
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Leave Slip" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully

In distant antiquity, there was a prosperous dynasty called the "Hanlin Kingdom". The country is famous for its literature and calligraphy, and countless literati and artists have emerged in each generation, whose works have been passed down through the ages. And in such a country full of literary ink, there is a little-known secret - a piece of paper known as a "leave note".

In the palace of the Hanlin Kingdom, there was a young civil official named Li Moxuan. He was brilliant and highly accomplished in calligraphy, which was deeply appreciated by the monarch. However, Li Moxuan did not come from a prestigious family, he came from an ordinary scholarly family, and he had a strong interest in calligraphy since he was a child. After unremitting efforts, he finally gained fame and became a civil official in the Hanlin Kingdom.

Li Moxuan held important responsibilities in the palace such as drafting edicts and reviewing and reciting them. He is diligent and conscientious, and he is deeply respected by his colleagues. However, there is a secret hidden deep inside him - he has been looking for a legendary "leave note".

This "leave slip" is not an ordinary leave certificate, it hides a shocking secret behind it. Legend has it that this leave slip was created by a sage and contains a magical power. With this leave slip, you can leave this world for a while and go to a mysterious wonderland with endless treasures and precious cheats. However, the door to Wonderland is not easy to open, and only those who meet certain conditions can get this leave slip and successfully enter Wonderland.

The reason why Li Moxuan is so fascinated by this leave slip is because his family has undergone a great change. His grandfather was a prominent minister of the Hanlin Kingdom, but he was degraded due to his involvement in a political turmoil, and the family fell into decay. Li Moxuan has listened to his grandfather talk about the family's past glory and current downfall since he was a child, and his heart is full of admiration for his grandfather and guilt for the family. He longed to find that leave slip and enter the wonderland, looking for a secret to revive the family.

In order to find this leave slip, Li Moxuan traveled around and visited every corner of Hanlin Kingdom. He consulted countless literati and scholars, and looked through countless ancient documents, but he never found a clue about the leave note. However, he did not give up, and he firmly believed that as long as he persevered, he would one day find that leave note.

Just when Li Moxuan was about to give up, a chance gave him an important clue. He learned that an old eunuch in the palace had seen the leave slip with his own eyes and knew its whereabouts. Li Moxuan immediately found the old eunuch and asked him about the leave note.

The old eunuch told Li Moxuan that the leave slip did exist, and it was hidden in a corner of the palace. However, it is not easy to find it, as the palace is full of traps and traps that can cost you your life if you are not careful. Moreover, even if you find a leave slip, you may not be able to successfully enter the fairyland, because the gate of the fairyland is only open to people who have certain conditions.

After listening to the old eunuch's words, Li Moxuan's heart was full of excitement and expectation. He decided to take a risk and look for the leave slip. He carefully studied the map and layout of the palace and made a detailed plan. Then, using his wits and courage, he managed to navigate the many traps and traps of the palace and finally found the legendary leave slip.

However, when Li Moxuan got the leave slip, he fell into deep thought. He realizes that while this leave slip can take him to Wonderland, it may also keep him from returning to the real world forever. He remembered the expectations and love of his family and colleagues, and he realized that he could not abandon them for his own selfish desires.

In the end, Li Moxuan decided to put the leave slip back where it was. He understood a truth: the real treasure and secret book are not in the fairyland, but in his own heart. He is determined to use his talent and wisdom to contribute to the Hanlin Kingdom and work for the revitalization of the family.

Li Moxuan's story is a good story in the Hanlin Kingdom. People marveled at his talent and courage, but also moved by his decision. They realize that true value and meaning does not lie in the pursuit of outward wealth and power, but in inner growth and devotion. Li Moxuan uses his actions to interpret what true wisdom and value are, and his story has inspired countless people to move forward bravely and pursue a higher realm and a better future.