
Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

author:Fengqi Technology

"Pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, win-win cooperation"

Huawei Mate70 has been preparing for a long time, everything is ready, just waiting for WeChat adaptation. This time, the performance of the Mate70 has been significantly improved, equipped with a new self-developed chip and pure HarmonyOS, and it is expected to return to the position of the first brother in the mobile phone market. However, if the WeChat app cannot be launched at the same time as the launch, it will inevitably be greatly discounted. Therefore, Huawei urgently needs to accelerate the adaptation progress of WeChat, so that the flagship mobile phone can play its due strength.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

In fact, there is a complementary relationship between Huawei and WeChat. Huawei needs WeChat to provide software support, and WeChat needs to rely on a hardware platform like Huawei to expand its users. The two sides should uphold the concept of win-win cooperation, resolve each other's doubts, and let this highly anticipated flagship phone meet users as soon as possible.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

The importance of WeChat to Huawei is self-evident. It has become the main social tool for Chinese users, and work and life cannot do without it. Without WeChat support, Huawei mobile phones will be greatly discounted, and sales will be difficult to guarantee. Even if Huawei makes breakthroughs in other areas, it can't make up for the lack of software support.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

At the same time, Huawei is also a partner that WeChat cannot be ignored. Huawei has a large number of fans in China, and its high-end products are quite influential. If WeChat cannot be used on Huawei's new phones, it will inevitably be criticized by users. Giving up such a large user base is a huge loss for WeChat.

Neither side wants an either-or" confrontation. Once it falls out, both Huawei and WeChat will pay a heavy price. Win-win cooperation can make each other get the greatest benefit, which is the biggest consensus of both sides. In the ever-changing tech industry, no one is immune.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

Even if you are strong, you need to be united with your partners. Only by fully understanding the needs of the other party and resolving contradictions can we take the lead in the competition. Huawei's launch of a new flagship will help it open up the high-end market. If WeChat can be successfully adapted, it will also expand its influence in the professional field. The two sides should seize the opportunity to speed up the negotiation process and strive for the Mate70 to be unveiled as scheduled.

With the rapid development of science and technology, cooperation and communication between enterprises are becoming more and more important. Whether Huawei and WeChat can quickly reach a consensus on the WeChat adaptation of the Mate70 is related to the development prospects of both parties. Let's share a few thoughts on this:

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

The two sides need to further strengthen communication and fully understand each other's considerations. Huawei needs to clarify the difficulties of WeChat adaptation and provide necessary technical support to eliminate worries. WeChat should also take into account Huawei's market appeal and seize the opportunity to expand its influence. Improving understanding is the key to resolving differences.

The two parties can jointly discuss technical specifications to ensure the smooth operation of WeChat. Innovation at the operating system level should not be at odds with software compatibility, but require active communication and coordination between technical teams. Consideration can also be given to establishing a regular technical exchange mechanism to solve similar problems in a timely manner.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

The relevant regulatory authorities should actively coordinate the relationship between the two parties. Although this is a commercial practice between enterprises, considering its impact on the entire industrial chain, the government should promote cooperation as much as possible to maintain a level playing field. At the regulatory level, it can also set norms for disputes between enterprises to prevent vicious competition.

The two sides can explore in-depth cooperation in some businesses. In addition to basic WeChat adaptation, we can also consider cooperating in innovative applications and content services to jointly expand new growth points. This can further deepen the relationship between the two sides and achieve true win-win cooperation.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

Let's wait and see if Huawei and WeChat can reach a mutually beneficial agreement on the Mate 70. This is not only related to the development of the enterprise itself, but also related to the benign ecology of the entire industry. It is believed that with the efforts of all parties, the two sides should be able to transcend differences and achieve mutual benefit and symbiosis. For scientific and technological innovation to benefit mankind, close cooperation and exchanges from all walks of life are also needed.

Everything is ready, Mate70 or Huawei's strongest flagship, don't let WeChat adapt to "drag your feet"

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