
After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

author:Onigiri says things

History is always full of twists and turns, and it is only today that we can get a glimpse of some of the truths hidden beneath the surface. Zeng Zesheng's uprising experience is one of the best, a remarkable soldier who chose unexpected choices in turbulent times. Let's take a closer look at the twists and turns of the past and find out how a warrior who longs to change his destiny stepped forward in times of crisis.

In Changchun in 1948, the Kuomintang army was in an unprecedented predicament. Food and grass are in short supply, the army is scattered, and the city is in danger of falling at any time. At this moment of crisis, an army commander resolutely made a shocking decision - he wanted to lead the troops to revolt, defect from the rule of the Kuomintang, and join the revolutionary camp of the Communist Party! This person is Zeng Zesheng, the former commander of the 60th Army of the Kuomintang. He knew very well that sticking to Changchun was just waiting for death, and only an uprising could seek a way out for the troops and the people. However, who would have thought that his most trusted deputy division commander would secretly carry out betrayal behind his back? The whistleblowing of a former best friend has cast a shadow over the uprising, and crises are lurking, how determined and wise will Zeng Zesheng resolve this crisis?

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

In those turbulent times, warlords were divided and wars raged. Lao Chiang's descendant army was above the other troops, and in order to protect its own interests, it was common for ordinary soldiers to wander and be displaced in the flames of war, and to suffer pain and suffering. Zeng Zesheng is one such tragic sufferer.

Starting from a small regiment commander, Zeng Zesheng relied on his extraordinary courage and talent to be promoted to division commander and army commander step by step. However, Chiang Kai-shek turned a blind eye to his 60th Army and tried to use it as cannon fodder and leave it to fend for itself on the battlefield. At the time of the Battle of Changchun in 1947, Lao Chiang actually ordered them to "stick to and wait for reinforcements", but did not send substantial reinforcements, which was simply a stupid move to give up on himself.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

In the face of such a dangerous situation, is Zeng Zesheng really just sitting still? Absolutely not! He knew very well that this was just a trick by Lao Chiang to delay the war, and after the fall of Changchun, the 60th Army would definitely become the target of his slaughter. In order to protect his soldiers and civilians in Changchun City, Zeng Zesheng broke out with unprecedented determination - he wanted to lead the troops to revolt, break away from the control of the Kuomintang, and join the revolutionary camp of the Communist Party!

An uprising is by no means a trivial matter and requires thorough preparation. Zeng Zesheng first co-opted Long Yao and Bai Zhaoxue, who also had a long-standing grudge against the harsh treatment of the descendants, and responded without hesitation. However, there is also a tricky 52nd Division, which is the eye line planted by the Kuomintang within the 60th Army, and if it is not solved first, the uprising is doomed to fail.

Zeng Zesheng came up with a bold and ingenious plan, he asked Li Song, the commander of the 52nd Division, to take several regiment commanders to the military headquarters for a meeting, but arrested all of them when they entered the door, and forcibly coerced the 52nd Division to respond to the uprising order! This plan was unexpected, and the 52nd Division had no choice but to follow orders.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Everything seemed foolproof, but no one could have imagined that Ouyang Wu, deputy commander of the 52nd Division, would actually report the news behind his back and tell the Kuomintang upper echelons the secret of the uprising. This is tantamount to the heaviest betrayal of Zeng Zesheng, and the already prepared uprising has cast a shadow of crisis.

If you choose to back down at this time, you will definitely let all your previous efforts go to waste, and you may even be severely punished. Zeng Zesheng gritted his teeth and made up his mind that there was no way back, only to keep going! What is puzzling is that although Ouyang Wu had leaked the military plane, Zheng Dongguo still ignored it, and the uprising was able to proceed smoothly.

Later, it was said that Zheng Dongguo actually secretly harbored plans to revolt, and deliberately allowed Zeng Zesheng to cause trouble, and the two coincided. But we don't know exactly why. However, what is certain is that Zeng Zesheng eventually succeeded in leading the 60th Army to be reorganized into the 50th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, defecting to the communist revolutionary camp and making indelible contributions to overthrowing the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Despite the twists and turns of the uprising, Zeng Zesheng eventually succeeded in leading the 60th Army into the ranks of the People's Liberation Army. However, the real test has not yet begun, and they will soon have to undergo a baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

In 1950, when the Korean War broke out, the 50th Army was ordered to go to the front line, and Zeng Zesheng personally led the team. In the first contest with the US army, the 50th Army suffered heavy casualties, which was really disappointing. After all, during the Battle of Changchun before, this army had made great achievements. Zeng Zesheng was convinced of right and wrong, and he was determined to make a break in this war and regain the honor of the 50th Army.

Soon, the defensive battle on the south bank of the Han River became the stage for Zeng Zesheng to bloom his achievements. This defensive battle lasted for more than 50 days, and the two sides were fighting fiercely, and Zeng Zesheng personally commanded the troops, bravely killed the enemy, and achieved remarkable results. According to statistics, the 50 th Army annihilated more than 10,000 enemy troops, destroyed more than 70 tanks, shot down 15 enemy planes, and captured a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Such an outstanding military performance is tantamount to justifying the name of the 50th Army! Everyone's suspicion and prejudice against this former Kuomintang uprising force were completely dusted off in one thrilling battle after another. Zeng Zesheng gained a reputation for this, and Marshal Peng Dehuai also applauded his excellent command ability and promised to give priority to the 50th Army's weapons and equipment.

It can be said that it was this defensive battle of the Han River that allowed the 50th Army to truly fade the stigma of "60 bears" and become the "50 tigers" of the PLA generals. And Zeng Zesheng himself, who finally defected from a Kuomintang soldier, was regarded as an outstanding example of a Chinese revolutionary fighter.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Chairman Mao also praised Zeng Zesheng's leadership. Once, the old chairman made a special trip to meet Zeng Zesheng and asked him about the battle. Unexpectedly, Zeng Zesheng didn't know what to ask, and was speechless when asked by the chairman, so he could only return to the battlefield tremblingly. Such an embarrassing thing made Zeng Zesheng feel ashamed for a long time, and it became an unforgettable regret for him.

However, even so, his achievements and achievements still demonstrate his extraordinary military command wisdom. His heroic performance on the Korean battlefield became the most dazzling stroke in Zeng Zesheng's life. Since then, he has made great contributions in many domestic battles, which can be said to have cleared many obstacles for the birth of New China.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Zeng Zesheng's experience vividly interprets the historical process of "acting for the tiger, and flying separately". He went from a Kuomintang soldier who defected to Chiang Kai-shek to a staunch Communist revolutionary fighter, witnessing the drastic changes of that turbulent era. However, there is one thing that haunts him for the rest of his life, that is, the urn failed to cover the party flag, which became his heaviest regret.

After Zeng Zesheng rebelled, he learned that the deputy division commander he trusted had told him in advance, and he was shocked into a cold sweat

Zeng Zesheng's life can be described as ups and downs, and he has experienced too many thrilling encounters. Starting as a small regiment commander, he finally wrote immortal feats in the Korean War. And the experience of the uprising became a key part of the turning point in his life.

A soldier with firm convictions and the courage to pursue the truth can finally embark on the road of revolution, which is the most wonderful footnote in the first half of Zeng Ze's life. Now is a new era, the country is strong and healthy, but we should never forget those revolutionary ancestors who fought bloodily. They continued to write the dream of national rejuvenation with their blood and lives, which is worthy of our eternal memory. #头条首发大赛#