
Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

Long before the EU proposed tariffs on China, Turkey had proposed a 40% additional tariff on Chinese imports of electric vehicles, the decision to impose tariffs began in March 2023, and in June this year, Turkey again announced an additional 40% tariff on Chinese imports, and this policy will be implemented on July 7 this year.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

The reason for Turkey's tariffs on China is also to protect its own auto industry, the Turkish government wants to support Turkey's domestic electric vehicle manufacturers, and Turkey needs to take corresponding measures in the face of the rapid development of Chinese automobiles.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Because the Turkish economy is facing the problem of account deficit, it will adopt such a means of increasing tariffs on Chinese cars to increase fiscal revenue and reduce the trade deficit, but Turkey has also destroyed China's own interests while increasing tariffs on China, and this measure is in violation of WTO rules, China is very dissatisfied with the measures implemented by Turkey, on the other hand, Turkey's attitude towards China and Europe and other countries is also wavering.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

At present, in order to better integrate the new member countries, the BRICS has chosen to suspend the admission of new members, but Turkey has shown a very strong willingness to join the BRICS to China, but China has not seen any sincerity in Turkey, and if it wants to join the BRICS, it naturally cannot destroy the interests of the BRICS member states.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Why does Turkey want to join the BRICS and not the EU? It is not because Turkey does not want to join the EU, but because the EU does not want to accept Turkey, which has always considered Turkey to belong to Asia.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

In order to show its loyalty to the EU and show its independence, Turkey will impose tariffs on Chinese auto products, and the tariff on each car is not less than 7,000 US dollars, which greatly increases the cost of China's auto exports and will also greatly discount the competitiveness of Chinese cars in the international market.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

However, no matter how much Turkey "flatters" the EU, the EU will not easily let Turkey join, and similarly, the BRICS will not easily allow Turkey to join.

Seeing that there is no way to join the EU and the BRICS is becoming more and more influential in the international community, Turkey feels that joining the BRICS is also a good choice, so it will show China that it wants to join the BRICS.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Trade between China and Turkey is very active, the two countries have close cooperation in many fields, and Turkey's economy has been fully developed in recent years, making it one of the world's largest economies, China is very willing to cooperate with Turkey, but in the face of Turkey's vacillating attitude, China can not accept.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Turkey's measures to impose tariffs on China are extremely detrimental to the cooperation between China and Turkey, and the trade between the two countries is very close, so Turkey should also take into account China's interests before taking these measures, and it is very immoral to harm China's interests for its own selfish interests.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

For a country like Turkey, which is on the right side of the country, China should hit back hard, and it must be remembered for a long time.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Some netizens also think that China is still too kind, and it always has to focus on interests in the international community.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Turkey's tariffs will also increase the burden on domestic consumers.

Surprising! China suddenly received a "war letter", this time not the United States? Things are getting bigger and bigger

Turkey wants to join the BRICS, but does not make any measures in favor of the BRICS member states, with the increase of the influence of the BRICS, for the countries that want to join the BRICS, there must be further screening, can not let these countries that take the BRICS as a helpless move also join, and the BRICS should also maintain the same values, a capricious country like Turkey, is not eligible to join the BRICS.

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