
Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

author:Diary of a Little Monster

The Shenzhong Passage has finally opened! The giant bridge and undersea tunnel project connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan cost 46 billion yuan and took eight years to complete, with a total length of 24 kilometers. Why did this passage, hailed as the project of the century, not adopt a straight design, but chose a more complex curved route?

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

First of all, the reason why the design of the passage is not straight is mainly due to a number of professional considerations. Engineers think about security first. Although the straight line is short, going straight on a long bridge can cause visual fatigue for drivers, which may increase the risk of traffic accidents.

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

Therefore, the passage is designed with a slight bend, which not only keeps the driver alert, but also effectively reduces the incidence of accidents. The geographical location of the Shenzhong Corridor is special, and it needs to have sufficient wind resistance and seawater impact resistance. The curved design enhances the overall stability of the bridge and makes the passage more resistant to extreme weather such as typhoons.

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

At the same time, based on the detailed geological survey results, the linear design may encounter complex seabed geological conditions, which will greatly increase the difficulty and risk of the project. As a result, the engineers chose curved routes that adapted to these complex geological conditions, ensuring the safety and feasibility of the project.

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

In addition to the doubts about the design of the route, many people also raised questions about the choice of a combination of bridges and tunnels. In fact, there is a good reason behind this. Although the undersea tunnel has a large initial investment, it has incomparable advantages in long-term operation. The tunnel is not affected by the weather, can achieve all-weather traffic, and has less impact on the sea lane, which is conducive to the protection of the marine ecological environment and shipping safety.

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

Such a huge project costing 46 billion yuan has naturally caused a lot of discussion about economic benefits. Some people questioned whether it was reasonable to set the fee standard at 67 yuan for a time because the construction cost of the channel was high. Although there is a lot of controversy, we must realize that the significance of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is much more than the balance on the books.

Laughing numb! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel was opened for operation, and the IQ in the comment area was online: Why not build a straight line?

This project also demonstrates China's world-class level in the field of bridge and tunnel construction, and is a reflection of the country's comprehensive strength. In the face of such a complex engineering project, we should respect the opinions of professionals and understand the complex considerations behind the decision. As time goes by, more and more people will realize the significance of this project.