
Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

author:Talking about Xiao Li

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary. Fighting to cross Huangquan Road, it was unexpectedly that the strings of the Mao family were broken. "Resist US aggression and aid Korea, protect the home and defend the country"! Under the order of the great man Chairman Mao, Meng Zhi'er was the first to commit the dangerous line.

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

North Korea's artillery fire has been trapped for a long time, and the situation has changed several times. Who expected that the triumph was immediate, but it was attacked by the US military. How sad and indignant is the heart of the child? The sacrifice of the first three abnormal acts of Kishi Ying is deplorable. Sigh that the heroes of this world can be of great use? It hurts to leave a grudge in vain.

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

The Korean War was on the verge of breaking out, and the young and promising Mao Anying took the initiative to ask to join the front line. In October 1950, he went to fight in North Korea with Peng Dehuai. Before leaving, Anying explained her thoughts to her wife Liu Siqi three times and behaved very strangely.

First, he sincerely told his wife in the Beijing hospital: "I am going on a business trip to another country tomorrow, and communication may be blocked, so don't worry about it." When parting, it is even more affectionate, reluctant to give up, and bowing deeply, which is the most solemn farewell etiquette for soldiers. At that time, Liu Siqi was still young and naïve, and he had no idea. There are only two small guesses, who expects the last side.

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

Second, Anying also made a special trip to visit her mother-in-law Zhang Wenqiu in the evening. He said to his mother-in-law: "The party organization wants to send me to the Soviet Union, this is a confidential matter, and I can't talk too much." After that, I borrowed a commemorative watch from my mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was dumbfounded, just as a child's play. Unexpectedly, this was the last face before parting.

Third, before leaving, Anying also saluted her mother-in-law with a standard military salute. In the eyes of the soldiers, this clearly means goodbye. He disappeared into the night of Beijing in style. In retrospect, it's scary. No wonder Liu Siqi later recalled her husband's abnormal behavior before parting, and suddenly realized: It turned out that he had expected his sacrifice!

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

On that miserable morning on November 25, the U.S. military attacked and bombed Peng Dehuai's combat office. Comrades such as Anying and Gao Ruixin were buried here, forever resting in a foreign land. The bad news came and shocked the whole country. An Ying's epitaph reads: "Chairman Mao Zedong personally inscribed the five big characters of 'immortal'".

The news reached the ears of Chairman Mao, who was fighting desperately in the final stage of the National Liberation War. Knowing that his beloved eldest son would never come back, he stood there and was stunned for a while. Loving father and son, lost and reborn, sad and sad!

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

As a hero's child, Liu Siqi has always buried his grief deep in his heart and has been fortified for more than three years. It wasn't until the summer of 1953 that she finally cried bitterly in front of Chairman Mao: "Anying, my Anying..." Chairman Mao personally comforted his daughter-in-law, with tears in his eyes and a choked voice: "Good daughter, you will be my own daughter from now on."

The heroes of an era are gone forever, leaving their loved ones with endless pain and memories. Now, time has passed, and the smoke of those eventful years has dissipated. But the tragic sacrifice of the hero's sons and daughters is still admirable and endless.

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

Mao Anying is an ordinary soldier and a young man in cloth. But when the survival of his family and country was at stake, he was not afraid of danger and sacrificed himself bravely. That kind of pioneer spirit is awe-inspiring. Although the heroes are gone, their deeds and spirit will live on forever. Let us always remember the great achievements of the martyrs from the bottom of our hearts in this era of peace!

Before Mao Anying went abroad, did he have a premonition that he would sacrifice? His 3 behaviors are extraordinary

Only when the country is rich and the people are strong can we truly repay the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs. May the Chinese nation forever enjoy an era of peace, for which our generation should unswervingly struggle. Finally, I conclude with a famous quote by Mao Anying: "If a person never strives for something, then he will always be 'nothing'." #头条首发大赛#