
People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

author:Dr. Puwai Huang

Uncle Wang is a 65-year-old retired teacher. He walks, reads, cooks every morning, and has a pleasant life. However, in recent times, he has always felt abdominal discomfort, especially after meals, and bloating and abdominal pain often bothered him. These problems made him restless and seriously affected his quality of life. At first, Uncle Wang thought that this was a normal phenomenon of aging and deterioration of physical functions, but the situation became more and more serious, and he decided to go to the hospital for examination.

At the hospital, doctors conducted a detailed examination of Uncle Wang, and the results showed that he had irritable bowel syndrome. It is a disease of intestinal dysfunction, which is mainly manifested by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and abnormal bowel movements. The doctor told Uncle Wang that his symptoms were closely related to gut health and could lead to more serious problems if left unattended. Uncle Wang realizes that gut health is not just a simple digestive issue, it has a profound impact on overall health.

People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

People with bad intestines have 2 abnormalities after meals

Bloating and abdominal pain: a common concern for discomfort after meals

Bloating and abdominal pain are typical of an unhealthy gut. Uncle Wang often felt his abdomen full after eating, and sometimes even had severe abdominal pain. This phenomenon is not uncommon in the elderly population. Bloating is usually caused by too much gas in the intestines, and the main causes include indigestion, food intolerances, and an imbalance in the intestinal flora.

Indigestion is one of the main causes of bloating. When food enters the gastrointestinal tract, if the digestion process is not smooth, food debris ferments in the intestines to produce gas, which causes bloating. In addition, some people are intolerant to specific foods such as lactose, gluten, etc., and are prone to symptoms of bloating and abdominal pain after consuming these foods.

An imbalance in the intestinal flora is also an important cause of bloating. There are hundreds of millions of bacteria in the human gut that maintain the normal function of the intestines. When the intestinal flora is out of balance, harmful bacteria increase, which will affect the normal digestion and absorption of food, produce a large amount of gas, and cause bloating. Studies have shown that long-term bloating and abdominal pain may lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa, increasing the risk of enteritis and other intestinal diseases.

People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

Abnormal bowel movements: Warning signs of gut health

Abnormal bowel movements are another common manifestation of intestinal unhealth. In addition to abdominal distension and abdominal pain, Uncle Wang often feels that he has poor bowel movements, and sometimes even cannot have normal bowel movements for several days, and his constipation is serious. On the other hand, sometimes he has diarrhea again, with a noticeable increase in the frequency of bowel movements. This abnormal defecation is also closely related to intestinal dysfunction.

Constipation and diarrhoea are two opposing bowel movements. Constipation usually manifests as a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, dry and hard stools, and difficulty in defecation. There are many causes of constipation, including insufficient dietary fiber intake, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, etc. In addition, long-term stress and mental stress can also lead to constipation.

Diarrhoea is characterized by an increased frequency of bowel movements, loose or even watery stools. The causes of diarrhea are equally complex and can be related to infectious diseases, intestinal inflammation, food poisoning, etc. Intestinal dysfunction is one of the important causes of diarrhea, especially when the intestinal peristalsis is too fast or the intestinal flora is out of balance, food cannot be fully digested and absorbed, resulting in diarrhea.

Abnormal bowel movements not only affect daily life, but can also lead to a range of health problems. Long-term constipation can lead to problems such as anal fissures and hemorrhoids, while diarrhea can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Studies have shown that gut health is closely related to the immune system, and that gut dysfunction can lead to decreased immunity and increased risk of infection and disease.

People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

Irregular diet: The hidden killer of gut health

The impact of irregular diet on gut health is significant. Many people are unable to ensure a regular meal schedule due to their busy work schedule or lifestyle habits, and this eating pattern can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system. The intestines need a fixed time to eat to form a regular digestive rhythm, and irregular eating will disrupt this rhythm, resulting in gastrointestinal peristalsis disorders, which can easily cause indigestion, bloating and other problems. Studies have shown that long-term irregular diets can also lead to an imbalance in the intestinal flora, increasing the risk of irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcers.

To maintain gut health, try to maintain a regular diet. It is recommended to eat three meals a day at regular intervals and avoid overeating. Breakfast should be eaten well, lunch should be full, and dinner should be small. This not only helps with intestinal digestion but also maintains overall health of the body. Especially for dinner, it should not be too greasy and high-calorie, and try to avoid eating within two hours before bedtime to reduce the burden on the stomach. In addition, eating small, frequent meals is also an effective way to eat, and the amount of food eaten at a time should not be too much, which helps the digestion and absorption of the intestines.

People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

Lack of dietary fiber: the number one enemy of the gut

Dietary fiber is essential for gut health. Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, help food pass through the digestive tract, and prevent constipation. It also absorbs water from the intestines, increasing the volume of stool and making bowel movements smoother. Insufficient dietary fiber will slow down intestinal peristalsis, increase the risk of constipation, and over time may lead to diseases such as hemorrhoids and enteritis. In addition, dietary fiber can also provide nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, maintain the balance of intestinal flora, and enhance immunity.

To increase your dietary fiber intake, you can eat more fiber-rich foods. Whole grains such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables such as carrots, spinach, celery, etc., and fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, etc., are all good sources of dietary fiber. You should ensure that you consume 25-30 grams of dietary fiber every day, which not only helps intestinal health, but also prevents chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and abnormal glucose metabolism. At the same time, it is important to drink plenty of water, as cellulose works better under the action of water.

People with bad intestines will have 2 abnormalities after eating! If you want to have a healthy gut, there are 3 habits to be vigilant about

Chronic stress and lack of exercise: the silent killer of gut health

The negative effects of stress and lack of exercise on gut health cannot be ignored. Long-term stress can lead to nervous system disorders, affect intestinal peristalsis, easily cause intestinal dysfunction, diarrhea, constipation and other problems. Stress can also affect the balance of intestinal flora, increase the number of harmful bacteria, decrease the number of beneficial bacteria, and weaken the immune function of the intestines. In addition, stress can also lead to abnormal gastric acid secretion, which can lead to stomach pain, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Moderate exercise can help maintain gut health. Exercise can promote intestinal peristalsis, help food pass through the digestive tract faster, and reduce the occurrence of constipation. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc., can significantly improve gut health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, spread out over several days of the week for about 30 minutes each time. Exercise not only helps with gut health, but also improves cardiovascular function, strengthens the body's immunity, and relieves stress.

Managing stress is just as important for gut health. Stress can be reduced in a variety of ways, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, etc. These methods not only relax the body and mind, but also regulate the nervous system and improve intestinal function. Maintaining a good routine and getting enough sleep can also help reduce stress and improve gut health. Maintaining good social relationships with friends and family and participating in more social activities can also effectively relieve stress and enhance mental health.

In conclusion, to maintain gut health, it is important to be wary of three bad habits: irregular diet, lack of dietary fiber, and chronic stress and lack of exercise. By eating a reasonable diet, increasing dietary fiber intake, exercising moderately, and managing stress, you can effectively maintain intestinal health and improve your quality of life. Everyone should start with the small details of daily life and gradually develop good living habits to escort their intestinal health.