
In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then. In that cruel but heroic era, a female nurse named Wang Qingzhen wrote an immortal chapter with her own actions. Huang Jiguang's heroic deeds of sacrificing himself to block the gun's hole shocked the world, and the story of Wang Qingzhen snatching back Huang Jiguang's body is also moving.

Even in her later years, she is still haunted by a small incident of the year, which makes people wonder: what was missing back then? How did an ordinary female nurse show extraordinary courage and determination in that tragic war? Let's walk into this magnificent history together and solve the mystery in our hearts.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

On both sides of the meandering Yalu River, the smoke of gunfire erupted in the 1950s. In order to defend the country and resist aggression, the Chinese People's Volunteers fought bloodily on the Korean battlefield. In the midst of this raging war of burning ideals, a girl named Wang Qingzhen became an extraordinary legend.

In 1936, Wang Qingzhen was born in an ordinary family in Hankou, Hubei Province. When she was a girl, she moved to Guizhou with her parents and grew up in that old revolutionary area. In 1950, the United States brazenly sent troops to North Korea, and the flames of war raged on the Chinese border. As soon as the order was issued, Wang Qingzhen took the initiative to ask to join the army and was assigned to the logistics hospital of the 45th Division of the Chinese People's Liberation Army as a hygienist.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

Soon, Wang Qingzhen followed the large army over the mountains and mountains and pounced on the Korean battlefield. The cold wind was biting, the bullets were flying, and at the age of 15, she embarked on the road of no return to save the life and help the wounded. In the field hospital, she and her comrades-in-arms raced against time, saving the lives of one wounded person after another with their hands and sweat.

The Battle of Shangganling in October 1952 witnessed Comrade Huang Jiguang's heroic feat that immortalized the world. In order to control the 597.9 heights, the two sides launched a tragic battle for the bunker, Huang Jiguang regardless of his personal life and death, bravely stabbed his body to block the enemy's machine gun shooting hole, and won a valuable opportunity for the troops.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

At that time, the smoke of war was full of terror and horror, and no one could imagine that they would be able to return alive from that battlefield like purgatory on earth. Wang Qingzhen and his comrades-in-arms took advantage of the temporary rest of the guns on both sides of the enemy and us, fought with their lives, bravely went upstream, and finally removed Comrade Huang Jiguang's body from the bullet hole and transported it to the woods.

North Korea is bitterly cold, and Huang Jiguang's body has been stiffened as a stone. Wang Qingzhen and his comrades-in-arms soaked his bloody clothes with warm water little by little, and it took three days and three nights to peel off the skin. At this time, his hands were still raised high, and he couldn't put them down. Wang Qingzhen thought of a clever plan, used a hot towel to give him the final "physiotherapy", and finally packed up Huang Jiguang and put on a brand new military uniform for him.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

"If only I could have left Comrade Huang Jiguang's blood-soaked clothes, it would also be a valuable spiritual wealth." Until her later years, Wang Qingzhen regretted that year. Despite this, she still set a glorious example for future generations with practical actions.

In the field hospital, when he saw a wounded man unable to eat, Wang Qingzhen chewed the food and fed it to him; Once, a platoon commander was prevented from urinating, and she did not hesitate to use her mouth to expel urine for him, saving his life. In the care of more than 20 seriously wounded in three wards, Wang Qingzhen fulfilled his duties and warmed every wounded soldier with selfless love.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

Outstanding meritorious service, Wang Qingzhen has been awarded many awards, she has been awarded second-class merit, was selected as a heroic model representative. After retiring from the army, she still did not forget her original intention, became a worker in Dongcheng Medical Device Factory, set up a voluntary clinic, solved problems for the military and civilian masses, and won the love of countless people.

A female generation, in that turbulent era, with tenacious will and steadfast patriotic enthusiasm, wrote the most wonderful chapter of life. She is the unpretentious but shining "angel of the battlefield".

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

The pure fragrance of history is often hidden in the subtleties, just like the tranquil and deep regret in Wang Qingzhen's heart. An ordinary little thing turns into an eternal memory, allowing us to appreciate the truth and understand the most simple part of human nature.

In 1952, the female nurse took the risk to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted in her later years: I forgot one thing back then

Wang Qingzhen's story teaches us: don't wait for earth-shattering events, but draw strength from the bits and pieces of life, and write the extraordinary with ordinary hands. Even though the years have flown by, that simple feeling has long been deeply engraved on the monument of the times, shining brightly.

Today, we are in an era of peace, but the spirit of patriotism never goes out of style. When we see the hymns written by Wang Qingzhen and other ancestors with their blood and lives, we must understand their hardships in those years, remember their great achievements, and pass on the flame of patriotism from generation to generation with practical actions. #头条首发大赛#