
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

Taiwan has always been the focus of attention of the international community. Recently, Mazu Temple, which is the protector of the sea and protects fishermen, has received an agreement to support the ammunition pre-station. Taiwan's Miaoli County and even Gongmiao in Tongluo Township received three official letters from the Miaoli County Reserve Headquarters, requesting that an agreement be signed with Gongmiao to support the ammunition pre-cantonment site.

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Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

The agreement refers to the expected transportation of some ammunition to the open space inside the palace and temple before the war conflict, so as to facilitate the replenishment and use of ammunition by the reserve brigade troops and maintain the combat strength of the troops. This astonishing move made the surrounding people panic all day long, causing panic and worry among the people.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Most of the palaces and temples believe that this operation will cause concern among residents, and the ammunition stored in the palace and temple will affect the activities of the temple. And ammunition is such a dangerous flammable and explosive material, if there is a safety problem, who will be responsible, after all, the temple is used to burn incense and worship, once a fire occurs, who will be responsible.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Faced with a series of questions, Taiwan's military has so far not responded.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked
Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Shouldn't we first requisition the land of public offices with a relatively high safety factor for such an important matter as the pre-storage of ammunition bases, but the fact that such an important armament is placed on civilian palaces and temples cannot but make the Taiwan people suspect the stupid move of the Taiwan authorities, and some people have even calculated in accordance with this arrangement rule that in the event of a war, the Taiwan authorities will not fight in the streets, and this speculation has made the Taiwan people even more panicked.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Since Lai Ching-te of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) came to power, the Taiwan authorities have made remarks about seeking independence by force; apart from not recognizing the '92 consensus, both sides of the strait belong to one China, and they regard joint efforts to seek national reunification as a consensus. He even wants to turn the idea of seeking independence by force into reality. Such an act has seriously undermined the foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and led to further tension in the Taiwan Strait.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Taiwan is a part of China, and both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China; this is the universal consensus of the international community and the norm governing international relations affirmed by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

The Chinese Government has always adhered to the one-China principle and resolutely opposes any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. Realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese people and an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese Government and the Chinese people have made long-term and unremitting efforts to resolve the Taiwan issue and realize the complete reunification of the motherland.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

When Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) took over the post of leader of the Taiwan region, he declared that China had no subordinate relationship with the Taiwan region, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi issued a stern warning saying that any separatist act of "Taiwan independence" is not feasible, stressing that the one-China principle is the anchor for maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait, and that realizing China's complete reunification is the trend of the times and cannot be stopped by any country or force. The Chinese Foreign Ministry also pointed out that the pursuit of "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, no matter what banner you use or what reason you say.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

A few days ago, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye directly said at a symposium on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France that China's civil war has not yet ended, and Taiwan's current regime is a "rebel regime." China and Taiwan have always been a civil war issue, and this is the first time that such a blunt statement has been made.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

The "92 Consensus" is an important political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. If the common political foundation of the two sides of the strait is destroyed, cross-strait mutual trust will cease to exist. In the West, led by the United States, all countries are eyeing the Taiwan Strait. If China fails to achieve peaceful reunification, it may also try non-peaceful means.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

Although the Taiwan military has not yet responded to the palace and temple incident. However, it also reflects the people's fear of war and their desire for peaceful reunification. It is hoped that the Taiwan authorities will have a clear understanding of reality, refrain from making wrong choices under the charm and instigation of the United States and Western forces, and put the safety of the Taiwan people in the first place.

Going to war? Many palaces and temples in Taiwan received official documents from the Taiwan army's ammunition pre-storage, and the masses were panicked

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