
In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later. In the history of the Chinese revolution, there is such an old general, whose commanding experience is worthy of being remembered forever by future generations. He is Comrade Tan Youlin. This veteran general, who came from a poor background and experienced ups and downs, joined the Communist Party at a young age and followed Chairman Mao to participate in the arduous Long March.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

He has made great contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Korean War, and was awarded the highest medal by the North Korean government. However, just as he was about to return from a visit to North Korea in 1992, President Kim Il Sung ordered his flight to be delayed. What is the reason for this? Let's take a look at the legendary life of this veteran general!

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

Comrade Tan Youlin has experienced the hardships of life since he was a child. Born in 1907 in a remote rural area of Henan, his family was poor, he lost his mother at a young age, and later his father married his stepfamily, although his stepmother loved him, but his life was still very poor. At the age of 14, he embarked on a wandering career and began a working life to earn money to support his family. Exploited and oppressed, Tan Youlin became interested in Communist Party theory and joined the Communist Party in 1927.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

In October 1934, Tan Youlin went to northern Shaanxi to participate in the Great Long March. It was a very difficult time, they often did not have enough to eat, they did not have warm clothes, and their feet were blistered with blood when they walked. However, Tan Youlin never gave up and always strengthened his revolutionary convictions. Sure enough, in 1938, he was appointed political commissar of the New Fourth Army. In the same year, under Peng Xuefeng's initiative, he joined the guerrillas to deal with bandits, wanting to experience a good combat operation.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

As a result, in this battle, he can be said to have conquered the enemy with wisdom. In order to transform an army of bandits, Tan Youlin first propagated the ideology of the Communist Party to them, and also cared for and helped them wholeheartedly in his daily life. More importantly, he developed waver elements from within, thereby influencing more people to join the revolution. Eventually, this bandit army was transformed into the Communist Party, and Tan Youlin became their leader. Oh my God, this is a battle of wisdom!

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Tan Youlin was ordered to fight in Korea. The 39th Army of the Volunteer Army, where he belonged, won a complete victory in the first battle, defeating the First Cavalry Division of the US Army, known as the "Winning Division". In the famous Battle of Yunshan, our army not only captured thousands of people alive, but also captured a large number of weapons and equipment. "When I heard that this King's Cavalry Division was defeated by our 39th Army, I was so happy that I couldn't keep my mouth shut!" Marshal Peng Dehuai said excitedly at that time. Since then, the 39th Army led by Tan Youlin has established a heroic image in the hearts of the Korean people.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

After the end of the Korean War, Tan Youlin was going to take a flight back to his homeland, but he did not expect President Kim Il Sung to order the postponement of their flight. It turned out that Kim Il Sung was going to personally award Tan Youlin the highest medal in recognition of his outstanding exploits on the Korean battlefield. At this moment, Tan Youlin's heart was extremely moved, after all, he had a heroic and fearless fighting spirit in the battle of Yunshan back then. With infinite gratitude, he humbly accepted the high commendation of the DPRK Government.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

After retiring, Tan Youlin has been silently fighting at the grassroots level and has made great contributions to the construction of the frontier. During those days, he endured hunger and hunger, won many battles, was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of a Communist Party member with his simple and persistent dedication. Until the last moment of his life, he always maintained his sincere love for the party and the people.

In 1991, when Tan Youlin was about to return to China after his visit to the DPRK, Kim Il Sung ordered that the flight take off later

If Chairman Mao is our great leader, then Comrade Tan Youlin is a model of revolutionary heroes. From the children of impoverished peasant families, to glorious communists, to fearless anti-Japanese generals and heroic generals of the DPRK, Comrade Tan Youlin used his unswerving revolutionary feelings and tenacious fighting spirit to compose heroic hymns that can be sung and cried. His deeds have inspired generation after generation to unswervingly strive for national rejuvenation. Let us always remember the great achievements of the heroes, inherit and carry forward their glorious revolutionary traditions, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation#头条首发大赛! #