
After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife and children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome

author:Xiaomei told you

After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife, children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome, in that turbulent era, the warlords divided one side, and the people were struggling to survive. Although Han Fuqu, a big household in Shandong, is powerful, he cannot escape the ruthless blow of fate. In 1938, in the face of the Japanese invasion, he chose to protect himself and abandoned Jinan, which led to the Nationalist government's falling to him. At the behest of Chiang Kai-shek, Han Fuqu was finally brutally executed, and his wife, concubines, and children were torn apart. The former glory of the poor Han family has been wiped out in the smoke of war, where will the wives and children go?

After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife and children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome

If you want to talk about Han Fuqu's life experience, it is really a twist and turn, ups and downs. He is said to have been born in the tumultuous years of the 1890s, when the Chinese powers were watching. The small life is not going well, and his family is not very prosperous. However, Han Fuqu seems to be a master of personal success, he has been smart and clever since he was a child, and when he grew up, he joined the army and made great achievements.

By 1929, he had climbed to the pinnacle of power in Shandong Province and became the "eighth king" of the dynasty. As a bigwig, he still has a little bit of work for the people. For example, in order to improve the cultural level of the common people, he vigorously developed education during his tenure, and in just four years, the number of students in Shandong doubled to 1 million. However, the son of the Han family is also good at this, and the family still has a few concubines to serve, two of whom were famous Qinglou women at that time.

In 1938, when the national disaster was at hand, the iron hooves of the Japanese devils were about to set foot in Northeast China and North China. As a powerful party, Han Fuqu can unite the people of all ethnic groups in Shandong to jointly resist the invaders. It's a pity that he is also mediocre and incompetent, and he turned a blind eye to the difficulties of China facing life and death, and turned a blind eye to the attack of the Japanese. Seeing that Jinan was about to be lost, he turned a blind eye, only trying to protect his own selfish interests, and let the devils drive straight in, occupying the important cities of Jinan and Tai'an in Shandong.

After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife and children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome

For this reason, Chiang Kai-shek was furious and denounced him as a "pro-Japanese instigator". At the military conference in 1938, the two had a big quarrel over the back and forth. Han Fuqu was even more arrogant, and asked Jiang Gong, "You can't even hold Nanjing, how dare you count me and give up Tai'an?" Chiang Kai-shek's roots are trembling in a few words!

In the end, Chiang Kai-shek blackened his heart and ordered Han Fuqu to be corrected on the spot. In this way, Han Fuqu was brutally executed, and became the highest-ranking warlord to be executed during the Anti-Japanese War. It's not a pity to die!

After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife and children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome

After Han Fuqu's death, his wives and concubines and children were left to rely on, and his family was ruined. His main room, Gao Yizhen, is in charge of the affairs of the family, and he is adrift with his three sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Han Sixie, went insane because of this, and finally died in a psychiatric hospital in Peiping. The second son, Han Nianguo, got ahead and became a mathematical genius and made great contributions to New China's aerospace industry. The third son, Han Zihua, also joined the army and contributed to the motherland's cause of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.

Poor Han Fuqu's concubines didn't have such good luck. The little furniture they had in the Han family was also robbed, and they could only flee around the world with their luggage. Li Yuqing, the concubine who had a son with Han Fuqu back then, was even more embarrassed, and even begged everywhere to live.

After Han Fuqu was shot, where did his wife and children and concubines end up and what was the final outcome

Han Fuqu is a standard short-lived figure. He has been in power in Shandong all his life, with a group of wives and concubines, and surrounded by children, which can be described as the pinnacle of his life. Unexpectedly, the disaster fell from the sky, and the evil disaster caused by the wolf's ambition actually caused the destruction of his wife, children, and family, and he was torn apart. The remnants of the Han family are deeply impoverished, and they have endured the warmth and hardships of life, which makes people sigh.

The ups and downs of the Han family's life and death fully reflect the ups and downs of that era, and the chaos and instability of the current society. Throughout the ages, there are many such cases, and the aristocratic families who are rich and rival the country will eventually be unable to escape the doom of the defeated family. Therefore, people should judge the situation and protect themselves wisely, and be good citizens and not arrogant lumpenproletarians. Only in this way can our home and country remain glorious forever. #头条首发大赛#