
"The First Giantess" Zeng Jinlian: 22 cm taller than Yao Ming, why has she not been buried yet?

author:May Fourth Youth
"The First Giantess" Zeng Jinlian: 22 cm taller than Yao Ming, why has she not been buried yet?

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month in 1982, in a quiet mountain village in Yiyang, Hunan, the spring breeze was blowing, everything was recovering, and the villagers were still immersed in the strong flavor of the New Year and the joy of the New Year. However, on this ordinary day, the sky of Zeng Xianmao's house was suddenly shrouded in a thick layer of haze.

When night fell, Zeng's house was brightly lit, but there were bursts of suppressed crying in the house. When the villagers heard the news, they rushed to find that Zeng Xianmao's daughter Zeng Jinlian, a young life of only 18 years old, had passed away due to illness. Zeng Jinlian, a girl full of vitality and vitality, left this world without warning, which makes people sigh.

After Zeng Jinlian passed away, according to local customs, the villagers spontaneously came to help deal with the aftermath. However, to everyone's surprise, Zeng Xianmao did not prepare a coffin for his daughter, nor did he choose a cemetery. Instead, he asked the hospital to send someone to take Zeng Jinlian's body. This move made the villagers present feel very puzzled, but Zeng Xianmao firmly said that this was his daughter's last wish.

"The First Giantess" Zeng Jinlian: 22 cm taller than Yao Ming, why has she not been buried yet?

Zeng Jinlian, this ordinary rural girl, what is so special? In fact, her height became a hallmark that set her apart. Zeng Jinlian, who was born in the mid-sixties, grew in height at an astonishing rate in that era of material scarcity. Her parents are both less than 1.7 meters tall, but she seems to be genetically unlimited, and has been much taller than her peers since she was five years old. By the age of thirteen, her height had broken through the two-meter mark and became a unique landscape in the village.

Zeng Jinlian's height not only made her stand out from the crowd, but also brought a lot of inconvenience to her life. Her clothes and shoes needed to be customized, especially shoes, because there were no shoes in the market that fit her size, and her mother had to make them for her. In addition, her food volume is also very amazing, and she eats more than three catties of food every time she eats. Despite this, Zeng Xianmao and his wife have never disliked their daughter, they are just worried about whether there is something wrong with their daughter's body. However, due to the family's poor background, they have not been able to take their daughter to a major hospital for a check-up.

Fortunately, at the end of the seventies, Zeng Jinlian was selected by the women's basketball team because of her height advantage and began her basketball training career. Everyone has high hopes for her, thinking that as long as she is willing to train hard, she will definitely be able to shine in the basketball world in the future. However, in the process of training, Zeng Jinlian's physical condition was abnormal. She was unresponsive and lacked energy and was eventually taken to the hospital for a full examination. After the consultation of the doctors, Zeng Jinlian was diagnosed with "gigantism". This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for the Zeng family, and Zeng Jinlian had to give up her basketball dream and return home to recuperate.

Zeng Jinlian's health deteriorated dramatically when she returned home, and eventually died due to blood compression of the thalamus. At the end of her life, she left a last word: she hoped to use her body for medical research as a way to thank those who had helped her. Zeng Xianmao and his wife were grief-stricken, but they respected their daughter's last wishes, contacted the hospital, and donated her body. Today, Zeng Jinlian's remains lie quietly in the exhibition hall of the medical university, becoming the "general teacher" of medical research.

"The First Giantess" Zeng Jinlian: 22 cm taller than Yao Ming, why has she not been buried yet?
"The First Giantess" Zeng Jinlian: 22 cm taller than Yao Ming, why has she not been buried yet?

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