
Putin welcomes the good news! Biden defeated Trump in the debate, and the new president could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict



Putin welcomes the good news! Biden defeated Trump in the debate, and the new president could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

It is undeniable that the Russian army currently occupies a stable advantage in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but Putin still cannot end the war "decently", so as to achieve peace in the pocket, and what is more troublesome is that as long as the gamble is not over, it is difficult to say whether Russia can have the last laugh, after all, in order to force Putin to submit, ISIS is creating more and more terrorist attacks in Russia under the instructions of a major country, and NATO has repeatedly threatened to "personally end". Therefore, ending the war and putting peace in his pockets is Putin's greatest wish, which was originally unattainable, but may be fulfilled this year and next.

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on June 30, former CIA adviser James Ricaz pointed out in a tweet that Biden did not perform well in the presidential candidate TV debate, and with "Biden finished", the conflict in Ukraine "is entirely possible." On the evening of June 27, local time, Biden and Trump held their first presidential election debate, and as a result, Biden "stumbled", "kept slipping the tongue", "performed badly", and needed his wife to support him when he stepped down, which was in stark contrast to the aggressive, free-spirited, and energetic Trump.

Therefore, after the end of this TV debate, the outside world's evaluation of Biden "went all the way down". CNN, the organizer of the debate, said that Biden's "most important" task was to dispel voters' concerns about his age, "but he failed"; The American "Political" news website pointed out sharply that with the failure of the debate, Biden is facing the "riskiest moment" in his political career, and his failure has even caused a "panic" among the Democrats, so that some people have begun to discuss the previously "unspeakable" thing, that is, to replace Biden.

Putin welcomes the good news! Biden defeated Trump in the debate, and the new president could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

The poll after the debate showed that 67 percent of voters thought Trump was "doing better" compared to 33 percent saying Biden was doing better, making the debate a "fiasco" for Biden. Beginning in 1976, it became a practice for the presidential candidates of both parties in the United States to hold a national televised debate before the election, and since then, basically every presidential election, the candidates will hold 2-3 televised debates.

Therefore, American voters and pro-Democratic American media are actually very optimistic about Biden's follow-up election, so there is a call for "substitution to elect". And once Trump "enters the palace for the second time", according to former CIA adviser Richard, after the new president takes office, it is likely to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As we said earlier, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been fought until now, and Putin has actually been waiting for an opportunity to end the war "decently", so as to achieve "peace in the pocket", but Biden will not give him this opportunity, but with Biden's "downfall" and Trump's "coming to power", the opportunity has come.

The reason is simple. (1) Trump has always been a "little fan" of Putin. In 2007, Trump wrote to Putin, personally admitting, "I'm your super fan"; In 2013, Trump said in a letter that "it would be my honor" to accept Putin's summons at any time; In 2016, at the U.S. National Security Conference, Trump said that Putin's talents were "far superior to ours." When the Russian army entered the eastern region of Ukraine in 2022, the world unanimously condemned it, but Trump said that it was Putin's "genius move", and he said that he understood Putin "very, very".

Putin welcomes the good news! Biden defeated Trump in the debate, and the new president could end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

(2) Trump's admiration for Putin is not only his personal behavior, but also his "national policy". On the one hand, the reason why Trump was able to come to power was because he exposed Hillary's black material, and those black materials, which Trump later admitted to be handed over to his son by a Russian lawyer, shows that Putin does intend to support him to "come to power"; On the other hand, after Trump came to power, he wore the hat of "Russian traitor" and forcibly promoted the strategy of "uniting Russia to contain China", for which he allowed Putin to launch the "Dara Campaign" to liberate southern Syria, and even intended to recognize Russia's sovereignty over Crimea.

(3) Trump and Biden have a somewhat "personal vendetta". Biden used judicial means to rectify Trump, and if he didn't know that "understanding the king" was going to prison, as far as Biden was concerned, this was "eliminating traitors for the country", and for Trump, it was your old boy who "didn't talk about martial arts". After Trump takes office, he may not be able to do anything to Biden, but he will almost certainly abolish Biden's "political achievements", that is, to suspend the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Doing so would not only curry favor with Putin, but also repair US-Russian relations, and take revenge on Biden even more, which is no joke given Trump's "maverick" character.

Therefore, Biden's "fiasco" in the TV debate this time, and the "strong expectation" that he is likely to lose the election, is indeed very good news for Putin, but Putin cannot show this joy, after all, the election campaign is also a war, and there are many things that change rapidly, and no one can be 100% sure that Trump will "enter the palace twice" until the last moment.