
Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

author:My heart flies

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Wei Dongyi, with his outstanding mathematical talent and amazing problem-solving ability, has become the center of attention. Today, however, we are not just talking about his brilliant achievements in the field of mathematics, but also about a special experience - his first heartwarming trip to the Forbidden City with his cousin.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

Wei Dongyi, this name has long been thunderous in the mathematical community. At a young age, he showed extraordinary mathematical wisdom and won many prizes in various mathematics competitions. His love and dedication to mathematics led him to this challenging path and eventually become a math genius admired by all. But perhaps it is precisely because he devotes so much energy to the world of mathematics that his life seems a bit monotonous and pure.

It was a sunny day, and Wei Dongyi decided to put down the math problem in his hand and walk into the Forbidden City with his cousin to feel the charm of the ancient and mysterious culture. This is a new attempt for him, and it is also a rare relaxation.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

The moment he stepped into the Forbidden City, his eyes flashed with childlike curiosity and excitement. Each exhibit is like a mysterious treasure that beckons him to explore its mysteries. He paused for a long time in front of those exquisite artifacts, carefully observing every detail, as if trying to read the story behind them through the traces of time. For example, when he saw an ancient painting and calligraphy work, he was not only impressed by the exquisite skills, but also tried to understand the author's state of mind and creative inspiration at that time from the brushstrokes and composition.

And this time, Wei Dongyi also dressed himself up with extra care. In the past, he always showed people with a simple and simple image, and for this special trip, he deliberately chose neat and decent clothes. This small gesture fully demonstrates the importance and expectation he attaches to this event.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

During the tour of the Forbidden City, Wei Dongyi always accompanied his cousin. He took good care of his cousin and always paid attention to her needs. When his cousin is tired of walking, he will intimately find a place for her to rest; When my cousin is interested in an exhibit, he will patiently accompany him and discuss and communicate with him. His every subtle gesture reveals his deep love and care for his family. This kind of care is not expressed in words, but in the little things that are embodied in actions.

Wei Dongyi's growth path has not been smooth sailing. In the process of pursuing his dream of mathematics, he has also encountered countless difficulties and setbacks. However, it was the companionship and support of his family that gave him the courage and motivation to move forward. When he is distressed by difficult problems, his family will give him encouragement and comfort. When he achieves results, his family shares the joy with him.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

In this fast-paced era, we often chase success and fame, but ignore the most sincere emotions and companionship around us. Wei Dongyi's trip to the Forbidden City is like a mirror, reflecting the preciousness of life that we have forgotten.

Wei Dongyi's keen interest in the exhibits and culture of the Forbidden City was not a spur of the moment. He is not just looking at the surface, but also thinking and exploring deeply. Just like he does with mathematical problems, he asks questions and wants to understand the underlying logic. When he sees the exquisite layout of the Forbidden City, he thinks of the geometric principles in mathematics and thinks about how to interpret this aesthetic miracle in the language of mathematics. This kind of interdisciplinary collision of ideas gave him a different kind of inspiration in the Forbidden City.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

And his concern for his family is also reflected in every subtle moment. During the tour, perhaps because the sun was a little hot, he would silently hold up a parasol for his cousin; Or maybe when his cousin was thirsty, he would quickly run to buy a bottle of water. These seemingly insignificant gestures contain his deep affection for his family.

There is no shortage of examples of this around us. For example, my friend Xiao Li, he has been determined to be a painter since he was a child. On the road to pursuing his dreams, he encountered countless doubts and setbacks. But his parents always believed in his talent and gave him unconditional support. Enroll him in painting classes, accompany him to visit art exhibitions in various places, and provide him with space and time for creation. It was this companionship and support that allowed Xiao Li to go further and further on the road of painting, and finally realized his dream.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

Back to Wei Dongyi, the companionship and support of his family is a constant source of strength for him. When he immersed himself in math problems, his family's understanding allowed him to be distracted; When he was frustrated by his failure, his family's encouragement brought him back on his feet. This power is invisible, but it is incomparably powerful.

Social competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and people are paying more and more attention to personal achievements and honors. However, Wei Dongyi's story reminds us that on the road to pursuing our dreams, we should not forget to stop, cherish the family around us, and feel their companionship and support. Because, no matter how far we go or how high we fly, our family is always our warmest support.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

Let us follow Wei Dongyi's example, not only to pursue excellence in academics and careers, but also to spread love and warmth in the family. I hope that everyone can be accompanied by their families, bravely chase their dreams, and write their own wonderful life.

The company of his family is like a beacon that illuminates his way forward. I still remember one time, Wei Dongyi participated in an important math competition, and due to the excessive pressure, he fell into extreme anxiety a few days before the competition. It was his parents who were always by his side, telling him light-hearted stories and helping him relieve his tension. In the end, he did well in the competition and achieved excellent results.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

For Wei Dongyi, this trip to the Forbidden City is not only a cultural exploration journey, but also a spiritual baptism. The curiosity and excitement he showed in the Forbidden City let us see his innocent side; His love and attention to his family made us feel the warmth and kindness of his heart; The companionship and support given by his family during his growth also made us understand a truth: no matter how brilliant a person is in the outside world, home will always be his most solid harbor.

Wei Dongyi went to the Palace Museum for the first time, and in front of his cousin, Wei Shen was happy like a child!

Let us wish Wei Dongyi the best of luck in the future, and continue to shine in the field of mathematics, and at the same time, we can write more beautiful chapters together with our families.

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