
NASA Administrator: It is very unreasonable that China invited 30 countries to study lunar soil, but did not invite the United States!

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


On June 10, 2022, China's Chang'e-6 land lander successfully brought back the soil on the far side of the moon, ending the mainland's first step in lunar exploration.

The mainland's launch plan is very strict, and once the implementation begins, there is no room for error, but after Chang'e-6 landed safely and returned smoothly, scientists on the mainland deliberately accelerated the pace of lunar soil scientific research experiments, in order to better provide detailed information for future lunar exploration.

Many countries know that China can carry out scientific research experiments on lunar soil, so many countries have asked China if it is willing to share lunar soil, but the United States has been refused, and even has not received a letter of invitation from China.

NASA Administrator: It is very unreasonable that China invited 30 countries to study lunar soil, but did not invite the United States!

The dignity of China's space flight.

China's Chang'e-6 completed lunar soil collection, completed lunar soil filling the next day, and returned to Earth on the third day.

Chang'e-6 is the name of China's probe, and no other country's space base has an environment suitable for the mainland's Chang'e-6 to conduct soil experiments on the moon, and the mainland's young people are now receiving scientific research and education The momentum is also relatively strong, and many people will make deductions and calculations based on scientific experiments, but Chang'e-6 does not have public information about soil experiments on the moon, which makes some countries that do not believe in the mainland's lunar landing program doubt whether the mainland can successfully bring back lunar soil.

Chang'e-6 takes a short time to conduct soil experiments on the moon, and if everything goes well, it will take less than an hour to prepare, but this hour is important enough for the Chang'e Aerospace Corps, because Chang'e-6 may not be able to return to Earth even in the best of circumstances, so researchers must carefully check the experimental process before each experiment to avoid all possible mistakes.

NASA Administrator: It is very unreasonable that China invited 30 countries to study lunar soil, but did not invite the United States!

When Chang'e-5 returned to the earth from the moon, the mainland made a public announcement, because when the mainland research project landed, it had absolute confidence in Chang'e-5, and there would be no situation where Chang'e-5 could not return, but the report that Chang'e-6 would bring back lunar soil was "We will do our best to reduce the risk of failure", which made local scientific research focus on the Chang'e-6 mission, and foreign astronauts believed that the mainland was hinting that "the exploration may not be successful".

Just after the completion of the lunar experiment, many foreign space agencies asked the mainland to disclose the lunar soil, including the United States, China's aerospace was enlightened by the American aerospace industry, and China moved back a lot of knowledge about aerospace from the United States.

NASA Administrator: It is very unreasonable that China invited 30 countries to study lunar soil, but did not invite the United States!

Therefore, after the failure of the mainland's space mission, the United States had no choice but to lend us some more, but some of the knowledge that China has brought back from the United States in terms of aerospace is something that the United States does not have, so the United States has a great deal to borrow some from us and learn from experience.

However, this idea of the United States was not handed over to China, because of the uniqueness of the mission being carried out by the mainland, and since our mission is unique, then the lunar soil collected is naturally also unique.

The United States is the mainland's cash cow, but there is no capital to sell us, and China's aerospace industry is strong, so it naturally wants others to have a sense of awe for the mainland's aerospace.

The mainland has formulated its own scientific research experiment plan, because the mainland believes that the lunar environment may have some effects on the study of soil, and these effects are very important to the continent's lunar exploration mission, but the United States believes that the mainland's refusal to share lunar soil is that the continent's time for scientific research experiments on lunar soil is too short, and other countries are not allowed to obtain lunar soil, which is completely a cry for China's space priority.

The rise and development of China's space industry is a fact, and the United States has no authority to criticize China's space missions.

Analysis of the reasons why the United States was not invited.

After China's Chang'e-6 completed the lunar soil mission, China's scientific research team began a busy lunar soil research work, and some allies of the mainland were invited, and the United States, as the world's largest economy, is undoubtedly an ally of most countries in the world, but why it was not invited, the director of NASA in the United States explained this.

NASA Administrator cited the White House's previous statement that "China's space program has always been very mysterious."

There are two things that the NASA administrator's argument does not support: First, if China's space missions are as mysterious as the United States claims, China's space missions will not be so solid to fulfill every mission.

Many countries are allies of the mainland, and some countries may have graduated from American universities with undergraduate and graduate degrees, and some countries have graduated from mainland universities, and they will often see China's "mystery" in aerospace scientific research, but they have never heard of cutting corners and cheating on space missions carried out by the mainland, and insisting on taking everything into their own hands.

Second, the United States uses the word "mysterious" to refer to the fact that China's space mission acquisition data is not open, so isn't it true that the United States has done it?

Isn't it mysterious that the United States once hid a large amount of data on space exploration, and that there was also concealed data in the soil samples returned by the US probes, that not a single piece of data in China had ever been unavailable, and that the mainland's missions as a whole were in China's hands, and that did not prevent foreign astronauts from actively studying them, and that the mainland's space missions were open.

The United States did not obtain the lunar soil samples returned by the periodic probe, and the United States, as a confiscation in China's space program, had to ask for help from scientific research teams in other countries, which was caused by the selfishness of the United States.

China's attitude towards space cooperation.

China's invitation to more than 30 countries at this time is actually an announcement that China's space program is open and willing to cooperate with foreign space programs.

Most of the foreign media know the reason why the United States did not receive the invitation, and only a small number of media said that the United States did not receive the invitation because the United States did not establish cooperative relations with China, but this view shirks the responsibility of the United States for not wanting to establish cooperative relations with China, and blames China for not establishing cooperative relations with the United States.

The reason why the United States does not establish cooperative relations with China is that the United States believes that China's space program is part of the military's program, violating the Black Ops agreement of 1960, and China's space program has military connotations, but the United States now also uses military military space programs to be very rich, and the space military exercises held by the United States are sometimes even made public in the media.

NASA Administrator: It is very unreasonable that China invited 30 countries to study lunar soil, but did not invite the United States!

This kind of public way obviously has no military implications, so the United States accuses China's space program of having military connotations, which is obviously casual, which also makes most of the American scientific research teams unable to obtain China's invitation to cooperate, the United States has a lot of international cooperation and does not allow China to participate, and China has no reason to become a victim of the United States' scientific research missions, and the United States is determined to change the United States' attitude towards establishing international cooperation in scientific research, but the United States has not changed but hopes that China will give treasures to the United States, which is the hypocrisy of the United States.


China's aerospace industry is moving a little slowly in the world's aerospace industry, but it is moving very fast in the domestic aerospace industry, and China's aerospace industry is not just one step ahead, but is making our contribution to the progress of global aerospace scientific research.

The competition for space resources is not just a story of a single person, international cooperation and common development are the key to the future competition of space resources, and we look forward to the cooperation of all countries around the world to promote the cause of space exploration together.

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