
She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain
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She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

In the movie "Kung Fu" directed by Stephen Chow, there is a character that impresses the audience. She wears multicolored curling irons, slippers, and a half-cigarette in her mouth, and a roar that can make the sand fly away.

This unique charter woman, played by Yuan Qiu, shocked the audience with her amazing performance.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, 54-year-old Yuan Qiu did not hesitate to gain 22 pounds. Her dedication and outstanding performance won her the Golden Horse Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress.

However, what is less known is that the actor has been out of the film for eighteen years before that. Yuan Qiu's return to the screen not only created a classic role, but also opened a new chapter in her legendary life.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

The story of Yuan Qiu begins with a Peking Opera family, but her childhood was not as glamorous as she imagined. When she was born, her father named her "Zhang Zhuannan", implying the expectation of giving birth to a boy in the next child.

In this family, which is deeply influenced by patriarchal thinking, Yuan Qiu is not only not loved, but is often regarded as a burden.

At the age of seven, the little Yuan Qiu was sent to the door of the martial arts master Yu Zhanyuan. This decision became a turning point in her life. There, Yuan Qiu began his arduous martial arts training.

Every day is full of challenges, but she never gives up. There was a determined glint in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth and got up after every fall to continue practicing.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Since the age of ten, Yuan Qiu has continued to improve under strict training. Her perseverance and talent soon showed, and she became the best of her peers. At the age of seventeen, Yuan Qiu finally stepped into the film and television industry and became a female star and stuntman.

Her efforts were not in vain, and she soon made a name for herself in the circle.

As the only female disciple of the Seven Little Blessings, Yuan Qiu's status even surpassed that of Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung who later became famous. Sammo Hung, who was high-spirited back then, often felt nervous when she cooperated with Yuan Qiu, and was even blamed by her for not being able to remember the lines.

Even Jackie Chan, who is in full swing, must be respectful in the face of Yuan Qiu. These details show Yuan Qiu's status and strength in the martial arts world.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

However, the situation of the early female batters was not ideal. Despite her superb skills, she had to work as a stand-in frequently in order to make ends meet. She has served as a stand-in for many well-known female stars such as Ningbo, Xing Hui, Li Jing, and Jin Fei.

This experience made Yuan Qiu deeply understand the plight of women in the entertainment industry.

Despite the many challenges, Yuan Qiu never gave up on his dream. Her eyes always burned with a love for acting, and even in the toughest of times, she never thought of giving up.

Yuan Qiu used his strength to prove that women can also shine in the field of martial arts stars.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Yuan Qiu's early experience not only shaped her tenacious character, but also laid a solid foundation for her future achievements in the entertainment industry. Her story tells us that no matter what your background, with strong faith and unremitting efforts, you can create your own legend.

Yuan Qiu's acting career is like the rising sun, and the future is limitless. However, when she was 24 years old, she made a decision that shocked both inside and outside the circle - to get married and quit the circle.

This choice puzzled many people, but Yuan Qiu's eyes revealed expectations and longing for a new life. She resolutely shifted the focus of her life from the hustle and bustle of the screen to ordinary family life.

However, the reality after marriage is very different from Yuan Qiu's beautiful imagination. The man who once kept saying that he loved her showed a completely different face after marriage.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Not only did he not cherish this marriage, but he wantonly squandered Yuan Qiu's savings over the years and indulged in a life of spending days and drinking. Yuan Qiu's heart was full of disappointment and pain, but she was not crushed by such a blow.

Faced with the cruel reality, Yuan Qiu chose to be strong. For the sake of her two children, she took on the responsibility of supporting her family alone. From the high-profile screen star of the past to the obscure single mother, Yuan Qiu's life has changed dramatically.

Every day is full of challenges, but every time she sees the innocent smiling faces of the children, all the hard work becomes worth it in her eyes.

This eighteen-year quiet period is not only a severe test for Yuanqiu, but also a rare opportunity for growth. Her heart has undergone a transformation from disappointment to strength, from confusion to sobriety.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

In the process of raising children, Yuan Qiu learned more wisdom about life and human nature. This experience laid a deeper foundation for her life to return to the screen in the future.

Although Yuan Qiu chose to leave the showbiz, the tenacity and unyielding in her bones have never changed. She used her own way to interpret what it means to be truly strong, and to maintain her love and hope for life in the face of adversity.

These eighteen years of life experience have made Yuanqiu's heart richer and more mature, and also laid the groundwork for her amazing comeback.

The story of Yuanqiu tells us that the road of life is not always smooth sailing, but it is these ups and downs that shape our character and enrich our lives.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

She used her own experience to prove that even if she leaves the stage temporarily, as long as she still maintains her love in her heart, she will be able to shine again one day.

