
In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

In the summer of 2018, an ordinary farmer in Zaoqiang County, Hebei Province, ushered in an extraordinary moment. An admission letter from Peking University quietly arrived, carrying the future of 18-year-old girl Wang's heart.

However, when the good news of the 707-point college entrance examination score arrived, Wang Xinyi was not at home.

"She's doing a summer job out of town." The mother's voice came through the phone line, both proud and slightly helpless. This girl from a poor background used knowledge to pry open the door to change her fate, but she is still running for a living.

What is the story behind this notice? Let's unveil the life picture of this ordinary but extraordinary girl.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang's family situation is far from ordinary. In this seemingly ordinary farmhouse courtyard, fate seems to favor misery extraordinarily. Both of her parents are seriously ill and need to take medication every day to make ends meet.

My grandfather was paralyzed in bed and needed round-the-clock care. Two younger siblings are still toddlers and need more love and attention. The burden of this family of six not only weighed on her father's increasingly rickety back, but also quietly fell on the shoulders of this underage girl.

In the face of such a difficult situation, Wang Xinyi has shown maturity and tenacity far beyond her peers. She took on all the big and small affairs at home. Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the yard, she was already busy.

Cooking, laundry, cleaning, everything is difficult for her. During the busy farming season, she can often be seen in the fields, and her scythe-wielding hands are small but full of strength.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

When it comes to tending to the family's livestock, she moves as swiftly and skillfully as the adults in the village.

However, the heavy chores did not dampen Wang Xinyi's thirst for knowledge. Whenever night falls, she always lights the lamp that accompanies her hard work. Her mother often said to her: "My favorite, although our family is poor, we can't be poor in the ambition of our children."

Only knowledge can change destiny. This sentence is like a beacon, always illuminating Wang Xinyi's path to study.

Wang Xinyi's study journey was full of hardships. When she was in junior high school, due to the limited educational resources in her hometown, she had to leave her familiar environment and study in a distant village.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Although the school provided dormitories, the high cost of living was still a heavy burden for the poor family. In order to solve this problem, Wang Xinyi's mother made a moving decision.

Every day, the sick mother rides a dilapidated bicycle nearly 100 kilometers round trip to and from school for her and her younger brother. No matter how cold or hot it is, rain or shine, my mother's figure always shows up at the school gate on time.

In such an environment, Wang Xinyi has become more aware of the importance of reading. She cherishes every minute and every second of study time, and hurries to review her homework between work, and her diligent figure can always be seen in the late night light.

Her eyes were firm and bright, as if she had seen the hope of changing her destiny through knowledge.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang Xinyi's story is a microcosm of thousands of children from poor families. In a difficult environment, she uses her actions to interpret what it means to be strong and what it is to be indomitable.

Her growth trajectory is not only a story of personal struggle, but also an inspiring song of endeavor.

In 2017, the pace of the college entrance examination is approaching, and Wang Xinyi, like thousands of students preparing for the exam, began to draw a blueprint for her future. At this critical moment, she wrote a self-recommendation entitled "About Yourself, About Poverty, About Hope".

This article was originally prepared for the college entrance examination, but under the arrangement of fate, it unexpectedly attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang Xinyi's words are like a clear spring, plain and profound. Rather than playing up her predicament, she examines her predicament with an unusually mature attitude.

In the article, she wrote: "Poverty is really frustrating, but it also makes me appreciate the opportunity to learn more. I understand that only through my own efforts can I change my fate.

Such a view is particularly rare in today's impetuous society.

The article is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples. Soon, it spread quickly on the web, attracting a lot of attention. Many netizens were moved by Wang Xinyi's strength and optimism, and expressed their deep feelings.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Someone wrote in the comments: "The mentality of this young man shames me and gives me strength. Some people also sighed: "In this materialistic era, it is really rare to see such a pure soul."

However, the praise is also mixed with skepticism. Some wonder if this is a form of "poverty marketing" and whether it is using compassion to gain attention. In the face of these voices, Wang Xinyi was a little caught off guard.

When reporters came to her home for an interview, she calmly explained: "I was just writing about my true feelings, and I didn't expect it to cause such a big reaction." There was a hint of confusion in her eyes, but more of an anticipation for the future.

The article became popular not only because it describes the life of a poor girl, but more importantly because it shows the positive attitude of a young man in the face of adversity.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang Xinyi does not use poverty as an excuse to escape, but as a motivation for struggle. The tenacity and hope revealed in her words are precisely the spiritual strength that contemporary society needs most.

With the increase in attention, more and more people began to care about Wang Xinyi's story. Her experience has been a source of inspiration for others and has led more people to think about issues such as educational equity and social mobility.

This unexpectedly popular self-recommendation material not only changed Wang Xinyi's life trajectory, but also aroused the society's attention to poor students to a certain extent.

