
BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

author:Bullhead Lakers

In the winter of 2016, a taxi driver in Taiyuan died suddenly, which was an ordinary accident. However, a media person named Jia Ke took the opportunity to set off a storm of public opinion against a domestic new energy vehicle brand. In unsubstantiated circumstances, he publicly claimed that the driver had died from an electric shock to his car. The remarks caused an uproar on the Internet.

In the end, the truth came out, and Jia Ke had to apologize publicly. But this incident is like planting a time bomb, laying the groundwork for the future "invisible war".

BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

Who is manipulating the wind of public opinion?

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 2024 has come. China's new energy vehicle industry is booming, with record market share and export figures. However, under this seemingly prosperous appearance, some discordant voices began to quietly appear.

At a high-profile industry forum, Jia Ke appeared again. He said astonishingly: "Chinese cars have reached the best time, but they have reached the most dangerous time." At first glance, these words seem to be reasonable, but under closer inspection, people feel that they have ulterior motives.

Although Jia Ke's remarks were not directly named, anyone with a discerning eye could see who he was targeting. Who are the leading companies in China's new energy vehicle industry? Who has launched a vigorous price war in the near future? The answer is self-explanatory.

Jia Ke believes that the price war in the new energy vehicle industry is pushing China's auto industry into the abyss. But does this view hold water? In fact, the reason why leading enterprises can lead the price war is precisely because of their long-term accumulation in technology research and development, industrial chain integration and market strategy over the years.

BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

A chain reaction triggered by an accidental discovery

Just as people were talking about Jia Ke's remarks, the unexpected discovery of some netizens added a new dimension to the controversy. It turns out that Jaco's background is much more than it seems.

According to the investigation, Jia Ke is not only a legal person and shareholder of many companies, but also holds important positions in many industry associations and forums. The awards he founded and the so-called "university" have also been mired in controversy on several occasions. These intricacies of business relationships call into question the fairness of his statements.

As a former media person, Jia Ke should have adhered to professional ethics and maintained an objective and neutral position. However, his actions raise questions about whether he is using his resources and influence for personal gain.

BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

What kind of entanglements of interests are hidden behind the seemingly glamorous titles of creating forums, selecting awards, and organizing activities? Whether Jia Ke's words and deeds are bringing personal grievances into industry activities is a question worth pondering.

An elaborate "stealth war"?

As more information is unearthed, a troubling fact emerges: the criticism of the leading companies is likely to be an organized, premeditated "invisible war".

Through the forums, media, and resources at his disposal, Jia Ke seems to be consciously guiding public opinion. This kind of behavior not only harms the healthy development of the industry, but also makes people wonder: behind this seemingly objective discussion, is there some unknown exchange of interests?

In the face of this "invisible war", we need to keep a clear head. The development of the new energy vehicle industry is related to the future of the country and should not become a victim of personal grievances or interest games.

BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

As industry participants and observers, we have a responsibility to maintain a level playing field in the industry. We need more objective, rational voices that are not misled by some statements with ulterior motives.

At the same time, this also teaches us a profound lesson: in the era of information explosion, we need to improve our ability to discern and see the essence through phenomena, and not be confused by superficial remarks.


There may be more details about this "invisible war" that have not yet been revealed. But one thing is certain: during this critical period of China's booming auto industry, we need to unite and work together to move the industry forward, rather than getting caught up in unnecessary internal friction.

BYD is still being targeted! Why are Chinese cars at their most dangerous?

As ordinary consumers, we should also keep our eyes open and not be swayed by one-sided remarks. Let us look at the development of the industry with a rational attitude and support enterprises and individuals who truly contribute to China's auto industry.

This "invisible war" will eventually pass, but the future of China's auto industry still needs the joint efforts of each of us. Let us work together to witness a more brilliant tomorrow for China's auto industry!

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