
After Tian Jiaying's death, the life of his wife and two daughters

author:Xiaomei told you

After Tian Jiaying's death, the lives of his wife and two daughters, in that revolutionary era, the families of some politicians also experienced a bumpy fate. As a famous revolutionary, after Tian Jiaying died unexpectedly in 1966, his wife Dong Bian and two daughters Zeng Li and Zeng Zi also suffered a lot of twists and turns. As ordinary families, how do they deal with this sudden change?

After Tian Jiaying's death, the life of his wife and two daughters

On May 23, 1966, Zeng Zi, who was only 13 years old at the time, and his sister Zeng Li were still two simple girls, and they did not know that on this day, earth-shaking changes would occur in their families. At noon that day, their father Tian Jiaying died suddenly, and their mother Dong Bian hurriedly left her original residence Xifutang with her two daughters and an old nanny.

That night, the family had dinner at a small dumpling restaurant at the mouth of Fengsheng Hutong. Although it was a luxury to eat in a restaurant at that time, Mother Dong Bian's mood that day was undoubtedly extremely heavy. Her lover Tian Jiaying died suddenly, and before she had time to mourn, she had to leave her original home with her two daughters. In the face of the sudden change, Dong Bian could not hide her sadness, but she couldn't swallow the dumplings in the bowl, and tears swirled in her eyes.

When he was still young, he couldn't understand his mother's sorrow, but felt that moving was like "playing at home", which was very fresh and interesting. Confused, she asked the nanny beside her, "What's wrong with my mother?" The nanny didn't pay attention to her, just squeezed her hand and told her to eat dumplings quietly. Later, he recalled: "That night, my mother's tearful eyes surprised me, which seemed to be the end of my childish childhood."

After Tian Jiaying's death, the life of his wife and two daughters

In this way, the mother and daughter embarked on a wandering journey. The following year, the eldest daughter Zeng Li was mobilized to go to the countryside in Inner Mongolia to join the team, leaving only 16-year-old Zeng Zi to accompany her mother. In 1969, Zeng Zi was also sent to a Menghan commune in the northernmost part of Jilin, and before leaving, she sadly wrote a letter to her mother, because she knew that she would be separated for many years.

Sure enough, the mother and daughter later went their separate ways and lived a life of different worlds. It was not until 1971 that 55-year-old Dong Bian was arranged to study at a cadre school in Hengshui, Hebei Province, that he was able to reunite with his two daughters. That year, the eldest daughter Zeng Li was 21 years old, and the second daughter Zeng Li was 18 years old. Soon, Dong Bian's family was resettled back to Beijing and settled in Dengshikou No. 9 Courtyard.

After Tian Jiaying's death, the life of his wife and two daughters

Later, one day in the early 90s of the last century, Zeng Li and Zeng Zi sisters made a special trip back to the Xifutang where they lived back then, pacing back to relive the bits and pieces of their childhood. In that once warm courtyard, they all seemed to see the tearful silhouette of their mother Dong Bian.

After ups and downs, the mother and daughter finally reunited in Beijing and went through those bumpy years. In the revolutionary years, ordinary families often experienced great life changes, just like the Dong Bian family. However, they used tenacity and courage to come through step by step, and finally found a place to return to life. This tenacious mother-daughter friendship is also moving.

After Tian Jiaying's death, the life of his wife and two daughters

In the passage of time, there are too many cruel and ruthless separations, and there are also too many touching reunion moments. is like the story of Dong Bian's mother and daughter, although it is ordinary, it has witnessed the unique life process of that special era. We should remember history and draw strength and wisdom from it to embrace a better future. #头条首发大赛#

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