
Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

author:Yangzonghai Scenic Area

On June 27, Kunming Yangzonghai Scenic Area carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st". Xu Min, the district leader, led 20 representatives of new development party members and 10 representatives of party activists in the district to take the oath of joining the party, and other party members reviewed the oath of joining the party at the same time. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions......" All new and old party members raised their right fists, solemnly swore in front of the bright red party flag, and expressed their infinite loyalty and respect for the party with a solemn oath. Through the oath of joining the party, the new development party members and party activists feel the solemnity and seriousness of joining the party, further strengthen the consciousness of party members, and improve the sense of mission and responsibility of joining the party.

Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".
Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

After the oath of joining the party was completed, the "50 years of glory in the party" medal awarding ceremony was held, and the "50 years of glory in the party" medal was awarded to 10 old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party, so as to pass on the party's care and warmth to the old party members and further enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of the old party members.

Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

Subsequently, all party members visited the site of the Hedeng Revolution, remembered the great achievements of the martyrs, pursued the ideals and beliefs of the communists, accepted the tempering of the party spirit and the baptism of red, and guided the party members not to forget their original intentions and keep their missions in mind.

Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

At the end of the event, Xu Min gave a lecture on "Special Party Members Without Discipline" for all party members. The party class closely focuses on the party discipline, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", the relationship between party discipline learning and education and the "six disciplines", the revision process of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", the specific content and cases of the revision of the "six disciplines" and how to be a "qualified" party member, etc. The comprehensive explanation has effectively enhanced the understanding and awareness of all party members on party discipline and regulations, further enhanced the sense of discipline and rules, and educated and guided party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline.

Yang Zonghai carried out the activity of "remembering the original heart, strengthening the party spirit, and celebrating July 1st".

A total of more than 80 people participated in the event, including party members and cadres above the middle level of the Party and Mass Work Department, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the party committees of the organs, representatives of new development party members, representatives of party activists, representatives of old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party, party organization secretaries of enterprises in the park, and the "two committees" of Hedeng community.

Source: District Party and Mass Work Department, Yangzong Hairong Media Center

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