
Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

author:Hearts shine

Not long ago, in June, Xiaomi Auto handed over an impressive report card - the delivery of Xiaomi SU7 successfully exceeded the 10,000 mark.

Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

So, when we turn our attention to the upcoming July, how will Xiaomi cars perform?

According to their official forecast, deliveries in July are expected to continue to exceed 10,000. This means that Xiaomi Auto has not only maintained a strong growth momentum, but also steadily established itself in the highly competitive market.

Looking back over the past few months, the delivery volume of Xiaomi cars has shown a steady growth trend. From 7,058 vehicles in April, to 8,630 vehicles in May, and then to more than 10,000 deliveries in June, every number embodies the sweat and wisdom of the Xiaomi car team. They are constantly optimizing their production processes and increasing production capacity to ensure that every vehicle is delivered to customers on time. At the same time, they are also working hard to shorten the waiting time of users, so that more people can experience the charm of Xiaomi cars as soon as possible.

Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

In addition to the improvement of production capacity, Xiaomi Auto has also put a lot of effort into the layout of its stores. They have accelerated the pace of building stores across the country in order to better serve users. Whether it's car purchase consultation, test drive experience or after-sales service, users can enjoy convenient services at the store at their doorstep. This intimate service experience has undoubtedly enhanced users' trust and satisfaction with Xiaomi cars.

Of course, as a young car brand, Xiaomi Auto also faces many challenges. In a highly competitive market, they need to constantly innovate to meet the increasingly diverse needs of their users. At the same time, they also need to strengthen brand building and enhance brand awareness and reputation. Only in this way can they be invincible in the fierce market competition.

Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

Speaking of which, we have to mention the full-year delivery target of Xiaomi Auto. They have set a target for this year to ensure the delivery of 100,000 vehicles and sprint to 120,000 vehicles. Judging by the current delivery situation, Xiaomi Auto is steadily moving towards this goal. This is not only a reflection of their confidence in their own capabilities, but also a commitment and responsibility to the market and users.

So, what are our expectations for the future development of Xiaomi cars?

First of all, we hope that Xiaomi Auto can continue this strong growth momentum and continue to break new records for deliveries. Secondly, we expect them to launch more new models that meet the needs of the market to meet the diverse needs of users. Finally, we also hope that Xiaomi Auto can strengthen brand building, enhance brand awareness and reputation, and become a well-respected and trusted car brand.

Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

Having said all this, are you also full of expectations for the future development of Xiaomi cars?

In fact, each of us has the opportunity to participate in the growth process of Xiaomi Auto. Whether it is to become their loyal users, or to provide them with valuable opinions and suggestions, we can contribute to the future development of Xiaomi Auto.

Finally, I would like to say that the success of Xiaomi Auto depends not only on their own efforts, but also on the support and trust of the majority of users. So, if you're interested in Xiaomi cars, you might as well check out their stores and test drive their models. Maybe you will be impressed by their quality and service and become one of their loyal users.

Xiaomi car "flips the table": the delivery of SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to exceed 10,000 in July

Of course, if you have any questions or suggestions about Xiaomi Auto, feel free to share them with us. Let's look forward to the future of Xiaomi Auto!

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