
In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him. Zhou Bingjian, who was strictly required by his uncle Zhou Enlai to be an ordinary laborer since he was a child, took the initiative to set foot on the Inner Mongolia prairie to exercise himself when he was young.

There, she not only won unanimous praise from Mongolian herdsmen, but also met her favorite Lasurong. However, when Zhou Bingjian decided to marry the singer with children, it caused an uproar? What makes "Iron Girl" Zhou Bingjian so determined? How did Deng Yingchao respond to this marriage? Check it out!

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

We have been taught to be an ordinary laborer since we were children, and to live an ordinary life, but who would have thought that the niece of Premier Zhou's family, Zhou Bingjian, also set foot on the Inner Mongolia prairie without hesitation when she was young?

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

In 1968, 16-year-old Zhou Bingjian took the initiative to sign up for exercise in the frontier without telling his family, and soon went to the distant Xilin Gol prairie in Inner Mongolia. Despite the difficult living environment, food, housing and transportation are all very different from those in the capital, Zhou Bingjian still managed to survive. I remember that at that time, she was learning to ride horses, herd sheep, milk cows, and lamb every day.

Slowly, Zhou Bingjian completely integrated into the life of Mongolian herdsmen, like a grassland girl. The vast number of Mongolian herders also praised her as "our manai saihushi" (Mongolian for "our girl"). Later, Zhou Bingjian was recommended to join the army with his excellent skills.

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

Unexpectedly, her uncle, Premier Zhou Enlai, turned his face when he heard the news, and immediately asked the troops to return Zhou Bingjian to Inner Mongolia. As a result, Zhou Bingjian regretfully took off his jubilant military uniform and returned to the grassland.

It turned out that Premier Zhou was worried that once it was spread that his niece would "go through the back door" to become a soldier, it would cause a bad impact, and it would also be a blow to the parents of educated youths who had no chance to enlist in the army. It can be seen that Premier Zhou worked hard for the people.

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

Fortunately, Zhou Bingjian finally figured it out, and she herself said, "Who called me the niece of the prime minister?" The Prime Minister's niece should suffer more and be tested more." Later, she took root in Inner Mongolia and became a role model for local youth.

During this period, Zhou Bingjian met a well-known local singer - La Surong. The two hit it off at first sight and soon fell in love. Who would have thought that this "Iron Maiden" would fall in love with a divorced man with children?

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

At the beginning, La Surong was indeed worried that his difficult life would drag Zhou Bingjian down, so he rejected her kindness. But the good daughter Zhou Bingjian firmly said to him: "As long as we love each other, I am not afraid of any difficulties!"

When the news spread that the two were going to get married, someone immediately wrote an anonymous letter to the central government and Aunt Deng Yingchao, saying that they had a lot of complaints about this family matter. We can imagine that an "iron girl" looking for a divorced man with children must have made many people think it was incredible at that time, right?

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

However, in the face of many criticisms, Zhou Bingjian has never wavered. I remember that at that time, even after her uncle Premier Zhou Enlai was told about this by Deng Yingchao, in addition to a slight doubt at the beginning, he quickly said, "I wish you a happy marriage".

It seems that they, as revolutionaries of the previous generation, have long since let go of any prejudice against the marriage of their children and grandchildren. However, Premier Zhou still told Zhou Bingjian, "As long as you two love each other, it's fine, but if you marry someone, you have to marry someone, and you still have to be like a person."

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

In this way, Zhou Bingjian and La Surong tied the knot in the blessings of relatives and friends. After getting married, Zhou Bingjian was not only filial to his in-laws, but also regarded La Surong's children as his own, just like a family of three. It can be said that she wrote a good story with practical actions.

In 1978, his niece Zhou Bingjian's marriage partner caused controversy, and Deng Yingchao learned: I want to meet him

It is true that compared with Zhou Enlai's uncle's generation, times have changed dramatically. However, the hopes and teachings of a generation of heroes for future generations have never changed. Zhou Bingjian's ability to follow his heart and boldly pursue his love is not only the best interpretation of his uncle Zhou Enlai's teachings, but also allows us to see the independent personality and tenacity of the descendants of the "Prime Minister's Office". He is really a good successor of revolutionary martyrs! From this little story, it is not difficult for us to understand the good intentions of the Chinese Communists in educating their children and future generations. I believe that as long as we uphold this pure heart for the people, the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will be invincible#头条首发大赛! #