
When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

author:Take a look at the new

In those turbulent years, Diana seemed to be a bitter person who was ruthlessly tricked by fate. The Queen's letter, like a bolt from the blue, announced that her love with Prince Charles had come to an end. Her hands were trembling, her heart was dripping blood, and at that moment, it was as if she heard the sound of her life shattering.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

She decides to meet Camilla, the woman who is silently influencing her marriage behind her back. With one last hope, Diana hoped that Camila would withdraw and let her regain her peace. But Camilla's answer, like a sharp knife, ruthlessly cut Diana's self-esteem.

"You already have the honor of a princess and two lovely sons, why should you be greedy?" Camilla's words made Diana feel lonely and hopeless like never before. She began to realize that this marriage was irretrievable.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

In Camilla's eyes, she is orthodox, and Diana has become a greedy woman, with the glory and family that countless people dream of, but she is still entangled in emotional matters.

Once, in order to stop the affection between Charles and Camilla, the queen sent Charles to the navy, and gave Diana to him as a precious gift.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

However, before the marriage vows have cooled, Camilla creeps into their lives like a ghost, and Charles is in a fog, turning a blind eye to the infidelity. In his opinion, it is just one more confidant, which is just an ordinary thing in the flashy upper class.

But Diana's dedication and purity to love made her unable to tolerate this sudden betrayal. The newlywed should have been sweet as a dream, but they kept quarreling because of Camilla's shadow.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

In order to regain her husband's attention, Diana embarked on a series of radical moves, but Charles was at a loss and even wondered if she was insane. The two of them, the concept of love is like two parallel railroad tracks, never intersecting. This also doomed them to drift apart.

Diana shines brightly every time she appears, attracting countless cheers and admiration. And Charles, who was beside him, looked dim under this light. Over time, Charles could not bear the weight of this pressure in his heart.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

He saw Diana as the brightest jewel in the crown, but now the light of the pearl is so dazzling that people have forgotten that the crown exists. However, Diana was reluctant to be an accessory, and she longed to walk side by side with Charles.

In contrast, Camilla is like a pearl that has been precipitated over the years, mature and steady, and shining. She never made a statement, but quietly warmed Charles's heart with that nuanced care. For her, giving is a thoughtful comfort, making Charles feel deeply comfortable and dependent.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

And Diana is like a passionate rose, longing for love and care, however, her age of 13 years younger than Charles makes her more eager and willful in the process of pursuing love. And Charles, in the warmth of youth and Camilla's warmth, finally fell into the latter's deep and lasting tenderness.

Diana's uproar, like a summer rainstorm, although short and intense, could not shake Camilla's position in Charles's heart after all. On the contrary, every time she makes a fuss, Charles cherishes the tranquility and harmony that Camilla gives more. So, in this competition for love, Camilla successfully occupied Charles's heart and became his partner.

When Diana found Camilla and asked her to leave Charles, Camilla's reply was overwhelming!

In public, Camilla is like a graceful dancer, she knows when to move forward and when to retreat, and never steals the limelight from her husband. Her sense of proportion not only won Charles's appreciation, but also gradually changed the public's perception of her.

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