
Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life? Ye Ting, this name shines brightly in the history of the revolution. As the commander of the independent regiment during the Northern Expedition, he was brave and capable, and his achievements were impressive. But who would have thought that this once admired general, after the defeat of the Guangzhou Uprising, experienced a long ten years of seclusion.

Wandering in a foreign land and having no long-term belongings, Ye Ting actually lived an extremely restrained and frugal life. However, it was during this particular stage of his life that his devotion to the revolutionary cause remained undiminished. Could it be that this is the mockery of fate against the heroes of the revolution? What kind of life has Ye Ting lived in seclusion for ten years? Let's walk into this magnificent history together and feel the struggle and persistence of a generation.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In 1928, after the defeat of the Guangzhou Uprising, Ye Ting had to take refuge in Hong Kong, and his spirit was extremely depressed. In order to relieve the gloom in his heart, he took a boat to the South Seas. I never thought that a few years ago, when he led the independent regiment to fight in Jiangmen and Xinhui, his prestige would spread all over the distant Nanyang Chinese community. The local overseas Chinese were proud to be able to see the style of the "famous generals of the Northern Expedition", and they paid tribute to Ye Ting.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

However, as the revolution was at a low ebb, Ye Ting was full of confusion and anxiety about the "prospects of China", and even a grand banquet could not make him happy. Eventually, he decided to follow in the footsteps of the pioneers, left the party organization, and began a hard life in exile in Europe.

In the autumn of 1928, Ye Ting arrived at his first stop, Berlin. However, the scene in front of me is the withering of all industries, social turmoil, and a bleak and powerless atmosphere everywhere. This made Ye Ting, who had been longing for Berlin for a long time, feel unprecedented helplessness and loss.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In the wandering life in a foreign country, Ye Ting sometimes opened a small restaurant in the workers' area to provide daily meals for international students, and sometimes bought candied fruits, vegetables and fruits in the countryside to sell on the streets. Even the abandoned remnant vegetables, he never discarded them easily, but brought them back to pickle them to satisfy his hunger. Everywhere he went, Ye Ting worked hard to make a living with his hands.

In addition, he devoted himself to his studies and purchased a large number of German books, including dozens of German encyclopedias. Reading broadened Ye Ting's horizons, and he finally realized a truth: revolutionaries should not only admit success, but also learn to face failure calmly, otherwise they will achieve nothing.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In this way, Ye Ting lived in Berlin for three full years. Although his life was difficult, he never gave up his military studies and longing for his motherland. In the summer of 1931, he returned to Macao with his family, hoping to find a way out of the resistance to the Japanese country in this small refuge.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In Macau, Ye Ting's life is still living in poverty. Not only did he earn a living by manual labor, but he also took care of educating his children. However, Ye Ting never doted on the children, but taught them by word and deed, requiring them to be eager to learn and not afraid of hardship.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

Ye Ting spent several years in Macao, but he was still concerned about the revolutionary cause, studying German books and periodicals, and thinking about military strategy. He never gave up the ideal of resisting Japan and saving the country. Even in adversity, Ye Ting has always been unswervingly committed to the revolutionary cause.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In the years when Ye Ting was patiently waiting for the opportunity, some of his old subordinates such as Jiang Guangnai, Cai Tingkai and others sent people to visit. They knew Ye Ting's talent very well, and they all persuaded Ye Ting to return to the military and display his talents. Although Ye Ting was very interested in this, he still did not make a decision. Because he knew that even if he rejoined the revolution one day, he, an "outlaw" who had left the party, would not be easily reused.

Ye Ting has lived in seclusion for ten years after leaving the party, how is his life?

In this way, Ye Ting spent ten years in Macau silently. Although he lived in poverty in the past ten years, he never gave up his ambition to serve the motherland. Despite his troubles, his spirit never sank. On the contrary, this special experience gave Ye Ting a deeper understanding of the revolutionary cause. It was this unswerving persistence that finally waited for the arrival of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, which gave Ye Ting the opportunity to display his ambitions again. A generation of heroes survived the most difficult period in this way, and wrote a history with their tenacity and courage. #头条首发大赛#