
It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

author:Xiaomei told you

It is said that Wei Boya soldiers devoured the master, how arrogant are they, and the salary is not in place, although the civil war was pacified after the Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty, it left a thorny problem - the division of the three towns of Heshuo. These three places were originally the big taxpayers of the Tang Dynasty, but now they don't have to pay taxes, and the Tang Dynasty is powerless to exterminate them due to financial constraints. One of the most famous is the Wei Bo Ya Soldier in Weibo Town, known as the most arrogant soldier in Chinese history. They appointed and deposed the envoys of the festival, and the location of the envoys of the festival was really described as "the son of Chang'an, Wei Boya". How arrogant and arrogant were these tooth soldiers, and how were they finally pacified?

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

In 763, after the Anshi Rebellion was pacified, the Tang Dynasty was short of salaries, so the Anshi Yu Party could only be appeased and named the envoy of the three towns of Heshuo. Among them, Tian Chengsi became the first envoy of Weibo Town, and he was in the most difficult situation. He was located in the southernmost place, and the Tang Dynasty could go to war at any time; There is a potential threat to the north; Coupled with the fact that there is no shelter, he can only rely on the development of the army to gain a foothold.

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

So Tian Chengsi registered all the soldiers in Weibo Town, and carefully selected more than 10,000 people to form the tooth soldiers' personal guards. He was unusually generous and lenient at his faults, just to ensure that they were loyal to him. Sure enough, under Tian Chenghe's hands, Wei Bozhen soon grew stronger, and the tooth soldiers also began to show their arrogant and arrogant nature.

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

Tian Chengsi is good at manipulating popularity, and he can control the tooth soldiers for the time being. But after his death, the tooth soldiers began the road of "devouring the master". In 779, Tang Dezong wanted to recapture the feudal town and passed the post of envoy of Wei Bojie to Tian Chenghe's nephew Tian Yue. Who knew that in 784, Tian Xu united with the tooth soldiers to abolish Tian Yue and appointed himself as the envoy of the festival. From then on, as long as the money was enough, Wei Boyabing would support whoever was in charge.

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

In 812, Jiang Shi deposed the Ya soldiers and appointed his cronies, but was suspected of betrayal by the Ya soldiers, so he killed Tian Huaiji, whom he supported, and supported Tian Xing as the envoy of the festival. Later, Tian Hongzheng returned to the Tang Dynasty, and Wei Boya's soldiers were temporarily honest. But Mu Zongchao wanted to reduce the feudal domain again, and almost scared Tian Bu, the son of Tian Hongzheng, into tears. Tian Bu had to do everything possible to curry favor with the tooth soldiers, but after all, he could not satisfy their excessive demands, and was killed in 822.

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

Since then, a hundred years have passed, and the envoys of Wei Bojie have been appointed and deposed like a passing cloud, and the tooth soldiers are singing operas. Some people were arrogant and harsh and were revolted by the tooth soldiers, and some people were obedient to the court and were not tolerated by the tooth soldiers, which really made the Tang and Song dynasties change their course and emphasize literature over military force. It wasn't until the last Jiedu that Luo Shaowei and the Xuanwu Army slaughtered 8,000 tooth soldiers in one fell swoop, and then the Tang and Khitan slaughtered again, which completely pacified the Wei Boya soldiers who had been soaring for hundreds of years.

It is said that Wei Boya is a soldier who devours the master, how arrogant are they, and if the salary is not in place, people will waste it for you

Wei Boya's soldiers were created by Tian Chenghei to protect themselves, but they also created this "wolf pavilion". They were unscrupulous for power and interests, violent and arrogant, and disregarded the courtesies of the monarchs and ministers, and became the bane of the Tang and Song dynasties. As a result of their arrogance, they provoked countless slaughters and eventually reaped the consequences. The trajectory of history is often unexpected, and a mistake in thinking can lead to a big mistake, and this history is worth pondering. #头条首发大赛#