
Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

author:Binzai's daily life

Recently, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly fainted during a game in Indonesia, and his death after rescue efforts sparked heated discussions among netizens!


I have a great future, but because of this accident, I will leave forever, which is a pity! While everyone felt sorry, many netizens also questioned the voice: "There should be hope for life, but it's gone!" ”

Netizens are hotly discussed

I just watched Erickson's first aid, and when I came back to see Zhang Zhijie's, I felt so sad, he might be able to survive [tears] [tears]

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

Zhang Zhijie was not as lucky as Eriksen, who met a good teammate and a good team doctor, and knew how to solve it at the first time

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

Five seconds after Eriksen went to the ground, the referee realised the danger and immediately called a halt to the game. Eight seconds later, the team doctor came at a speed, 37 seconds later, the paramedics arrived with emergency equipment, and 52 seconds later, the AED equipment arrived. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation begins after 96 seconds. Then sent to the hospital, every link is the fastest [flash of inspiration]

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

So it's a pity that Zhang Zhijie is too risk-conscious, right? It doesn't matter how the referee stops you, it's your own team member, you should go up to the rescue desperately, and you should stand there and watch something

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

I really can't understand why such an important game has no rescue measures? It's heart-wrenching to watch

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

The organizer has no AED, no one does CPR for him, and our own national team does not have a team doctor accompanying us?

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

To be honest, the coach is also very responsible, because he did not make obvious body movements to pass on to the team doctor in the first place after entering the field. You see, as soon as Eriksen fell to the ground, his teammates were the first to give the signal.

Zhang Zhijie had the hope of rebirth and left like this, and the reaction of the people present was really cold-blooded!

To be honest, the video is really undaring to watch, it's too heart-wrenching! It is incomprehensible that a living person should have a chance to be reborn, and just die alive in front of many people.

Since the matter has come to this point, and people cannot be resurrected from death, it depends on how to solve this problem in the end.

What do you think about this, welcome to discuss in the comment area!


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