
Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

author:Chuangyi is important

In the dead of night, Li Po from Nagada in the northeast was sleeping soundly, when a sudden sharp knock on the door woke her up from her dream. Li Po put on her clothes, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Zhang Laohan standing outside the door panting like an ant on a hot pot. "Po Li, hurry up, there's something urgent!" As soon as Zhang Laohan finished speaking, he took Li Po's hand, and the two of them hurriedly ran out of the village.

Through the dark night, the two came to a dense forest. Li Po muttered in her heart, what is the urgency in the middle of the night? followed Zhang Laohan into the forest, and the surroundings were so quiet that you could hear a needle falling to the ground. As I walked, my eyes suddenly opened up, and a meadow came into view. On the grass, a big sika deer was lying there, with a bulging belly and trembling limbs, and it looked like it was a difficult birth.

Li Po's heart tightened, why did this sika deer come here? Still having a difficult birth? But she is an old man, she has never seen any scenes, so she hurriedly stepped forward to see the situation. When the sika deer saw someone coming, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes at first, but soon he showed a look of distress. Li Po stroked the head of the sika deer and said softly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll help you." She carefully observed the situation of the sika deer and found that the fetal position was not correct and the child could not come out.

Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

Li Po took a deep breath, folded her hands, closed her eyes, and began to recite her midwifery mantra silently. At that moment, there was a sudden thunderclap in the sky, followed by a flash of lightning, illuminating the meadow. Li Po looked up and saw a huge white deer descending from the sky, with golden light flashing in her eyes, staring at her. Bailu spoke, his voice low and powerful: "You are not an ordinary person, you can help the deer in my clan who has a difficult birth." Today's kindness will be remembered by our people. Li Po was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What is this, it's a trivial matter, I just hope this sika deer can be safe." ”

Bailu nodded, turned into a white light, and disappeared into the night sky. Li Po retracted her gaze and continued to concentrate on helping the sika deer deliver the baby. It took a lot of effort, and finally, with a crisp cry, a small deer cub was born. The sika deer looked at the fawn cub with joy in her eyes, struggled to stand up, and lowered her head to lick the fawn cub. Oh my god, that's a real annoyance. When Li Po saw the situation, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, and she got up from the ground with a bone, thinking in her heart that she had to retreat quickly. At this moment, the sika deer suddenly raised her head and said to Li Po: "Sister, you are not an ordinary person, we can treat you as a friend in our clan." If there is anything in the future, just come to me. When Li Po heard this, she was stunned, then nodded, turned around and left. She walked out of the dense forest, and when she looked back, the sika deer was leading the fawn slowly disappearing into the night. Since then, Li Po's reputation in the village has grown, and everyone says that she is not only a good delivery hand, but also can talk to animals, what a strange person. Li Po herself often thinks of the adventure of that night, and her heart is mixed.

This is the story of Li Po and the sika deer of our midwife in Nagada, northeast. In that small old village, this story spread ten, ten and hundred, and became a good story. Li Po came out of the dense forest and returned to the village, and the sky was already dark. Zhang Laohan had been waiting at the entrance of the village, and when he saw her coming back, he hurriedly greeted her and asked with concern: "Po Li, what happened to the sika deer?" Li Po wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with a smile: "Oh, Lao Zhang, you have to thank me, the sika deer mother and son are all right." When Zhang Laohan heard this, his face bloomed with joy, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, good, Li Po, you are really the living Bodhisattva of our village!" Li Po waved her hand and said, "What is the living Bodhisattva who is not a living Bodhisattva, let's do this, if we can help, we can help." ”

Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

As the days passed, Po Li's life returned to peace. She is still doing her old job of delivering babies, living a simple and fulfilling life. But every time she walked near that dense forest, she would always think of that late-night adventure, of the sika deer and its children. One day, a group of people suddenly came to the village, dressed in fancy clothes and riding tall horses, and they were not ordinary people at first glance. The villagers all gathered around, gossiping, and they didn't know what these people were here for. Li Po also leaned over curiously to take a look, and saw that the gang was surrounding a young man, who was very handsome and had a good temperament. He was holding a painting of a sika deer. Childe looked around, as if looking for something. He walked up to Li Po and asked, "Old man, have you ever seen this sika deer?" When Li Po looked at the painting, she was shocked, wasn't this the sika deer she met that night? But she didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically: "This son, what are you looking for this sika deer?" Childe sighed and said, "I won't tell you, this sika deer is my baby." It was suddenly gone, and we searched for a long time but couldn't find it. This time I came to the village, I also wanted to try my luck. When Li Po heard this, she was a little entangled in her heart. She didn't know whether to tell the boy the whereabouts of the sika deer. But seeing that the boy was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, she couldn't bear to lie to him. At that moment, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the village. Li Po turned her head to look and saw the sika deer walking slowly with its little deer. Seeing this scene, the villagers took the initiative to make a way, so that the mother and child of the sika deer could reach the center of the crowd. As soon as Childe saw the sika deer, a flash of surprise immediately flashed in his eyes. He quickly stepped forward, stroked the head of the sika deer, and said, "You are finally back, I have worked so hard to find you." The sika deer raised her head and stared at Childe, with a hint of indescribable emotion in her eyes. It turned its head again and looked at Li Po, as if to say goodbye to her. Li Po was shocked in her heart, stepped forward, and said to her son: "This son, this pair of sika deer mother and son I met by chance that day. When I saw that they were having a difficult birth, I reached out to them. Now they are safe and safe, which is also a blessing for me. When Childe heard this, he immediately thanked Li Po: "Old man, thank you very much for your help." This is a great significance to our family, and I will remember your kindness. With that, he took out a jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Li Po: "This is a token of our family, please accept it." If there is anything you need help with in the future, please feel free to come to me. Li Po took the jade pendant and observed it carefully. The jade pendant has a pure texture and is carved with a vivid sika deer. Her heart was full of emotion, she didn't expect that an ordinary midwife could experience such an extraordinary adventure. The mother and son stayed in the village for a few days, and then left with their son. The villagers came to see them off, and Li Po also stood in the crowd, watching their figures gradually fade away. Since then, Li Po's reputation has become even louder. Not only is she a highly skilled midwife, but she is also considered a strange person who can communicate with animals. The villagers' respect and gratitude for her deepened. And Li Po herself has become more open and optimistic. She often said: "Life is like a drama, there are laughter and tears, gains and losses." But as long as we keep a kind heart, we can leave our footprints in this world. "Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Po's hair has turned gray, but her spirit is still strong. She still insists on the work of delivering babies, welcoming every new life with her own hands. And in that dense forest, the sika deer still lives freely. He often brought the little deer cub to the edge of the village and looked at Li Po's house from afar, as if to express his respect and gratitude to her. This is the story of the midwife Li Po and the sika deer. It tells the story of how an ordinary midwife formed a deep bond with a sika deer and became a legend. This story has been passed down for a long time in the land of Northeast China and has become a good story and legend. The days passed peacefully, and Li Po's reputation became louder and louder in the village, and the sika deer became a magical legend in the mouths of the villagers. When night falls, the children of the village gather around Li Po and listen to her tell the story of the sika deer that was delivered late at night. One day, Li Po sat on a rocking chair in her yard, enjoying the warm afternoon sun. Oh my god, this quiet afternoon was suddenly broken by a rapid "dong dong" sound, as if someone's little chicken was in a hurry to find food. A figure, panicked, rushed in as if he had stepped on Hot Wheels. "Li Po, Li Po, hurry up and take a look, there is a large group of people at the entrance of the village, and they say they are here to find you!" The voice was the second pillar of the village, and he gasped like an old cow, and shouted with a flushed face.

When Li Po heard this, the doubt in her heart was like tying a knot. Over the years, although people have come to her for help from time to time, it is really the first time that there has been such a big fanfare as today. She stood up, patted the dirt on her body, and walked with Erzhuzi to the entrance of the village.

