
The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

author:Talking about Xiao Li

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people. On June 26, 1946, the Central Plains Field Army broke through the encirclement of 300,000 heavy troops of the Kuomintang Army and broke through to the west. Subsequently, Wang Zhen and other leaders of the Central Plains Military Region led their troops to move to southern Shaanxi and fought fiercely with the Kuomintang army for several months.

In Xichuan, Danjiang, Baoyuling and other places, they broke through one dangerous obstacle after another, fought to the death, and launched a thrilling strategic shift. Heavy rain was pouring down, the ravines were narrow, and the situation was critical. Let's see, how did those iron bones get rid of the encirclement again and again and open up a way of life in a desperate situation? The heroic deeds of many soldiers who are not afraid of hardships and dangers and regard death as their home make people's blood boil!

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

After June 1946, Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Kuomintang army, learned that the Central Plains Field Army had moved westward, and he was immediately furious and fiercely pursued and killed. He attacked again and again, desperately intercepted, in a vain attempt to completely encircle our army in the lofty mountains and mountains, and the whole army was annihilated. The vanguard of the Central Plains Army was the 359th Brigade led by the old leader Wang Zhen, who encountered the enemy's murderous interception.

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

On July 11, the 359th Brigade arrived in Xichuan County and was suddenly intercepted by heavy troops under the command of General Hu Zongnan of the Kuomintang Army. Alone, we're in a desperate situation! The heavy rain is like a note, the torrent is rolling, and it is difficult to cross the river without a bridge. I knew that hard fighting was inevitable, but I never thought that there would be many obstacles!

Wang Zhen, who was generous and righteous, was not chaotic in the face of danger, and immediately ordered the whole brigade to cross the river. Seeing the waves of the Danjiang River roaring and churning, there is not a single flat boat on the river, and it is really difficult to cross the river.

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

"Follow me!" Regardless of the wind and rain, Wang Zhen gave an order, took off his clothes, took the lead, and jumped into the turbulence. The officers and men of the brigade followed suit and immediately bravely marched upstream. The majestic shouts of the charge shook the heavens, and the heroic posture of the resolute warriors made people admire again and again, saving 1,500 people!

Filling his pockets, filling the flood and famine, and not afraid of hardships and dangers, Wang Zhen has the same desires, as brave and fearless as a tiger and wolf. Everyone united as one, and they crossed the surging river one after another, living up to their reputation. The battle scene of the year is now reappearing in front of you, which will surely make every descendant of Yan and Huang excited! The pride that is gone forever is heartily touching.

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

After all the difficulties, the 359th Brigade finally broke through the encirclement and moved to Baoyuling. But there are also heavily armed, and what awaits us is still a heavy siege and mortar. With white blades and bare hands, the bloody battle is in full swing, and the two sides are divided and combined to cut the camp. The most eye-catching is the Battle of Goutouping. The officers and men of the 7th Company stood on the dog head ping, resisted stubbornly, and prevented the enemy from encircling and intercepting them. But the enemy showed no mercy, and trapped us in the halfway up the mountainside, making it difficult to get out of the line of fire. Suddenly, the guns and cannons were raging, and the flesh and blood were flying, which was unbearable!

The regiment commander Wu Gang was martyred bravely, and Yan Longbin, acting as the head of the regiment, endured the pain and led the officers and soldiers of the regiment to rush up the hillside to beat the recalcitrant army, and finally broke through a way of life. In this battle, Yan Longbin's right arm was broken; Chief of Staff Zhuzhov was shot and died; Political commissar Jiang Hongjun was also martyred...... It's not easy for the 359 Brigade to go! Every step is a bloody battle, and every day is a thread. Sometimes they are encircled, sometimes they break through the passes, and they fight to the end. Back then, they tried their best to break through, as fierce and fierce as wolves on the battlefield, and finally broke through this hideous mountain.

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

The war is still ongoing, and victory on the Western Front will come! Wang Zhen and other strong willpower will always be worth remembering; The fearless spirit of the revolutionary martyrs is even more immortal. We should erect a heroic monument for it, and remember the great achievements of heroes and martyrs from generation to generation!

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

The Battle of the Central Plains Military Region in 1946 can be called a piece of legendary history. Those seemingly insignificant, with their sincere blood, were invincible, invincible, and the lofty ideal of recovering the lost territory was finally realized. The indomitable integrity and revolutionary courage of Wang Zhen and other veteran leaders will always be remembered. In the face of many obstacles, they never gave up, opened up a future with courage and wisdom, and their indestructible revolutionary will was moving.

The old company commander of the 359th Brigade recalled in his later years: Wang Huzi roared and saved 1,500 people

The dream of national rejuvenation is immortal, and they show a heroic image of righteousness with their actions. Let us unite closely and work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with reverence for the revolutionary martyrs. When one side is in trouble, all sides will support, and defend the country with a fearless spirit of sacrifice. Only by being open-minded and moving forward bravely can we avoid the repetition of history and create a brighter tomorrow #Headline Premiere Contest#