
China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

author:Wang Xianzhi
China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

If we talk about our development history, it must be the peak of our learning state. In the past, China was very hungry for technology, so it made friends all over the world, hoping to make up for its own shortage of technology through learning.

The history of our country's development is very tortuous, and in that era of lack of information, all kinds of technologies are not as good as other countries.

In particular, if the military industry did not have the help of two old friends back then, it is very likely that China's military industrial development technology would be set back by more than 30 years.

When it comes to these two old friends, we still feel a pity. For various reasons, the two countries that once helped us a lot have now gone to the United States.

Nowadays, many advanced weapons in the military industry were born because of the help of these two old friends.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

1. Israel with a conscience?

It is said that Jews have no conscience, are only interested in profit, and can ignore anything for the sake of great profits. However, this phenomenon has not been reflected in our dealings with Israel.

Even going back 30 years, we still have to thank Israel for its help and for helping us break through the bottleneck of advanced equipment. At that time, their style was not at all the same as it is now, and if they did not know that history, they would not have dared to believe that Israel still had a conscience.

In the past history, our country's military industry was very backward, and even the military capabilities of some small countries could not be reached. In order to find a way out, we collect weapons from all over the world for research, trying to discover the mysteries of the military industry.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

But what is infuriating is that there are always certain countries that target us and do not allow other countries to sell advanced weapons to our country. At this time, Israel did not target us, and also transferred the Monster Snake 3 air missile technology to China.

In the 80s, when Israel was poor and white, Israel not only transferred technology, but also built with China in '92. For a long time, Israel will export weapons to China.

It is precisely because of this that we have the technology to research weapons, and because of the missile technology sent by Israel, we have developed our PD8 air-to-air missile.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

Although at that time we were doing business with Israel, using a lot of money to buy weapons. However, at that time, weapons technology could not be bought with money. Some people say that Israel is a qualified businessman, and they will definitely do this good business.

But judging from the results, the upgrading of the military industry also has an indispensable contribution to Israel. Moreover, in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-tank missile systems and other military technologies, there is a shadow of Israel.

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China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

II. Ukraine before Ozawa

At one time, the strength of Ukraine's military-industrial complex reached unprecedented heights - the third in the world, but then it was difficult to return to the top. Before the disintegration, Ukraine already had 3,600 military-industrial enterprises and employed 3.2 million people.

On this basis, Ukraine has one of the largest shipbuilding bases in Soviet times, from which most of the military ships were built. But since Ukraine's secession, it has lost its financial resources.

In order to survive, they sell even advanced weapons.

At that time, China saw these Ukrainian weapons and thought that they must take them home and study them well. As a result, the Su-27's semi-active radar homing head, additional active radar seeker, etc., were bought back by us.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

After buying them back, we are even studying the parts of these weapons, and we very much want to overcome the advanced technology as soon as possible. At this moment, Ukraine threw out another big piece of fat - the Varyag aircraft carrier and a supply ship that has not yet been built.

With these two ships, it is equivalent to Ukraine putting the right answer to building an aircraft carrier in front of our country.

As research continues to deepen, this correct answer is constantly being analyzed. The final parsing is complete.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

The meaning of the Liaoning must be known to everyone, and the construction of the Liaoning is the pride of every Chinese, but the predecessor of the Liaoning is the Varyag, and few people can know it.

From now, it is quite certain that without the Varyag there would be no current Liaoning.

From this point of view alone, Ukraine contributed to the construction of China's first aircraft carrier. It's not appropriate to say that the Liaoning has the blood of the Varyag in its body, after all, it was transformed from this aircraft carrier.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

3. Who's contributing more

Even if we analyze the situation from 2024, we dare not imagine how long our road would have to go without the military support of Ukraine and Israel. With the help of these two old friends, our military industry will not have to take a detour for at least 40 years.

We learned from Israel and Ukraine about drone technology, radar technology, missile technology, aircraft carrier technology, and so on.

Even if they became a military power, there is no denying the contribution they made to China at that time.

But it is debatable to decide who has contributed more, after all, neither country is really a friend.

Israel, for example, sold weapons to China in the first place because China was in a stage of rapid development and had a vast military trade market.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

The most important thing is that the Chinese economy in the 90s has developed, which means that Israel was able to make a lot of profits by selling weapons to us. And in Israel's perception, we are long-term customers and can carry out long-term cooperation.