Wang Xinyi's talent, like a flower blooming in adversity, exudes a unique charm. Her story is quietly influencing more people.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

In the summer of 2018, Wang Xinyi's life ushered in an important turning point. She was successfully admitted to Peking University with an excellent score of 707 points, realizing the dream of herself and her family.

However, when the acceptance letter arrived at home, Wang Xinyi was not at home. Her mother dialed the phone excitedly, and her voice could not hide her joy: "Xinyi, you have been admitted to Peking University!" On the other end of the phone, Wang Xinyi, who was working in the summer vacation in other places, was stunned for a moment, and then burst into a bright smile, and tears of joy flashed in her eyes.

However, when she rushed home in the dust, ready to welcome a new chapter in her life, she found that her door was crowded with media reporters. It turned out that her self-recommendation materials had been widely circulated on the Internet and attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

Many caring people have expressed their willingness to fund her college tuition and living expenses.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

In the face of these kindnesses, Wang Xinyi and her parents made a surprising decision. They politely declined the offers. Wang Xinyi's father said sincerely: "We have applied for the school's bursary, and my daughter can also work and study.

There are people in this world who need help more than we do. The contentment and great love revealed in these words let people see the spiritual wealth of this poor family.

After entering Peking University, Wang Xinyi did not stop pursuing her dreams. During a military training, she was deeply moved by the experience of a retired senior sister, and the idea of joining the army sprouted in her heart.

The thought made her both excited and apprehensive. Although she originally studied science and engineering, she resolutely chose the literature major she loved, to prepare for her future dream of joining the army.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

In 2019, full of enthusiasm, Wang Xinyi participated in the army selection for the first time. However, she was unfortunately rejected due to a failed physical fitness test. This defeat did not break her, but inspired her to fight even more.

With the encouragement of her class teacher, she began to insist on physical training every day. In the early morning and evening, her thin but tough figure can always be seen on the playground, sweat soaking her clothes, but it can't extinguish the enthusiasm in her heart.

Wang's efforts have finally paid off. In 2020, she signed up for the army selection again, and this time she passed the various assessments with excellent results, successfully enlisted in the army, and put on the coveted military uniform.

When she stood on the playground of the barracks and looked firmly into the distance, she seemed to see that a new chapter in her life was opening.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

From a girl in a poor mountainous area to a student at Peking University, to putting on a military uniform and becoming a college student soldier, Wang Xinyi has been firm and persistent in every step. Her story teaches us that the road to our dreams is bumpy, but with perseverance, we can achieve it.

Wang Xinyi's experience is not only a personal growth history, but also a microcosm of an era. Her story reflects the changes in Chinese society, shows the great power of education to change the destiny of individuals, and also interprets the responsibility and responsibility of young people in the new era.

From the countryside to the city, from the campus to the barracks, Wang Xinyi has proved with his actions that as long as there is a dream, there is a stage to realize it.

Now, Wang Xinyi, who is dressed in military uniform, still has the perseverance and dreams of the poor girl in her eyes. Her story continues, and her dreams are becoming a role model and motivation for more young people.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang Xinyi's story is like a flower blooming on a barren land, exuding the fragrance of tenacity and perseverance. She interpreted the true meaning of "knowledge changes destiny" with practical actions, showing the extraordinary courage and perseverance of a poor girl.

In Wang Xinyi, we see a rare optimism in the face of adversity. Even though life is difficult, she still maintains a positive attitude and meets the challenges of every day with a smile.

Her story teaches us that poverty is not a shame, but a motivation that motivates us to struggle.

From taking care of his family to studying diligently, from succeeding in the college entrance examination to entering Peking University, and then realizing his dream of joining the army, every step of Wang Xinyi's work is condensed with sweat and perseverance. Her experience has taught us that although fate is difficult to control, opportunities always favor those who work hard.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

Wang Xinyi's spiritual flower not only blooms in adversity, but also shines under the attention of society. Her refusal to make a kind donation shows the noble sentiments of a poor family and interprets the true meaning of "poor but ambitious".

This spiritual flower, which blooms in the face of adversity, is exuding an inspiring fragrance and guiding the way forward for more young people in distress.

Wang Xinyi's story has brought us a profound enlightenment: even in adversity, as long as you have dreams, maintain a positive attitude, and make unremitting efforts, you will definitely be able to create your own life legend.

She used her own experience to prove that education and knowledge are indeed an important force to change lives. From the impoverished mountain village to Peking University, to putting on the military uniform, every step is the wings given to her by knowledge.

In 2018, the girl was admitted to Peking University with a score of 707, and when the notice was delivered, her mother: she was working a summer job

And her perseverance is the key to overcoming difficulties.

Wang Xinyi's story tells us that the hardships of life should not be a reason to give up, but should be the motivation to struggle. Let's move forward hand in hand, move forward bravely on the road of life, and write our own wonderful chapter with knowledge and perseverance.

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