
Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Wang Lei is a 35-year-old office white-collar worker who faces long hours of sitting and heavy work pressure every day.

In recent months, he has been experiencing pain all over his body, especially in his shoulders, neck and lower back.

The pain wasn't severe, but it was so bothering him that it was so bothering that it was there.

So, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up to see what was wrong with his body. Wang Lei came to the hospital and was assigned to the orthopedic department after registration.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

The patient was treated by an experienced doctor named Dr. Lee. After listening carefully to Wang's description, Dr. Li suggested that he do some basic tests first, including X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

"Dr. Li, my pain is not very severe, but I always feel sore, especially after working for a period of time, do I need to do these tests for such symptoms?" Wang Lei asked with some doubts.

Dr. Li smiled and explained, "Mr. Wang, your symptoms are typical and a common problem for many office workers.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

These tests are done to rule out potentially serious problems, such as herniated discs or other bone lesions. If the results are normal, we consider other factors, such as fascial problems. ”

After a series of examinations, Wang Lei's X-rays and MRI results showed that there were no obvious problems with his bones and intervertebral discs.

Dr. Li took the film and said to Wang Lei, "It seems that there is nothing wrong with your bones and intervertebral discs. So, next we can think about the fascia. ”

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

"What is fascia? Does it cause soreness? Wang Lei asked suspiciously. Fascia is a connective tissue that encloses muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels, and it plays an important role in supporting and protecting various parts of the body.

When the fascia becomes sticky or tight, it can affect the normal function of the muscles, leading to discomfort such as soreness. Dr. Lee patiently explained.

Dr. Li then gave Wang Lei a detailed description of the structure and function of the fascia through a fascial diagram, and pointed out several common fascial sticking sites that may cause pain.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Through this picture, Wang Lei has a preliminary understanding of fascia. "So, how do I treat this fascial stickiness?" Wang Lei asked urgently.

Dr. Lee smiles, "First of all, we can relieve the tension in the fascia through some physical therapy methods, such as massage, warm compresses and stretching exercises.

At the same time, it is also very important to change some bad habits, such as staying in the same position for a long time, lack of exercise, etc.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Our hospital has dedicated physiotherapists who can develop a detailed treatment plan for you. So, Wang Lei began his physiotherapy process.

Under the guidance of his therapist, he performs a series of fascial relaxation exercises and stretching exercises every day. After a period of treatment, Wang Lei's soreness symptoms have been significantly relieved.

After the treatment, Wang Lei met with Dr. Li again and expressed his gratitude to him.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

"Dr. Lee, thank you so much, now my soreness is much better. I also learned a lot about fascia during this time. Wang Lei said gratefully.

Dr. Li nodded with satisfaction: "No thanks, this is my job." In the future, you should pay attention to maintaining good habits, exercising regularly, and avoiding staying in the same position for a long time, so as to prevent fascial problems from occurring again. ”

Wang Lei gratefully wrote down these suggestions and decided to pay more attention to his health in the future.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

In fact, fascial problems are very common in modern society, especially among office workers. Due to poor posture for a long time, lack of exercise, etc., the fascia is prone to tension and stickiness.

In this case, the local muscles of the body are affected, resulting in discomfort such as soreness and stiffness.

Fascial problems are not a newly discovered health problem, but they have received more attention in modern medical research.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Fascia is a dense network of connective tissue that is found throughout the body. It encloses not only muscles and bones, but also nerves and blood vessels, providing structural support and protection.

When the fascia is healthy, it helps all parts of the body work in harmony, but when there is a problem with the fascia, such as stickiness, tension or inflammation, it can affect the normal functioning of the body.

Fascial adhesion is a restriction of sliding between fascial layers, resulting in limited movement and pain.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

This often happens in people who are sedentary and inactive, especially those who work in the same position for long periods of time.

This is exactly the case with Wang Lei. He sits in the office every day and does not move for a long time in front of the computer, which can easily lead to tension and stickiness of the fascia.

The main symptoms of fascial stickiness include localized soreness, stiffness, and limitation of motion. These symptoms do not interfere with daily life, but they can be very uncomfortable.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

If left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems, such as muscle strain and arthritis. Under the guidance of Dr. Li, Wang Lei began a series of physiotherapy.

The therapist first performed a detailed examination for him and identified several major fascial sticky sites.

The therapist then developed a detailed treatment plan for him, including massage, warm compresses, stretching exercises, and postural adjustments.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Massage is a common means of fascial relaxation, and manual massage can effectively relieve the tension and stickiness of the fascia.

Warm compresses can improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity of fascia, and help relieve pain. Stretching exercises can help restore normal gliding of the fascia and increase the flexibility of the body.

Posture adjustment is to avoid the recurrence of fascial adhesion and maintain good living habits. Under the guidance of the therapist, Wang Lei performs these treatments on a daily basis.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

It was found that after massage and hot compress, the soreness of the body was significantly reduced, and the flexibility of the body was greatly improved through stretching exercises.

Slowly, his pain gradually disappeared and his body felt much more relaxed. During the treatment, Wang Lei also learned a lot about fascia.

Understand that fascia is not just the connective tissue that wraps around muscles, it is also involved in many important physiological functions.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

For example, fascia transmits force and helps muscles and bones function in harmony; Fascia also stores water and maintains the body's water balance; In addition, fascia is also involved in the immune response, helping the body fight off disease.

Wang Lei not only solved his own health problems, but also learned a lot about fascia. Realize that good health is inseparable from good living habits and scientific maintenance methods.

In the future, he will pay more attention to exercise and rest, and avoid staying in the same position for long periods of time to prevent the recurrence of fascial problems.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Maintain good posture and avoid staying in the same position for long periods of time. When you're working, you can get up and move every once in a while and do some simple stretching exercises to help relax your fascia.

Maintain a moderate amount of exercise to increase the flexibility and muscle strength of the body and help maintain the health of the fascia.

In addition, paying attention to diet and rest, and maintaining good lifestyle habits are also important measures to prevent fascial problems.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute

Due to changes in lifestyle and work habits, modern people tend to ignore fascial health, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms.

Therefore, understanding the function and problems of fascia and taking scientific preventive and therapeutic measures are essential to maintain good health.

I hope that everyone can be like Wang Lei, pay attention to their physical health, find and solve problems in time, and enjoy a healthier life.

Body aches, most of which are caused by fascial stickiness! Illustrate fascial adhesion in 1 minute
[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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