
The Israeli defense chief said that the Israeli army would continue to maintain military operations in Rafah

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


"Hamas's military strength has been severely damaged, but in order to prevent Hamas, a terrorist organization, from continuing to build up its armed forces, our Israeli army will continue to maintain military operations in Rafah."

Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said during his inspection of the Israeli army's military operations in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, that the Israeli army has dealt a heavy blow to Hamas's military strength through military operations, but in order to prevent Hamas from continuing to build up its armed forces, the Israeli army will continue to maintain military operations.

The military strength of Hamas is a major threat to the Israeli army, why does Israel want to carry out a military attack on Hamas in Rafah, which will exacerbate the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the international community will condemn it, so why does Israel dare to lose the courage to carry out this military strike?

The reason for the Israeli army's military operation in Rafah.

Hamas, as the ruling party in Palestine, launched a "large-scale non-violent protest movement" in 2018, and in 2020, the conflict between Hamas in Rafah and Israeli forces took place, leading to the intensification of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the conflict between the two sides also began to intensify.

According to the statistics of the influence of public opinion in countries around the world, Hamas in Palestine, as an illegal organization, has a greater influence on public opinion.

This phenomenon has also led to a sharp increase in tension between Palestine and Israel.

Rafah is a city located in the south of Israel, and it is also a cityscape, and the city is involved in the transportation arteries between Israel and Egypt, so it is the best choice for Israel to carry out military operations.

The purpose of Israel's military operation against Hamas in Rafah is twofold: first, to block the road at the Rafah crossing to stop Hamas's attacking forces, and second, to destroy the tunnel fortifications in the Rafah area, so that Hamas cannot regroup its armed forces in the Rafah area by tunnels.

In 2019, Israel began to carry out military strikes on the Rafah area, not only on the Rafah area, but also on the surrounding areas, and the Israeli military operation was carried out under the command of the Israel Defense Forces without the approval of the Knesset, and the Rafah area became the focus of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the situation in Rafah became tense accordingly.

Hamas is an Islamist militant organization that has become the ruling party in the occupied Palestinian territories, although it is not sanctioned or registered.

Hamas is an armed organization, and the Israeli army wants to strike at Hamas, not only against Hamas's military forces, but also against Hamas's engineering forces.

If you want to strike at Hamas's engineering forces, you must strike at Hamas's bases, and Hamas's bases may have underground bases and may also have tunnels, so to strike at Hamas's bases, you need to strike at Hamas's ground forces and underground forces.

"The Israeli military operation in Rafah is of great importance, and the purpose of this military operation is to send a message to Hamas that Hamas does not think that the Israeli army will not take military action against it," Israel said. ”

Hamas's weaponry is also very modern, and there may be places where conventional weaponry cannot hit, so the Israeli army's military operation in Rafah is very important.

Hamas develops its military power in other ways.

As an armed group, what is the likely response of Hamas to Israel's military action against Hamas?

Other Hamas bases are generally located on the fringes of the city, so Hamas, as an armed organization, has a large amount of weaponry, and where the weaponry is, Hamas's armed forces are there.

Hamas's weapons and equipment may be distributed in some buildings, such as government office buildings and military command center office buildings, which are considered important military targets for Hamas, so the Israeli army may deploy anti-missile systems to intercept Hamas's missiles.

Hamas's logistics supply base is an important part of Hamas, and the logistics supply base may be distributed in the city's sundries trading market, which is more prosperous during the day and less prosperous at night, so the Israeli army may choose to strike at these markets at night and destroy Hamas's logistics supply base.

Hamas may use the border between Palestine and Israel to carry out military operations, use the Palestinian population, or use Palestinian workers, to combine these people with Hamas's weapons and equipment, and use the identity of the workers and the cleaning workers to evade the attacks of the Israeli army.

In order to crack down on these illegal organizations of Hamas, Israel generally blockades and clears these places, and in order to carry out military operations against Hamas, Israel generally first investigates Hamas through aerial reconnaissance, and then uses aircraft and other military equipment to strike at it.

Generally, Israel uses F16 fighter jets to bomb Hamas bases in the air and uses advanced warplanes to attack Hamas's ground military forces.

The possible consequences of Israeli military action.

In addition to Hamas's armed forces and bases, it can also be seen that Israel's military action in the Rafah area is related to Israel's relations with Hamas and for the Palestinian people to have a good living environment, and in particular, Israel's military action has attracted the attention of the international community, and Israel's behavior will also attract the attention and condemnation of the international community, and will also have a negative impact on the international community.

Moreover, Israel's military action could not only draw criticism from the international community, but also exacerbate tensions between Israel and Palestine, and the conflict between Israeli forces and Hamas could have unpredictable consequences for the region.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas will not only cause losses to both sides, but also harm and destruction to the local population, and in turn will increase tensions between the two sides.

How long the conflict between Israel and Hamas will last, how Israel will handle its relations with Palestine in the future, how to resolve the differences between the two sides in a peaceful way, and how to keep the relations between the two sides healthy will all need to be discussed by Israel in the future.

What Israel should do and who are Israel's friends are the top concerns of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and similarly, Israel will handle them with care.

At the same time, Israel needs to be on high alert against Hamas's armed forces to prevent Hamas from posing a threat to security in Israel, and at the same time it needs to strike at Hamas's logistical supply bases to prevent Hamas from gaining attack power and the ability to attack.

Israel also needs to strengthen the security of the border areas to prevent the offensive forces of Hamas from entering Israeli territory, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense needs to analyze the situation in the surrounding areas and formulate corresponding countermeasures based on the results of the analysis.

As the relationship between the two sides becomes more strained, we will also pay close attention to this development, in order to keep abreast of the situation between the two sides, to understand the current situation, and we can find some patterns from it, which will help the two sides to solve real problems smoothly and contribute to future peace.


Israeli Defense Minister Gallant inspected the IDF military operations in the southern Gaza Strip, during which Gallant sent condolences to the soldiers, praised the soldiers' contributions to the country, and also affirmed the soldiers' military skills and combat capabilities.

During the inspection, Gallant also learned about the basic situation of the soldiers, understood and analyzed the life and work of the soldiers, and after the inspection, Gallant summarized the operation and expressed congratulations and condolences to all the soldiers.