
Visit and condolence丨Walk into the "door" and "heart door" Let the temperature and concentration of the visit and condolences coexist

author:Yangzonghai Scenic Area

From June 27th to 28th, Li Yuan, Xu Min and Li Shaowen, leaders of Kunming Yangzonghai Scenic Area, led a team to visit 10 party members and retired old party members in difficulty in Lihua Community, Toudian Community, Guangnan Community and Yangzong Village respectively, and sent condolences and holiday blessings, and sent the party's care to the hearts of grassroots old party members.

Visit and condolence丨Walk into the "door" and "heart door" Let the temperature and concentration of the visit and condolences coexist

The well-being of party members and the masses in difficulty has always been a concern of the party and the government. Every time they go to the homes of party members and veteran party members in difficulty, the condolence group talks with them cordially and asks them about their physical condition, family situation and living situation. During the conversation, the condolence group expressed high respect for the contributions made by the veteran party members to the cause of the party and the people, and told them to take care of their health and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. I wish all the old party members a happy life, a long and healthy life, and a happy life in their old age. Encourage veteran party members to report to the streets and communities in a timely manner when they encounter difficulties, and seek help and support.

Visit and condolence丨Walk into the "door" and "heart door" Let the temperature and concentration of the visit and condolences coexist
Visit and condolence丨Walk into the "door" and "heart door" Let the temperature and concentration of the visit and condolences coexist

In the next step, Yang Zonghai will continue to carry out visits and condolences activities, do a good job in the care and care of party members and old party members who are in difficulty in life, and help solve various practical difficulties and problems, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization and enjoy a happy old age.

Source: Yangzong Hairong Media Center