
Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Dr. Cheung is a seasoned internist with many years of experience in the practice of medicine, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

As a doctor with a passion for human health, Dr. Teo strives every day to help patients with a variety of health issues. One day, he received a male patient, Mr. Li, who was about 40 years old, in his consultation room.

Recently, Mr. Li has been feeling unwell, especially tiredness, soreness in his waist and knees, and night sweats.

Hearing that his friends were talking about the saying "Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that the kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the kidney Qi is full", Mr. Li was puzzled and came to the hospital to find Dr. Zhang to confirm.

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Mr. Li was a little anxious in the waiting room, and when it was his turn, he walked briskly into the consultation room and explained his symptoms and concerns to Dr. Zhang. Dr. Zhang patiently listened to Mr. Li's account and began to conduct detailed examinations and examinations.

"Mr. Li, how is your daily routine lately? Is there anything you need to pay special attention to in your diet? Dr. Zhang asked as he recorded his condition.

"I'm usually busy at work, I often work overtime, my diet is not regular, and I've been under a lot of pressure lately." Mr. Lee looked a little tired.

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Dr. Zhang nodded and continued to ask, "How is your sleep quality?" Are there any other discomforts? "The quality of sleep is not very good, I wake up easily at night, and I always feel low energy during the day." Mr. Lee replied.

Dr. Zhang underwent a thorough medical examination and had Mr. Li do some blood and urine tests.

While waiting for the test results, Dr. Zhang explained to Mr. Li some of the scientific principles of the concept of "kidney qi".

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

"Kidney Qi" is an important concept in TCM theory, which refers to the fact that the function of the kidneys is closely related to the vitality of the human body.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys mainly store essence, and if the essence is sufficient, the human body is healthy. Lack of kidney qi can lead to a series of problems, such as fatigue, soreness in the waist and knees, and memory loss. ”

"But in Western medicine, we are more concerned with the specific functions of the kidneys, such as filtering blood, regulating fluid and electrolyte balance. ”

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Mr. Li nodded in understanding. Soon, the results of the examination came back. Dr. Zhang was relieved to see that Mr. Lee's blood and urine indicators were not significantly abnormal.

"Mr. Li, judging from your test results, there is no obvious problem with kidney function, and it is more likely that the physical discomfort is due to lifestyle habits and stress.

"I recommend that you first adjust your lifestyle, eat regularly, and exercise properly, which can help relieve fatigue and improve sleep quality." ”

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Mr. Li looked a little puzzled: "Are the methods mentioned on the Internet, such as what kind of medicine to take to tonify the kidney, or massage acupuncture points, really effective?" ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and explained, "Proper Chinese herbal conditioning and massage are indeed effective for some people, but they should be decided according to the individual's constitution and specific circumstances, and cannot blindly follow the trend.

Traditional Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, because everyone's physique is different, and the medication also needs to vary from person to person.

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

As for massaging acupuncture points, it is true that it can relieve fatigue and improve the state of the body by stimulating certain areas, but this requires long-term persistence and correct technique. ”

Mr. Li seemed to understand and nodded. Dr. Teo continued, "In addition to adjusting your lifestyle and eating habits, I also recommend that you have regular check-ups to keep an eye on your health.

If you feel unwell, come to the hospital for a check-up in time. Modern medical methods are very developed, early detection and early treatment can avoid the occurrence of many health problems. ”

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Mr. Lee thanked Dr. Zhang for his advice and left the hospital. A few months later, Mr. Li came to the hospital again, this time looking refreshed and in much better spirits.

Tell Dr. Zhang that he has adjusted his lifestyle habits according to the recommendations, worked and rested regularly, ate reasonably, and started to exercise moderately every day, and he feels that his whole person has become more energetic.

We can see that the deficiency of kidney qi has its own unique explanation in TCM theory, but in practical life, it is more important to pay attention to the overall lifestyle habits and health management.

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Adjusting your lifestyle, eating right, exercising moderately, and having regular check-ups are the keys to staying healthy.

In addition, for some methods of tonifying the kidney, although they may have certain effects, they need to be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor to avoid blindly following trends and abusing drugs.

Staying healthy is not just about focusing on kidney qi, but also about managing your lifestyle habits and health status holistically. A scientific lifestyle and regular health check-ups are the fundamental ways to maintain good health.

Kidney Qi is sufficient, there are no diseases, 7 manifestations indicate that Kidney Qi is depleted, remember 3 tricks, and the Kidney Qi is full

Through the professional guidance of doctors, combined with individual efforts, everyone can have a healthy life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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