
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look
China's top ten famous buildings, finally someone sorted it out, collect it and take a look

In the ancient land of China, there are legends about the ten famous buildings. These famous buildings are not only famous for their majestic architecture and exquisite craftsmanship, but also carry the ambition and pride of countless heroes and heroes, and the love stories of joys and sorrows.

The story takes place in the Northern Song Dynasty, a young scholar named Li Moxuan, because of his poor family background, with a thirst for knowledge, embarked on a journey to visit the top ten famous buildings. He hoped that by witnessing the magnificence of these famous buildings, he would inspire his literary thinking, serve the imperial court, and change his fate.

Li Moxuan's first stop was the Yellow Crane Tower. He stood upstairs, looking at the rolling Yangtze River east of the passing water, and a sense of pride and ambition surged in his heart. He remembered that the literati and writers in history, such as Cui Hao and Li Bai, had left well-known poems here. He secretly vowed in his heart that one day he would make his name as famous as the Yellow Crane Tower.

Next, Li Moxuan traveled to Yueyang Tower, Tengwang Pavilion and other famous buildings. Everywhere he went, he was fascinated by the scenery and the history and culture. He got acquainted with literati and artists from all over the world, exchanging ideas with them and learning literature together. These experiences not only opened Li Moxuan's eyes, but also made him more determined in his ambition.

However, fate always seems to play a joke. When Li Moxuan came to the Stork Tower, he met a beautiful woman named Su Mengyao. Su Mengyao is the daughter of a famous local family, she is smart and talented. The two hit it off at first sight and fell in love with each other. However, their status is like a moat, between the two.

Li Moxuan knew that if he wanted to be with Su Mengyao, he had to change his fate. He decided to take the imperial examination and strive to become famous in one fell swoop, which was accepted by Su Mengyao's family. However, the road to the imperial examination was not smooth, and Li Moxuan experienced numerous failures and setbacks. Every time he failed, he felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of reality more deeply.

Just when Li Moxuan was disheartened, he came to Penglai Pavilion. This famous building by the sea attracts countless tourists with its unique location and mysterious historical legends. Li Moxuan stood upstairs, looking at the sea in the distance, and a strong desire to survive surged in his heart. He remembered that his original intention of visiting the top ten famous buildings was to change his fate. Now that he's halfway there, how can he give up here?

Li Moxuan decided to pick himself up and continue his path of imperial examinations. He returned to Yueyang Tower, studied hard behind closed doors, and forgot to sleep and eat. Finally, after several years of hard work, he won the top prize in one fell swoop and became a pillar of the imperial court.

When Li Moxuan returned to the Stork Tower again, he was already an official of the imperial court. With glory and confidence, he stood in front of Su Mengyao again. This time, he was finally recognized by Su Mengyao's family, and the two walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, just as they were about to usher in a happy life, a sudden disaster struck. Due to the corruption and constant wars of the imperial court, the land of China fell into chaos. Li Moxuan and Su Mengyao had to separate, and they each worked hard to defend their home and country.

In the long and arduous years, they have experienced countless life and death partings and joys and sorrows. However, they always believed in their love and faith in each other. They believe that as long as they have love and faith in their hearts, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

In the end, after countless wars and tribulations, the land of China finally ushered in peace and prosperity. Li Moxuan and Su Mengyao also reunited again, they hugged each other tightly, their eyes full of happiness and satisfaction. They know that they have gone through the most difficult moments, and that their love and faith have been sublimated and reborn.

This story tells us that Minglou is not only a witness to history, but also a sustenance of people's dreams and beliefs. As long as we have love and faith in our hearts, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges. Let's cherish every beauty and happiness around us, and work hard for our dreams and beliefs!

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