
The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

author:Talking about Xiao Li

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister. In the revolutionary years, there was a heart-wrenching family story. A hot-blooded young man left his family affection for his ideals, but before parting, he entrusted his son to a farmer he didn't know with affection.

This decision is tear-jerking, but it also shows us the steadfast faith of our revolutionary ancestors. The son has been looking for his mother for many years and finally found a clue, and the bleach water surfaced the secret letter left by his mother, so that he found out that his biological father was actually a popular vice premier, and the scene of recognizing each other made people sigh and cry. Have you ever thought about how the singing and crying love of the family and country took shape? How did you give up your family affection?

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

On a cold winter night in 1929, in a small house in Moscow, Russia, a newlywed couple was celebrating their wedding with simple Chinese food. The bride's name is Tang Yizhen, born in a scholarly family, and she has been influenced by revolutionary ideas since she was a child. She adhered to her revolutionary beliefs and left home at a young age to cross the ocean to study in Moscow. There, she not only received the baptism of revolutionary ideas, but also formed a precious marriage with Lu Dingyi, a member of the Chinese delegation.

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

Who knew that the good times would not last long, and her grandmother suddenly became critically ill, and Tang Yizhen left her mother in tears and went to Moscow. Originally, I thought that this was only a temporary separation, but who would have thought that her revolutionary path would last for the rest of her life. Soon after, the authorities expelled her from the party and school on inexplicable charges of being a "reactionary." In the face of the blow, Tang Yizhen had no complaints, but promised to be "honorably expelled".

By chance, Tang Yizhen and Lu Ding fell in love and established a deep revolutionary friendship with each other. The years of love are fleeting, and a major mission forcibly separates the two places. In 1930, Tang Yizhen tearfully bid farewell to her husband who went to China, with expectations: "You go back first, I will arrive later, and see you in Shanghai then!"

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

Unexpectedly, this separation turned out to be a permanent secret. Tang Yizhen, who was pregnant, fled and gave birth to a beloved son in a farmer's house, and "abandoned" the child in the local area in accordance with the deployment of her superiors. In order not to affect her son, she carved the address of her hometown on the relic in Russian as a clue for her son to find his mother.

Fate played tricks, Tang Yizhen died in an encounter at the age of 25. Since then, his son Fan Jiading has no father or mother, and can only grow up in the arms of his adoptive family. He didn't know anything about his biological parents' background, until 18 years later, his adoptive father's unintentional words made him clear up the mystery...

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

The family is determined to trace the roots, but the clues left are too scarce. After many twists and turns, he finally found an ink stain on a relic and soaked it in bleach. Sure enough, a vague line of Russian words emerged, guiding him to his biological mother's hometown.

What's more coincidental is that on the way, he met an old man, and with the help of the clues provided by the old man, Jia Ding successfully found his biological father Lu Dingyi, who was serving as vice premier at the time. A touching family reunion brought tears to the eyes of the spectators. Have you ever expected that the peasant child would follow his mother all the way to such a high position?

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

Every time I think back to the past, I will sigh at my mother's righteousness. Despite the rugged and devastated path of the revolution, she embarked on the road of no return without hesitation. In the same way, Jia Ding is also sincerely grateful to the adoptive parents who raised him. He was full of emotion, although his family was in difficulty, his adoptive parents took good care of him, and even the last bite of food was willing to share it with him...

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

This magnificent family story is full of ups and downs and gripping, which makes us shocked and deeply inspired. Life is never merciless, and any time when the years are quiet will inevitably be swept away by the storms of reality. However, Tang Yizhen interpreted the noble character of the older generation of revolutionaries with practical actions - regarding the revolution as more important than Mount Tai and family affection as a price that can be discarded.

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

Without the path opened up by these predecessors with their blood and lives, we would not have the happiness and well-being we have today. Life will eventually pass, and only faith and the pursuit of eternity remain. As the saying goes, "the spirit is immortal", revolutionary martyrs like Tang Yizhen will surely live forever with their magnificent lives and lofty ideals.

The guy put his biological mother's relics into the bleached water, and only after a line of words appeared: The biological father is the deputy prime minister

The motherland was born from generation to generation of such promising people, who are the torch of the times and illuminate the way forward. Only with perseverance, mutual understanding and care can we work together to continue to write this singing and crying chapter of our family and country. #头条首发大赛#