
At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

author:Take a look at the new

When Diana was 16 years old, in the bright lights of the party, like a particularly bright new star, she accidentally ran into the person she thought was right.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

At that time, the eyes of the two of them were together, like two meteors flying by at night, and they lit each other's hearts at once.

Diana is very good-looking, which fascinates Charles, and Charles's charm is like a spring wind entering Diana's heart, making her feel uneasy.

For Diana, this sudden love is like a timely rain in her life, which makes her dry heart, who has never tasted love, rejuvenated.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

She is looking forward to living a good life with Prince Charles like a fairy tale, and looking forward to eternal happiness shining on her for the rest of her life.

Soon, their love story was known to the whole country, and the two were said to be a fairy-like husband and wife, and many people blessed them.

However, behind this bustle, there are secrets that others don't know. Prince Charles, the man who made Diana's heart flutter, was actually playing with a bad mind.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

He was like a greedy hunter who took Diana as his prey. Since then, Charles has never seen anyone, and he has made an occasional phone call to deal with it, leaving Diana to wait and frustrate.

However, before getting married, Diana still hoped that he would get better after marriage. However, her naïve hope still lost to reality in the end.

Charles's heart is like an old castle, which has always left a clean place for his first love Camilla. As for Diana, her gentleness and hard work are like a light rain in spring, but she can't reach the place in Charles's heart.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

In order to make Charles see himself more, Diana was pregnant and desperate to jump from the stairs like a falling leaf, but fortunately she was lucky and not injured. However, Charles was very cold, didn't care at all, and scolded her for being a bitter play by himself.

Diana's tears fell like beads with broken threads in front of the queen. She hoped that the queen could help her, give her justice, and make her feel uncomfortable. But the queen's words were like a cold knife, piercing her heart: "What can I do? Charles's heart, like a frozen lake, can't be dissolved. ”

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

In the face of the queen being so cold, the bitterness in Diana's heart surged like a tide. She went to her father-in-law, Philip, for help. Philip had sympathy and understanding for his daughter-in-law, and what he said was as warm as a spring breeze made Diana feel a little more comfortable.

In a letter to his daughter-in-law, he wrote: "We don't want to see any of you out looking for someone else...... Charles, he has a high status, but just to like others for a while, he dares to let everyone scold him for Camilla, how stupid. ”

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

When her father-in-law praised her, Diana was so happy that she was like spring water bubbling out, but she didn't expect that there was trouble below. One day, she accidentally saw a letter from Prince Philip to Charles: "If you don't get married, in five years, you can go to Camilla." ”

These words were like knives, piercing the softest place in Diana's heart, and the line of defense in her heart collapsed at once. Only then did she realize that she was holding on alone in this good-looking marriage.

Since then, Diana seems to have changed as a person, her heart hurt and made her eat hard, and she was depressed, her feelings in her heart were very chaotic, and she found someone with her to find some comfort, and finally ended up in tragedy.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

Prince Philip, while saying good things about Diana and Charles's marriage, secretly supported his son's cheating?

His contradictory thoughts may be because he knows his son, or he may know the royal family too well.

In order to live with the queen for the rest of his life, he didn't want his surname, identity, or military rank, and he had nothing left, so he followed the queen. He knew that Camilla, an outsider, wanted to enter the royal family, but it was difficult, the rules of the royal family were so strict, how could he enter casually?

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

Therefore, he especially believes: Camilla will definitely be left out in the cold at the door of the royal family. Charles's cheating is just a momentary play, and he will not want to marry Diana.

Philip's idea was to keep Charles in the marriage for five years, and if he found it boring, he would go to Camilla. What he thought was: try to live with Diana, maybe you can find her good.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

However, Charles's heart has long been captured by Camilla, and from the beginning of their marriage, they have been bad to Diana, and the two have contradictions.

Philip thought well, but people's hearts are not easy to guess, he didn't expect Charles to like Camilla so much, Diana, a strong woman, and didn't want to be a pawn in marriage and politics.

At that time, Charles's father wrote to his son: If the marriage is not satisfied, he can choose to return to Camilla

In the end, fate didn't care about this, Diana was gone early, and it became a tragedy.

As for Camilla, in this royal battle, she became the queen, and this result makes people sigh! This is a battle for power and feelings, and in the end Diana died, and Camilla won, which is really pitiful and sighing!

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