enlightenment in it.

How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

For example, during a tour, we may be "sick of seeing" famous places because they have been mentioned countless times in guidebooks, social media, or friends.

However, when we are truly there, we are still amazed by the magnificent scenery and deep cultural heritage. This is because we have discovered new beauty and experience in "Smell and Taste".

How do you pronounce the "饫" in "饫gan餍fat"? What does it mean?

In short, although the words "gluttony" and "disgusting" seem simple, they contain rich life philosophy and life experience.

Whether it is material satisfaction or spiritual pursuit, we should cherish the present, live up to the time, and feel every beautiful moment in life with our hearts.