The years flowed, and eighteen years passed quietly in the blink of an eye. On an ordinary day, Yuan Qiu accompanied his sister Yuan Ju to audition for the movie "Kung Fu", originally just to give her sister some support.

However, the gears of fate are quietly turning at this time. Director Stephen Chow's eyes were attracted by the former martial arts star, and he recognized Yuan Qiu at a glance.

Stephen Chow was more surprised than happy when he saw this long-lost senior sister. He keenly captured the unique temperament of Yuan Qiu, which was calm and free after years of precipitation.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

In Stephen Chow's heart, Yuanqiu is the perfect charter wife he has been looking for.

It is not easy to convince an actor who has been out of action for many years to make a comeback. Stephen Chow showed amazing sincerity and patience, he visited Yuan Qiu many times, and his attitude was humble and respectful, just like the ancient famous general "three visits to the thatched house".

Sometimes when Yuan Qiu was playing mahjong, Stephen Chow waited patiently aside, not claiming to be his star at all.

Yuan Qiu was moved by Stephen Chow's sincerity. There was a hint of hesitation in her eyes, but more of an anticipation of returning to the screen. In the end, Yuan Qiu nodded and agreed to the role and began her comeback journey.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

On the filming site of "Kung Fu", the 54-year-old Yuan Qiu showed amazing professionalism. In order to create a perfect image of the charter wife, she did not hesitate to gain 22 pounds.

Every expression, every movement, is the result of her repeated pondering. Yuan Qiu's efforts were not in vain, her performance was superb and left a deep impression on the audience.

Yuan Qiu's comeback "Kung Fu" was a huge success, and she won the Golden Horse Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as a charter wife. This is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a reward for her persistence and dedication over the years.

Yuan Qiu's stunning comeback proves that true strength will not be worn out by the years. She uses her actions to tell the world that as long as there is still a love for acting in her heart, she will never be forgotten by time.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Stephen Chow's insight and Yuan Qiu's courage combined to create a classic image on the screen, and also wrote a wonderful new chapter in Yuan Qiu's life.

The success of "Kung Fu" made Yuanqiu the focus of the entertainment industry again, and various invitations poured in like snowflakes. However, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, Yuanqiu's attitude towards his career has undergone subtle changes.

She began to become more casual, only taking on roles she really liked, and this selective attitude made her nicknamed "the laziest actor".

Yuan Qiu's eyes flashed with wisdom, and she knew that the true meaning of life did not lie in fame, but in inner satisfaction. Even at the age of 70, she still retains her vitality and cherishes the time she spends with her family and friends.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

After participating in works such as "Dragon Gate Dart Game" and "Big Four Joys", Yuan Qiu chose not to accept new film contracts for the time being because he felt that he had filmed too many films and had no time to accompany his family.

In the entertainment industry, the three "taboos" about Yuanqiu are widely circulated: don't talk about "Kung Fu", don't involve personal emotional life, and don't ask about age. Behind these "taboos" is Yuan Qiu's cherishing of her own private space and her personality of not following the crowd.

She does not have the slightest pretension as a senior artist, but she will never condone the unfounded speculation of unscrupulous media.

Yuan Qiu used his own way to interpret what is the real free life. Her story tells us that success is not only about career success, but also about the courage and wisdom to live according to your heart.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Throughout Yuan Qiu's life, we see a legendary woman who is both chivalrous and tender. There is not only the heroism of a martial arts star in her eyes, but also the gentleness of a mother.

From the unfavored daughter of a Peking Opera family, to the pinnacle of martial arts stars, to an obscure single mother, and finally to return to the screen to create classics, Yuan Qiu used her own experience to interpret what is the true self.

Between career and family, Yuanqiu found his own balance. Her choice may not be understood by everyone, but she is never judged by the unexpected world. Yuan Qiu's eyes always shine with confidence, which comes from the firmness of his heart.

She taught us that life doesn't need to be a rule, and the most important thing is to live your true self.

She is known as a "lazy actor", she has been in the film for many years, and she immediately created classics as soon as she came out of the mountain

Yuan Qiu's philosophy of life is a rare open-mindedness and wisdom. Whether as a martial arts star or as an ordinary mother, she interprets the true meaning of life in her own way.

Her story is not only a legend of an actor, but also an inspirational journey of an ordinary person to find himself and realize the value of life.

Yuan Qiu tells us with his actions that real success does not lie in fame and fortune, but in being able to live according to one's own heart, and in finding inner peace and satisfaction.

Her life experience is undoubtedly a vivid life lesson for everyone.

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