
All units and regimental towns of the division city held a variety of activities to celebrate the continuation of the red blood of "July 1st" and gather the strength to forge ahead

author:Encounter the Tang Dynasty

Feel the original mission and strengthen ideals and beliefs. This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and in the past few days, all units and regimental towns of Tumshuk City of the Third Division have held colorful and diverse themed party day activities to celebrate the party's birthday, and expressed their firm determination to always listen to the party and follow the party with practical actions.

On June 27, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Tumshuk City of the Third Division and undertaken by Tangyi Town of the 51st Regiment, the "Forge Ahead for 70 Years and Make Contributions to the New Era" Red Song Contest officially opened. More than 3,000 people from 26 teams from various companies, agencies, communities and schools participated in the competition.

At the competition site, the participating teams dressed neatly and sang "Country", "Glory and Dreams", "The Motherland Will Not Forget", "For Whom" and other well-known and popular classic red songs. The contestants were full of energy, singing their deep love for the party and the motherland with their singing voices, showing the good spirit of party members and cadres at all levels and the masses of workers working hard, and also bringing a pleasing visual feast to the audience.

Gulbahar Yusufu, a contestant from the 6th Company of Tangyi Town of the 51st Regiment, said: "By participating in today's competition, I have a better understanding of the connotation of the spirit of the Corps, and I am very happy to be able to send my blessings to the party and the motherland with my singing." ”

One song after another, recording a period of eventful years; A melody tells a glorious history. After fierce competition, the 51st Regiment Tangyi Town Kindergarten, Beautiful Community, Sixth Company and 20th Company won the first prize of the competition.

On June 25......, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Division City and co-hosted by Qianhai Street and Yonganba Street of Tumshuke City, the Fourth Singing Contest of the Third Division of Tumshuk City kicked off on the big stage of the people of Tumshuk Municipal Square. Seven teams and nearly 370 people from 10 communities in Qianhai Street and Yong'anba Street gathered together to relive the glorious history of the party and eulogize the party's great achievements with carefully arranged red songs, fully demonstrating the spirit of the majority of party members and cadres in the jurisdiction under the leadership of the party.

All units and regimental towns of the division city held a variety of activities to celebrate the continuation of the red blood of "July 1st" and gather the strength to forge ahead

On June 28, Qianhai Street held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the commemorative medal distribution ceremony of "50 years of glory in the party".

At the meeting, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, recalled the original intention of joining the party, strengthened their ideals and beliefs, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, expressing their high respect for the old party members' loyalty to the party's cause and selfless dedication. At the same time, we will carry out party day activities with the theme of party discipline learning and education to further enhance the sense of discipline and rules of party members and cadres. They said that they would give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Corps, the spirit of Populus euphratica and the spirit of veterans in work and life, and contribute to community governance.

On June 28, the Third Division Rong Media Center held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "July 1st" party member conference.

Before the meeting, a party discipline learning and education knowledge contest was held. The competition is divided into compulsory questions, rush questions, risk questions and audience interactive answers, etc., the contestants answered accurately, enthusiastically, tacitly cooperated, and the on-site interactive answering atmosphere was active. The whole competition fully demonstrated the learning effect of the contestants' deep study and practice, and their solid knowledge reserve and theoretical foundation. At the meeting, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party facing the party flag, deeply understood the power of the oath, always kept in mind the original mission, struggled on the new journey in the new era with a strong sense of pride, responsibility and mission, and celebrated political birthdays and issued greeting cards to party members with more than 20 years of party experience. At the same time, honorary certificates were awarded to advanced grass-roots party organizations and outstanding Communist Party members, encouraging them to cherish their honors, make persistent efforts, perform their duties loyally, never forget their original intentions, base themselves on their posts, work hard, strive for excellence, and make new contributions. Everyone said that they will strive to tell the story of the three divisions, convey the voice of the three divisions, show the image of the three divisions, expand the influence of the three divisions, and provide more powerful spiritual strength and public opinion support for the high-quality economic and social development of the division city.

