
Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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He usually likes to write novels and record the bits and pieces of life with words, and recently, he met a friend Wang Ming.

Wang Ming is often miserable because of rhinitis and nasal congestion. On this day, Wang Ming came to Lin Xiao's house and confided in him his troubles.

"Brother Xiao, my rhinitis is really uncomfortable, nasal congestion repeatedly, I have taken a lot of medicine and I can't get better, an old Chinese medicine doctor told me that this is more yang qi.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

He also gave me a prescription, saying that it was for yang and nasal cavity, do you think this is reliable? Wang Ming asked with a frown.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and decided to take Wang Ming to the hospital for a detailed examination, and then give him a scientific analysis and advice.

The two came to the central hospital, hung up the otolaryngology department, and waited for a while, and then it was their turn. The doctor is a middle-aged man with the surname Li, who has a lot of experience and a kind attitude.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

"Dr. Li, this is my friend Wang Ming, he has been suffering from rhinitis and nasal congestion, I would like you to help take a look." Lin Xiao said straight to the point.

Dr. Li first inquired in detail about Wang Ming's symptoms, time of onset, and previous treatments, and then conducted a comprehensive physical examination.

Wang Ming's nasal cavity was examined using a nasal endoscopy and it was found that his nasal mucosa did have obvious inflammation and a certain degree of turbinate hypertrophy.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

"Mr. Wang, based on your symptoms and examination results, I preliminarily diagnosed you with chronic rhinitis combined with turbinate hypertrophy, and the repeated nasal congestion is mainly caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa." Dr. Lee explained.

Wang Ming nodded and asked, "Doctor Li, there is an old Chinese medicine doctor who said that my problem is that my yang qi is blocked, and he gave me a prescription, do you think this is useful?" ”

Dr. Li replied with a smile, "Traditional Chinese medicine is all about holistic conditioning, and reconciling yin and yang is one of its basic concepts. But when it comes to your case, we need a more detailed examination before we can develop a scientific treatment plan. ”

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

Subsequently, Dr. Li arranged a CT scan of Wang's sinuses to rule out other potential problems such as sinusitis. The results of the examination showed that Wang Ming's sinuses were not abnormal, and the possibility of sinusitis could be basically ruled out.

"Mr. Wang, your condition is more inclined to chronic rhinitis and turbinate hypertrophy, which can be solved with medication, physiotherapy or even surgery

For example, we can use antihistamines, nasal hormone sprays, etc., to relieve inflammation and allergic reactions.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

If medications don't work well, minimally invasive procedures such as radiofrequency ablation can also be considered to reduce turbinates. Dr. Lee patiently explained.

Wang Ming asked thoughtfully: "What about the prescription of Chinese medicine that clears the yang and the nasal cavity?" Lin Xiao took over the conversation and said: "The conditioning method of traditional Chinese medicine has its own uniqueness, but in the face of modern medicine, we should focus on scientific diagnosis and treatment.

There is no clear scientific basis for the statement that yang qi is not passable. ”

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

Dr. Li nodded in agreement: "Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own strengths, but for chronic rhinitis, a disease that requires long-term treatment and management.

The approach of modern medicine is more direct and effective. Traditional Chinese medicine can be used as an adjunct treatment, but should not be the main means. ”

Wang Ming finally understood that with the help of modern medicine, he had found the right direction of treatment. Over the next few months, Wang Ming followed Dr. Li's advice on medication and had regular follow-up visits.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

Although the effect was not obvious at first, over time, his rhinitis symptoms gradually eased and the problem of nasal congestion improved greatly.

Lin Xiao watched his friend slowly recover, and felt a little relieved in his heart. Through this incident, I have strengthened my belief as a doctor: scientific diagnosis and treatment is the fundamental way to solve diseases.

This incident also made Lin Xiao deeply realize that although traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have different theoretical systems and treatment methods, the ultimate goal is the same.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

It is all about getting rid of the pain and restoring the health of the patient. The key lies in how to select and apply these methods scientifically and rationally.

Wang Ming's recovery has allowed him to regain his confidence in life, and he hopes to let more people understand the importance of health and medicine through writing, and avoid blindly believing in treatments without scientific basis.

"Health is the most valuable asset of each of us, and scientific treatment is the best way for us to overcome disease.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion is not good repeatedly, mostly due to yang qi blockage, send you a prescription, pass yang, pass the nasal cavity

In the world of medicine, nothing is more important than science and reason. "We should remain rational and choose scientific treatment methods to avoid delaying treatment caused by blindly believing in home remedies.

Through this story, Lin Xiao hopes that everyone can pay attention to health and protect their bodies with scientific methods.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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