
In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

author:Onigiri says things

Have you ever thought that a small book can change the fate of a superfamily? This is a seemingly ordinary but magnificent story. In Taiwan in the 80s of the last century, the Kuomintang was in power, and the Chiang family controlled the entire political arena. However, a former intelligence agent published a book that exposed all kinds of shady and scandalous affairs of the Chiang family. Subsequently, the author was brutally murdered in a foreign land, and the murderer turned out to be the mastermind behind the heirs of the Jiang family. This earth-shattering "Jiangnan Case" completely changed the political map of Taiwan, and the Chiang dynasty declined, and the sun has never set since.

In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

After the end of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Kuomintang was defeated and crossed to the east and re-established its base in Taiwan. Since then, Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo have become the supreme rulers of Taiwan, and the family is dominant, domineering and domineering. This family, which was carried away by power and money, has done everything possible to engage in corruption and autocratic rule in Taiwan, causing public resentment to boil.

However, at the critical moment when Chiang Ching-kuo was preparing to train his eldest son, Jiang Xiaowu, to succeed him, Liu Yiliang, a former member of the Military Intelligence Agency, under the pseudonym "Jiangnan", published a book in which the protagonist was Chiang Ching-kuo. This was undoubtedly a major blow and insult to the Chiang family, and completely provoked Chiang Ching-kuo's father and son.

The Jiang family suddenly fell into madness and chased after Liu Yiliang. Chiang Ching-kuo even instructed the intelligence system to find someone to kill Liu Yiliang, and did not hesitate to take risks, just to cover up his family scandal. In the end, the murderer locked on Liu Yiliang in San Francisco, USA, and brutally shot him to death.

In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

Grandstanding, the Jiang family is even more embarrassed and despicable than imagined! They even ordered the assassination of dissidents, and did not hesitate to use criminal methods to cover up the scandal of their family. This is undoubtedly the most blatant blasphemy and trampling on democracy and the rule of law. Public opinion was in an uproar, the whole United States was shocked, and the case stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, and quickly fermented into an international incident.

As the investigation of the case deepened, the dirty inside story of the Jiang family was revealed layer by layer, and the initiator of the root cause turned out to be Jiang Xiaowu, the son of Chiang Ching-kuo! The inflated ambition and power-hungry nature of the original heir made him lose his mind, and he did not hesitate to do such a hurtful deed. The decay and shamelessness of the Chiang dynasty made everyone ashamed and aroused strong dissatisfaction and anger among public opinion. Seeing that there was no way back, Chiang Ching-kuo had no choice but to bow to the people's will, announced the cancellation of Jiang Xiaowu's inheritance, and ordered the abolition of the hereditary system of the Chiang family, and the future leaders should be elected by popular election. As a result, this family that covered the sky in Taiwan began to decline, and the dynasty collapsed.

In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

After an in-depth investigation, more of the Jiang family's dirty inside story surfaced. It turned out that Chiang Ching-kuo had been operating in secret for a long time in order to smoothly pass on power to Jiang Xiaowu. He not only authorized his son to intervene in important decisions in the military intelligence system, but also connived at Jiang Xiaowu's misdeeds in a vain attempt to expand his sphere of influence within the ruling party. Chiang Ching-kuo often turned a blind eye to what his son did. It can be seen how greedy the Jiang family is for power!

In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

When the murderer's crime was exposed, Jiang Xiaowu once became the target of public criticism. In order to maintain the legitimacy of the regime, Chiang Ching-kuo had to make a major decision on this matter. He was forced to distance himself from Chiang's political future and had to bow to public opinion. It can be seen that although the Jiang family holds great power, they cannot override public opinion.

Chiang Ching-kuo made a difficult choice between power and heirs, and finally had to abandon Chiang Xiaowu in order to ease the people's hearts. Since then, the old system of hereditary rule of the Chiang family has been completely ended, and a new era of democracy has opened in Taiwan. The Chiang dynasty came to an end, and Taiwanese society underwent profound changes and entered a new era.

At the root of it all lies in greedy humanity and unbridled power. Power makes people lose their minds, and the Jiang family is the best lesson. For ordinary people, we can get a profound warning from this: do not let power and money get carried away, maintain humility and moderation, and regulate your behavior with an upright personality, otherwise you will be doomed.

In 1984, the "Jiangnan Case" buried the Chiang dynasty, and Chiang Ching-kuo: the Chiang family will not succeed him

As the saying goes, "it's not too late to make amends". The tragedy of the Chiang dynasty shows us how terrible and corrosive power can be. Only by using democracy and the rule of law to restrain power, closely relying on the masses of the people, and unswervingly upholding justice, can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the Chiang family.

A small exposé has buried a dynasty that has ruled Taiwan for decades, showing how fragile and vulnerable power is. The Jiang family lost their minds due to greed, and did not hesitate to take risks, and finally destroyed the Great Wall. This heavy history has a good lesson for our contemporaries: only by regulating ourselves with upright character and democratic rule of law can power not corrode our souls. Let us learn from history and never repeat the mistakes of the past. #头条首发大赛#

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