All units and regimental towns of the division city held a variety of activities to celebrate the continuation of the red blood of "July 1st" and gather the strength to forge ahead

On June 28, Qianhai Town of the 45th Regiment launched the "Inheriting the Spirit of the Corps and Continuing the Red Blood" Micro-Party Class Competition.

At the scene of the competition, more than 30 party members and cadres from the organs, enterprises, institutions and companies (communities) of the regiment and town were full of passion, using PPT, pictures, audio and video and other forms, focusing on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and using real people and real stories rooted in the regimental town and dedicated to the regimental town, telling the history of the Corps and the touching stories of the selfless dedication and fighting of the older generation of military reclamation people, reviewing the development process of the regimental company (community), and talking about how to perform their duties and responsibilities in the new era through the guidance of party building.

After fierce competition, the jury scored on the spot from five aspects: party class theme, content, language expression, courseware production, and audience response, and selected 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 6 excellence awards.

From "sitting and listening" to "standing and telling", let the small stories tell the big truth, the small podium blooms with great wonder, and the micro-party class is more "new" and more attentive. The party members of the regiment town learned policies, solved problems, and sought development in the micro-party classes, and deeply explained the profound connotation of the spirit of the Corps, the spirit of Populus euphratica and the spirit of veterans.

On June 26, a singing competition with the theme of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China kicked off in Dongfeng Town, Dongfeng Farm, with more than 350 people from 10 party branches from the town participating.

On the day of the competition, all party branches once again sang a series of popular and inspiring classic red songs with loud singing voices and full of passion, expressing their praise and praise for the party and the motherland.

Zhong Qing, a member of the "two committees" of the fourth company of Dongfeng Town, Dongfeng Farm, said: "This red song competition is very meaningful, allowing us to review the glorious history of the Communist Party of China over the past 100 years through red songs. In our future work and life, we young cadres must continue to struggle, never forget our original aspirations, keep our mission firmly in mind, and still more firmly adhere to the party's leadership and firmly establish the purpose of serving the people. ”

On June 27, the Party Branch of the 53rd Regiment Middle School and the Party Branch of the 2nd Middle School of the 53rd Regiment carried out the party day activity of "Entering the Integrity Education Base and Building a Solid Line of Defense for Integrity and Self-discipline" to celebrate the "July 1st" theme party day.

Party members followed the commentator and visited the three exhibition halls of anti-corruption, clean and healthy atmosphere, and vigilance and self-government, and gained an in-depth understanding of the history of the construction of the Communist Party of China's party style and clean government, as well as the serious harm caused by corruption to the party, the country, society, families, and individuals. At the same time, review the oath of joining the party and express the determination to fight for the party's cause for life. Everyone said that in the future work and life, they will take the law and discipline as a mirror, often think about the harm of greed, always adhere to the bottom line of abiding by rules and regulations, being honest and honest, establish a moral demeanor of honest teaching, keep the bottom line, do not step on the red line, do not touch the high-voltage line, and put the "master switch" of a good life.

On June 29, the Party Committee of Jintai Electric Power of China Xinjian Power Group Corporation held a meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. Su Jianguo, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the company, made a special party class entitled "Learning and Implementing the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", explaining the importance of the "Regulations" and the main content of the increase and decrease, and combined with the actual reform and development of the company, explained in detail the core requirements of the "six disciplines", and put forward requirements for all party members of the company to learn the soul of discipline, learn discipline and know the precepts, learn to think of progress, and strive to promote the new journey of the company's reform and development. Always keep a clear head, firm confidence in development, and help the steady development of the enterprise with a never-slackening mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

In recent years, Shishi has always attached great importance to red education, and has continuously cultivated the spirit of patriotism and created a strong atmosphere of community of the Chinese nation by building a red education base, carrying out a series of red education activities such as red education tours, volunteer service activities to learn from Lei Feng, and red song competitions.

(Third Division Financial Media Reporter Chen Yuping, Li Yang, Li Xinli, Lv Baoshan, Wei Nijun, Correspondents, Wang Sa, Liu Chenmei, Jia Haotian, Chen Ji, Li Yujing, He Lingli, Wu Siyang, Wu Yaosheng)

Editor/Liu Jingyu

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