When she arrived at the entrance of the village, Li Po looked at it, good guy, that scene was really dumbfounded. A group of people dressed in bells and whistles gathered around, and in the middle stood a middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament. As soon as the man saw Po Li, he hurriedly stepped forward, bowed deeply, and said, "Old man, you are Po Li, right?" I am from the capital, and I am here to thank you for saving my life. ”

Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

Li Po was stunned, looked at the man carefully, and then recognized it, wasn't this the son of the young man back then? She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Oh, don't be so polite, it's all old things, how can you remember?" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "My father has always been thinking about your kindness, and before he died, he specially instructed me to find you and thank you in person." ”

As he spoke, he took out a delicate small box from his arms and handed it to Li Po: "This is my family's ancestral jade pendant, please accept it." Li Po took the box and opened it to see that there was a crystal clear jade pendant lying inside, on which a vivid sika deer was carved. Her heart moved, remembering the eyes of the sika deer back then, which was a deep gratitude and reluctance.

"I can't accept this jade pendant." Li Po handed the box back to the middle-aged man, "I didn't help you back then, and I didn't do it in return. I have your heart, but I will keep this jade pendant for yourself. ”

Seeing this, the middle-aged man was a little overwhelmed. He thought for a while and said, "Old man, since you refuse to accept the jade pendant, then you can go to the capital with me." My dad always wanted to see you again, but unfortunately he couldn't make it happen. Although he is no longer here, I want him to be at ease in the Heavenly Spirit. ”

When Li Po heard this, she was a little moved. She thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll go to the capital with you, which can be regarded as your father's wish." So, Li Po left the village with the middle-aged man and set out on the road to the capital.

During her days in the capital, Li Po was warmly entertained by the middle-aged man's family. They took Li Po to visit the streets and alleys of the capital and taste all kinds of food. But in her heart, Li Po always thought about the children in the village and the sika deer.

Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

Finally, one day, Li Po made a request to the middle-aged man to return to the village. Although the middle-aged man was a little reluctant, he still respected Li Po's decision. Our old iron is really warm-hearted, he personally sent Aunt Li back to our Gada, and left a lot of gold and silver treasures, saying that he was grateful. As soon as Aunt Li returned to the village, she distributed all those treasures to the poor families and lonely old people in the village. She told them that it was sent by her relatives in the field, hoping that they would have a good life. The sika deer heard that Aunt Li was back, and also brought the deer cub to pick her up at the entrance of the village. As soon as Aunt Li saw them, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and she gently touched the head of the sika deer and said, "Hello, my old fellow." ”

Since then, Aunt Li has still lived a simple and fulfilling life, she still insists on delivering babies and welcoming the arrival of a new life with her hands. The sika deer often came to the edge of the village with the little deer cub, looking at Aunt Li's house from a distance, as if silently guarding this kind old man. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is another winter, Aunt Li sits on her kang head, looking at the snowflakes floating outside the window, and an indescribable emotion wells up in her heart. She remembered her youth, the time she spent with sika deer, and the children she delivered with her own hands.

Just then, there was a sharp knock at the door. Aunt Li opened the door and saw a young pregnant woman standing anxiously at the door: "Aunt Li, go and take a look, my daughter-in-law is about to give birth!" As soon as Aunt Li heard this, she immediately picked up her delivery bag and followed the young man to his house. In the dim light, she skillfully delivered the pregnant woman, and in a few moments, a loud cry resounded throughout the room. "Congratulations, it's a big fat boy!" Aunt Li said to the young man with a smile. The young man was so excited that tears were in his eyes, he held Aunt Li's hand tightly and said, "Thank you, Aunt Li, if it weren't for you, my daughter-in-law and child would be in danger!" Aunt Li waved her hand and said, "You're welcome, this is what I should do." With that, she turned and left the house, her heart full of satisfaction and happiness.

Late at night, the midwife encountered a sika deer dystocia, and helped out, sika deer: You are not human

This is the story of our midwife in the Northeast, Aunt Li, a story about kindness, gratitude and inheritance. In the land of our northeast, this story has been passed down from generation to generation and has become an eternal story.

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