
Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

author:Who dances with me

An education expert criticized parents for taking their children to and from school for detrimental to their children's development, which immediately drew a fierce backlash from parents. Parents' rebuttals are endless.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

An education expert published an article arguing that the behavior of parents to and from school is harmful to children's development. The main point of the experts is that this excessive dependence affects the child's chances of learning to be independent and can also cause them to feel somewhat helpless in the face of life's challenges.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

The article immediately caused a strong response among the parent community. Parents have said that picking up and dropping off their children to and from school is out of consideration for their children's safety, especially in modern society, where traffic is complex and safety issues are emerging, and they have no choice. Some parents asked the experts whether they had children themselves and whether they really understood the worries and pressures of parents.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

One parent's response resonated online. "We pick up and drop off our children because we don't want them to be in danger on their way to school," she said. Is it the right way to educate children to face uncertain risks alone? ”

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

This remark was supported by many parents, who shared their own experiences and considerations, emphasizing that picking up and dropping off children in a real environment is out of helplessness rather than pampering.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

The original intention of the experts was to make their children more independent, but many parents felt that the experts ignored the actual safety and traffic conditions in the city. They believe that instead of exposing their children to potential dangers, they should choose a relatively safe way – and that is pick-up.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

Some parents pointed out that the current social environment has changed dramatically compared to a few decades ago. The increase in vehicles, road congestion, and the constant reports of various safety accidents have left parents extremely worried about the safety of their children. One parent mentioned that there are frequent reports of accidents in their city where children have to be careful on their way to school.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

Some parents suggested that schools and the government should also take responsibility for providing more safety measures and amenities. They suggested that schools should consider setting up a school bus service, which can reduce the burden on parents and effectively ensure the safety of children. At the same time, the government should also improve transportation facilities and add sidewalks to ensure the safety of children.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

Picking up and dropping off children is also a good time for parents to communicate with their children. In the car, parents can chat with their children, learn about their school life, and strengthen each other's feelings. Moments like these are invaluable to busy modern families.

Experts criticize the "pick-up tide"! Parents' pick-up and drop-off will ruin their children, and the parents' domineering response is too relieving!

While parents' concerns are justified, it is true that overprotection can affect a child's independence. Ensuring your child's safety is paramount, but it should also be done in moderation to teach your child to be self-protective and independent. Children can be taught to recognize traffic signals, learn safe walking skills accompanied by adults, and gradually transition to independent movement.