Therefore, Israel is helping China's military industry with the purpose of doing business. If it were unprofitable, Israel would not have done so.

For example, in 96, Israel and China did an airborne early warning aircraft business with a price of more than $1 billion, which was interrupted by the United States, so they withdrew the order and did not sell it.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

For Ukraine, it would not hurt to be closer to China, which at that time had a close relationship with the former Soviet Union. The most important thing is that China at that time threatened no one, it was a growing country, and there was nothing wrong with doing business with it.

If you want to say who has contributed more, it seems that Ukraine is bigger, but without China's own efforts and efforts, their contribution would be in vain.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

Fourth, the former friends are now no longer friendly

It can be seen from the facts that Ukraine and Israel are no longer friends with us. Even we still have a phenomenon of not speculating with these two countries.

Some people conclude that the fundamental reason why some people in the past have lost friendship now is that China is so strong that they have a sense of crisis.

Seeing China getting stronger and stronger so that you can have a good ally. But they don't want to see China stronger than either of them.

In 96, after the order between Israel and China was cut off by the United States, Israel's attitude towards China changed dramatically. For Israel, there is an old man Sam full of wealth to work with them, and such a great temptation is even more fatal for businessmen.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

Therefore, Israel ran to cooperate with the United States, and during that time, Israel saw the economic strength of the United States and was deeply attracted to the United States. At this time, Lao Mei was able to bring the profit-oblivious businessman under his command with a little means.

From then to now, Israel as we all know it. He has become the hand of the United States and has constantly done things that threaten international security.

In comparison, Ukraine does not have so many eyes, and it is purely a good hand of cards played poorly. Ukraine's geographical position is very unique, it happens to be located between Europe and Great Russia, and it is able to trade with both sides.

But Ukraine is not convinced in the face of the former Russian big brother.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

When the two brothers have a disagreement, someone will instigate them.

The purpose of the initial instigation was to take a fancy to Ukraine's grain and want to use it as a breadbasket for Europe, and then vigorously develop its own economy.

But then it turned sour, and they wanted to cut off all kinds of friends in Ukraine, including China, which was friendly with Ukraine at that time.

Ukraine doesn't have much heart and eyes, and it can't guard against other people's scheming, so it has become a tool used by others.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

Fifth, the current situation after the heart fell to the United States

First of all, let's talk about Israel, the end of making friends with Lao Mei is very miserable. Friends who love to watch politics must know that Israel has been on the news for 23 years, and it is still being chewed by everyone to this day.

Israel is under great pressure to follow the United States, and the United States has absolute strength compared to Israel.

If Israel says the wrong thing, or even makes Lao Mei unhappy, Lao Mei will lose her temper.

Therefore, Israel is now living under the gaze of Lao Mei, and in most cases can only act according to Lao Mei's eyes. In a way, Israel has become one of many countries controlled by the United States.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us

Israel cannot get out of control and can only continue in the so-called direction, with neither a future nor a light in sight.

For Ukraine, dealing with the United States is the equivalent of a child following an adult. Such a huge disparity in strength and mental disparity has led to Ukraine being deceived over and over again.

Ukraine itself has a Maozi brother, and he can develop together with his brother.

Maybe after the two brothers shake hands and make peace, they will have a new future. However, the United States has bewitched Ukraine and embarked on a path without friends. As I walked, I found that there was only Lao Mei around me, and I could only rely on Lao Mei to survive.

Since the two of them followed Lao Meiming, they are really getting worse day by day. I used to be able to eat meat and drink soup, but now I can only eat meals made by Lao Mei.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us


China's two old friends, for various reasons, have completely turned their hearts to the United States. This is a very sad thing for us, because there are so many people in the global village, and we have lost two good friends.

The old friends who helped us now choose a different path, you must know that we are a person who does not forget our roots, even if the development is great, we can also remember that in the early stage of development, there were two countries Ukraine and Israel that helped us.

Moreover, it is the most important military industry that is helped, so that our country can avoid many years of detours.

But now, the Tao is not the same. Old friends have become strangers, and when they say goodbye, they will no longer have the friendship they had back then.

China's two old friends have completely turned their hearts to the United States, and they have exported a large amount of advanced equipment to us


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